Kids Domain

3D Movie Maker
Published by Microsoft

Age Group: Age 8 and Up
Type: Art & Creativity
License: Free demo

The movie makers are no longer just in Hollywood. This game allows use of different characters and settings for anyone to make an original creation. There are a large variety of motions for every character, giving the player freedom to choose between an action film or a romance. If props are necessary, there is a list to choose from. With motion and sound effects, it is possible to make a car come screeching to a halt in front of the actor. Camera angles and background music can be altered, completely changing the mood of the story. The player is only inhibited by their own imagination.

Download Details

Windows 95, 256 color or better, 486 SX/ 50 MHz or better, 12 MB available hard disk space

Filename: 3dmm.exe

Filesize: 3 MB

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