The White Bear

By Emma Bowen

Once upon a time there was a man who had a white bear. Now this bear was so beautiful that the man decided he would take it to see the king.

When they set off it was summer and the sun warmed them on their way.

Soon it became autumn and leaves fell from the trees.

Then it was winter and the snow fell thick and fast.

On Christmas Eve they came to a cottage in the woods. They were very cold and very hungry. They had not eaten for three days.

The snow crunched beneath their feet. It covered the trees. It's icy breath blew into their faces. They looked like white ghosts drifting through the forest.

So they knocked at the door of the cottage hoping for shelter. Slowly the door opened and out came an old man. Now this man was very clever.

"Come in my boy, come in," he said in a cheery voice.

The man entered the house. He looked around. The walls were grey and the floor was damp and wet but at the far end of the room there was a fire.

As the man walked closer he got warmer and warmer. Then the old man said "Have a cup of tea with me." As they sat in front of the warm cosy fire they talked. The man said "What are you doing here in the wood?"

"I am going to take my bear to see the king" he said proudly. Now this man was a little blind so he had not noticed the bear until now.

"Bears in my house, get out, get out." The man slowly walked out.

Then he stopped and thought. If the bear stays out then I can stay inside. So the man kicked the bear out and said to the man "I am staying."

The next morning the man got up early and went out and saw a heap of fur and in the distance he could see his bear with another bear and lots of little bears.

The End

See also Tottles the Bear.

Copyright © 1996-1997 Emma Bowen. All rights reserved.

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