Hedgehog Underground

By Emma Bowen

14 July 1994

Under a bramble bush I found a hedgehog trying to dig a hole but I didn't know what it was doing really. I thought to myself "What is it doing? Is it finding a baby or is it finding a leaf?" But I didn't know what it was doing. I said "I'd better leave it alone."

Then I asked my mother if I could go to town. She said I could go to town. But I didn't realise the hedgehog had followed me underground. When I stopped in front of a shop the hedgehog lifted me up. It had actually lifted me from the pavement.

I tried to walk away from it but I was still standing on the hedgehog. Then I had an idea. I managed to get into the shop and bought myself a hedgehog suit. Then I said "I'd better get a spade too because I think I'll need it." I went out of the shop and left my things in a basket. Of course I paid for them.

I took my spade out of the basket and started to dig into the ground. But then I remembered one thing that I had forgotten to buy so I picked up my basket and my spade, went back into the shop. and found a torch. Whilst I was waiting in the queue to pay I said "There is something else I've forgotten. What can it be? Oh yes, it was a spreader, I'll go and get it now." By the time I had got back, there was nobody in the queue, so I bought my things and went out of the shop.

Then I went out of the shop and dug some more. until there was a large hole big enough for me to go in. I took my torch and all my other things and went into the hole. I smoothed down the pavement, clicked on my torch so it was light and dug through the hole until I found the hedgehog. I picked him up and put him in my basket, put all my things in the basket and with my spade I dug up to the pavement. When I had got there I smoothed down the pavement, started to walk back to home,put the hedgehog back in the bramble bush and went back to my house just behind the bramble bush.

The End


Copyright © 1994 Emma Bowen. All rights reserved.