Kids Domain

Castelodion (Mini)
Published by ImagiNation Enterprises

Age Group: Age 4 to 8
Type: Thinking Games
License: $5

This software was created with children in mind. The program offers a fun mystery game of search through the castle, with side tours that are educational:

  • in the music room, children can learn how to score music and play it back
  • in the library one book offers a spell matching game
  • also in the library, another book offers a "big letter, small letter" matching exercise
  • and in the den, the type writer actually works!

Of course, we can't tell you where any of these rooms are, nor how to get into them, that's part of the mystery!

The spelling book in the library has a hidden feature for adults. If you click on the spelling word while holding down the option key, the "listing" field will appear and allow you to edit and enter new words, maybe those special ones your child is working on in school!

"MiniCastlodion" is made to fit on the MacClassic screen (9"). The original "Castlodion" was designed for the larger screen.

Download Details

HyperCard 2.0 up

Filename: MiniCastlodion.sit.hqx

Filesize: 1240 k

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