Alice's Day Out

Alice's day has just begun,
We're off to town to have some fun.
The train is bumpy but we don't care,
Mummy insists that we comb our hair.

We're going to see the palace and Queen,
It's very exciting if you haven't been.
Alice stands in front of the gate
But come on Alice, or we'll be late.

The taxi's arrived, we must get on.
Mummy turns round and Alice has gone.
She's run round the corner for a better view
But what is poor mummy going to do?

Whatever has happened to little Miss Alice?
She's lost herself at the back of the palace.
Her mummy is searching high and low
Oh where, oh where did Alice go?

She's walking around the edge of the lake.
Oh please be careful for mummy's sake!
There are ducks and drakes, and a great big swan
And mummy still wonders where Alice has gone.

Alice is happy, she's free as a bird.
Mummy's worry is so absurd!
She's feeding the ducks and laughing with glee
But my, oh my - it's time for tea!

Here comes mummy to take us home.
We've had such a good time and we've lost our comb!
Mummy looks angry, I can't think why.
Where is the Queen to say ``Goodbye''?

Back on the train and home for tea,
We've missed all the things we were going to see.
Lots of cream buns, we feel so well fed.
It was all great fun, but it's time for bed.

Copyright © 1986 Jonathan Bowen. All rights reserved.
