Kids Domain

Alphabet Soup
Published by Nissen Ventures

Age Group: Beginners
Type: Thinking Games
License: $25

Alphabet Soup allows the child to click on letters, shapes, or numbers to hear their names spoken. With great graphics, smooth animation, digitized speech, sound effects, wonderful music - this game is great for beginning mousers. This is a two-player game that children can experience with their parent or a friend. Each contestant takes turns spelling words with letters in their bowl of alphabet soup. The player is shown a picture and has to spell the word that matches it. As the game progresses, more levels appear and the game skill advances. Players earn points by spelling in their spoon, then eating the words. If their soup gets cold before they finish, a player loses one can. The one with cans at the end wins.

Download Details

mouse, SoundBlaster, Win. 3.1 +


Filesize: 998 KB

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