Kids Domain

Casper's Flip Book
Published by Trendmasters, Inc

Age Group: Age 4 to 8
Type: More Fun
License: free

Casper the ghost is a scuba diver, or a pirate, or a magician! You decide!

Click on the red and blue arrows to flip through a book of different phrases. The phrases are set u to form sentences. Some things make sense: "Is that Poil? She's so cool - that wherever she goes- she makes tons of new friends!" But sometimes the phrases come together to form crazy things: "Casper's such a fast shortstop- that when he has a gigantic elephant hidden under his vest- he leaves a slimy trail wherever he goes!"

Kids will get a kick out of this one, because bold illustrations flip when the cards do. Next to the card about baseball, we see a ghost in a baseball cap. After flipping the one underneath, there is a ghost with a baseball hat and a leather jacket. So, in this way, there are lots of giggles when one of the characters end up in a magicians vest and scuba flippers!

Download Details

color mac

Filename: flipbook.sea.hqx

Filesize: 1.2 meg

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