Kids Domain

Break the Wall Demo
Published by Sparkle Productions

Age Group: Age 8 and Up
Type: Math
License: $12 email, $22 on diskette

This is a demo of Break the Wall, a math drill game. The object is to click on bricks that have matching values, and the game can test addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division at different levels of difficulty. This demo allows you to run addition at levels 1 and 5 only.

This is a timed drill program, with great graphics and sound effects. It also keeps statistics for players, so that number of games played, level, number of mistakes, etc, can all be tracked, or printed for a paper record.

Download Details

at least a 486/50 Mhz computer, Win 3.1 or Win 95

Filename: demoguest.htm

Filesize: 1.5 meg

Download Sites:

US : Visit their web site for this program.

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