Hellenic Ministry of Culture


This is a sensitive map. It is also a "magic" map. Behind each icon you see on your screen lays a fascinating piece of the Greek history. If you wish to learn about it, just select the icon of your preference on the map or the corresponding title in the tables underneath. MAP LEGEND
Museum - Collection - Gallery
Archaeological Site - Ancient Monument
Byzantine Site - Byzantine Monument
Recent (after 1830) Monument - Architectural Ensemble

1National Archaeological Museum of Athens
2The Acropolis Museum
3Archaeological Museum of Kerameikos
4Epigraphical Museum of Athens
5Numismatic Museum of Athens
6Museum of the Ancient Agora of Athens
7Paul and Alexandra Kanellopoulos' Museum
8Center of Acropolis Studies
9Byzantine Museum of Athens
10Folk Art Museum of Athens
11National Gallery of Athens
12National Historical Museum
13Railway Museum of Athens
14Cartoon Museum
15Museum of Engravings and Graphic Arts
16Museum-Art Collection of the National Bank
17Philatelic Museum
18Museum and Study Centre of the Greek Theatre
19Gallery of the Municipality of Athens
20War Museum of Athens
21Centre for the Study of Traditional Pottery
22Museum of Popular Instruments Research Centre for Ethnomusicology
23Museum of the History of the Greek Costume of the Lyceum Club of Greek Women

A1The Acropolis of Athens
A2The Southern Slope of the Acropolis
A3The Ancient Agora of Athens
A4The Roman Agora of Athens
A5The Pnyx
A6Archaeological site of Kerameikos
A7Archaeological site of the Olympieion
A8Academy of Plato
A9Panathenaic Stadium
A10Cave of Prophet Elias
A11Hadrian's Library
A12Horologion of Andronicos (Tower of the Winds)
A13Lysikrates Monument
A14Philopappos Monument
A15Hadrian's Arch
B1Church of the Gorgoepikoos
B2Kapnikarea Church
B3Aghioi Theodoroi Church
N1The Eye-Clinic
N2Students' Club of the University of Athens
N3Gas Factory Workshops
N4Athens City Hall
N5Poulopoulos Old Hat-Factory
N6Rail-way Station (Piraeus-Peloponnese)
N7Office Building in Athenas Street
N837 Dionysiou Areopagitou Building
N917 Dionysiou Areopagitou Building
N10Iliou Melathron
N11The Parliament Building
N12The Cathedral of Athens
N13The University of Athens Building
N14The National Theater Building
N15The National Bank of Greece Building
N16Melas Mansion
N17National Technical University
N18Athens Academy
N19National Library
N20Old Parliament Building
N21FIX Factory

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