Kids Domain

Word Connection Demo
Published by Sara S. Gaddis, Nordic Software

Age Group: Age 8 and Up
Type: Thinking Games
License: free demo (program 29.95)

Word Connection is a word search game that will challenge the minds of adults and children with a variety of puzzle configurations and a wide range of difficulty levels.

Word Connection's puzzle boards are made of hexagon, square, or triangular shaped cells, each containing a letter. Players form words from letters in connecting cells. Points are awarded based on the number and size of the words found.Word Connection includes hints, puzzle solutions and definitions of words in the puzzles. As you search for words, the game offers hints to help you. At the end of a round of play Word Connection will show you the words you missed and the definitions of any unfamiliar words.

The full version of Word Connection offers a different puzzle every time a round is played. In the demo version only one puzzle is available for the small and medium size boards and the large size puzzles are not available.

Word Connection is recommended for ages seven to adult.

I'm so glad to see this neat program revived! I played with the demo many times years ago, and when I finally tried to buy the full version, I was not able to find it./Nordic Software is now selling a new version of the program, called Word Foundry, for 29.95. Word Foundry also runs on mac plus's up, and has customizable puzzles and other new features.

Download Details

Mac Plus, system 6.0.7 minimum

Filename: WordConnectionDemo.sit.hqx

Filesize: 273 K

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