Kids Domain

Chores and Rewards
Published by K. Jeff Hayes

Age Group: Adults
Type: Teaching Tools
License: $19.95

Peter T. Prunka ( writes:

I've used a Windows program callled "Chores and Rewards" quite successfully. It is easy to use, graphical and rewards kids not only with money but "bonus points" towards other rewards.It's shareware with a timelimit on use of thirty days and costs about $20 to register. We did find, however, that we have had to "re-value" certain chores as the girls matured and as their personal time became more valuable. We also find it important to realign rewards and bonuses as well. This is a good tool for general family discussions on the value of money and work. Quite an object lesson!

Download Details

Win 3.1, Win NT 4.0, or Win 95


Filesize: 200-400 k

Download Sites:

US : Win 95, Win NT (version 2.04)

US : Win 95, Win NT (version 2.03)

US : Win 3.1 (version 2.03)

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