[Oxford] [University]

Oxford Information

Recent addition: Oxfordshire County Council
This is an eclectic collection of World Wide Web services providing information relevant to and about Oxford, particularly but not exclusively the University:
* Accommodation
* City Council (New)
* Colleges
* Departments
* Education
* Films
* General
* Guide
* Hotels and accommodation
* Libraries
* Maps
* Museums
* Organizations
* Photographs
* Publications
* Public houses
* Schools
* Shops
* Theatre
* Timetables
* University
* Weather
* Other information




See also:


(New) University of Oxford museums and collections: Selected other museums and galleries in Oxford: See also:


  1. All Souls College (library)
  2. Balliol College
  3. Brasenose College
  4. Christ Church
  5. Corpus Christi College
  6. Exeter College
  7. Green College
  8. Harris Manchester College
  9. Hertford College
  10. Jesus College
  11. Keble College
  12. Kellogg College
  13. Lady Margaret Hall
  14. Linacre College
  15. Lincoln College
  16. Magdalen College
  17. Mansfield College
  18. Merton College
  19. New College
  20. Nuffield College
  21. Oriel College
  22. Pembroke College
  23. The Queen's College
  24. St. Anne's College
  25. St. Antony's College
  26. St. Catherine's College
  27. St. Cross College
  28. St. Edmund Hall
  29. St. Hilda's College
  30. St. Hugh's College
  31. St. John's College
  32. St. Peter's College
  33. Somerville College
  34. Templeton College
  35. Trinity College
  36. University College
  37. Wadham College
  38. Wolfson College
  39. Worcester College

Permanent Private Halls

  1. Blackfriars Hall
  2. Campion Hall
  3. Greyfriars
  4. Regent's Park College
  5. St. Benet's Hall
  6. Wycliffe Hall
See also:

Shops (New)

See also a selection of virtual shopping, book stores, and Shopping in Oxford from OXLink.


The following other local organizations not mentioned above provide on-line information:

See also businesses around Oxford.

Other information

Various searching facilities are available:

The following information may also be of interest:

Selected other places of possible interest:

See also:

To avoid confusion, the following are not associated with Oxford, England:

This page was mentioned in:
Tourism Resources by Sean Clarke. NetUser, Issue 1, pages 96-100, Spring 1995.

Acknowledgements: Thank you to Ray Bellis for the nice Oxford University crests and Chuck Musciano (via Mike Smith) for the transparent backgrounds.

This service was initiated by Jonathan Bowen as part of the OUCL archive.
Additions, corrections and other suggestions are welcome, especially for entries such as colleges without links in the lists above.

Email: www@comlab.ox.ac.uk