Kids Domain

Learn to Type (68k)
Published by Cross Worlds Computing

Age Group: Age 8 and Up
Type: Computer Toolbox
License: $15

Learn to Type is a typing tutor that teaches the keys one step at a time. Along with the drills, there is a little typing game that can be played - and if you don't type fast and accurately enough, the crocs will get you! It makes use of common words in the drills to help increase real typing speed and skills. It also keeps a status report for each student.

Clean and clear graphics guide you each step of the way, this is definitely worth a look for those who want to learn to touch type. Uses the Dvorak or QWERTY keyboard layout.

Download Details

System 7.0, 68030 processor (040 recommended), 2127K free ram, 12 inch screen with 256 colours, color or b&w, The fonts Chicago, Courier and Geneva, Quicktime 2.0 or later is required to run the game.

Filename: learn-to-type-151a-68k.hqx

Filesize: 1736 k

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