§ Party Hats! §

by Alice Bowen, with Emma's help

January 1996

Materials needed

  1. 1 sheet of paper
  2. ½ a sheet of paper
Fold =  - - - - - - 
Cut = X----------

Point: Cut ½ sheet like this:

 _______                              _______ 
 |  |  |                              |     | 
 |  |  |                              |     | 
 |  |  |                              ------X 
 |  |  |                              |     | 
 |__X__|                              |_____| 

Right way                            Wrong way


  1. Take the whole sheet and fold in ½:
    |     |
    |_ _ _|
    |     |
  2. Fold down corners.
    |    |\    
    |  / | \   
    |    |  \  
    |/   |   \ 
    |    |____\
    |         |

    Point: Make sure the top is pointed.

  3. Fold up flaps 1 and 2:
        /|\             /|\    
       / | \           / | \   
      /  |  \        _/__|__\_ 
     /   |   \      |    1    |
    /____|____\     |_________|
    |         |                
  4. Get the ½ sheet and cut up, but not to the top.
    |     |
  5. Roll up the paper but do not stick.
    |  |
  6. Cut off the top of the hat and push the top piece in.
       / | \   
    |         |
  7. Colour in the hat.

    Point: If you want the tassle coloured, colour it before cutting it.

If you have done it, try making a bigger and a better one.

Note: Alice produced these instructions, including illustrations, unsupervised on the whiteboard in my office on 2nd January 1996. Emma helped, especially colouring the hats. Jonathan Bowen, 15th January 1996.

Copyright © 1996 Alice Bowen. All rights reserved.