Kids Domain

Foreign Language downloads

Age 2 to 5

 Billy Bear Learns How to Sign by Billy Bear c/o Loraine Wauer (D)
 Talking Spanish by Dareware (W3)

Age 4 to 8

 Billy Bear Learns How to Sign by Billy Bear c/o Loraine Wauer (D)
 Earth Words for Alien Dinosaurs by Right to Left Software (W3)
 Talking Spanish by Dareware (W3)

Age 8 and Up

 Awale by Guillion Brothers (W3, W95)
 Earth Words for Alien Dinosaurs by Right to Left Software (W3)
 Finger Spelling For Windows by Alan L. Millet (W3)
 French Verbs by James Bryant (W95)
 Spanish Helper by GB Blanchard/ Braser Soft (D, W3, W95)
 Stroke Teacher by CompuJapanese International (W3)
 Ultimate Language Tutor For Windows 95 v4.3 by Ultisoft (W95)

D=Dos, W3=Windows3.x, W95=Windows95

Beginners - Ages 2-5 - Ages 4-8 - Ages 8 up - Grownups

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