[[[-7, "Do snakes like the cold?", "No", "Yes", "No, snakes like sunshine and heat. During the winter months in the north, they mostly sleep. They are poikilothermic animals and need a warm environment.", [1, 1]], [-7, "Do snakes need to eat every day?", "No", "Yes", "Large snakes can swallow prey weighing 50 kilos, and they need time to digest the food. There are examples of snakes who have not eaten for 500 days.", [1, 2]], [0, "What is the study of snakes called?", "Herpetology", "Terrology", "Reptilology", "Hissology", "Snakeology", "The study of snakes is called herpetology.", [1, 3]]], [[0, "What category of animals do rats belong to?", "Mammals", "Huvudfotingar", "Poikilothermic animals", "Sewer animals", "Dogs", "Rats belong to the order of rodents in the category of mammals.", [2, 1]], [0, "What do rats eat?", "They are omnivores", "Only meat", "Only vegetables", "Only grass", "Only honey", "Rats are omnivores.", [2, 2]], [-7, "Why is rat poison such an efficient way of killing rats?", "They can’t vomit", "They are rodents", "Rats can’t vomit. Because of this, they are very careful about eating things they have never tried before. But it also makes rat poison very efficient, if a sufficient amount is taken.", [2, 3]]], [[0, "What class of animals do lizards belong to?", "Reptiles", "Invertebrates", "Mammals", "Warm-blooded", "Siamese", "Lizards are reptiles. Other reptiles are snakes, tortoises and crocodiles.", [3, 1]], [-7, "Are there poisonous lizards?", "Yes", "No", "In southern U.S.A. and in Mexico there are two kinds of poisonous lizards with fangs. The best-known kind of poisonous lizard is the Gila monster. Being bitten by this lizard can be lethal.", [3, 2]], [0, "The largest lizard currently alive is greyish black and can have a length of 3 metres. It is a carnivore and is not recommended as a pet."&RETURN&""&RETURN&"What is the name of this lizard?", "Giant varan", "Gila", "Gecko", "Giant iguana", "Giant lizard", "The Comodo varan or giant varan lives on some small islands in Indonesia, e.g. Comodo to the east of Java.", [3, 3]]], [[0, "It is common to feed waltzing mice to other animals."&RETURN&""&RETURN&"What animal likes eating waltzing mice?", "Snake", "Dog", "Rabbit", "Fish", "Bear", "Snakes like to eat waltzing mice.", [4, 1]], [0, "Where did the waltzing mouse originate from?", "East Asia", "Africa", "Southern Europe", "Greenland", "Australia", "The waltzing mouse is an East Asian variety of mouse.", [4, 2]], [0, "The waltzing mouse runs around in circles or spins around. It looks as if it is dancing."&RETURN&""&RETURN&"Why does the waltzing mouse dance?", "Its sense of balance is damaged", "It is happy", "It likes music", "It enjoys performing", "The reason is not known", "The waltzing mouse dances because its sense of balance is damaged.", [4, 3]]], [[0, "Where did the hamster originally come from?", "Romania", "Africa", "England", "South America", "Australia", "Hamsters originally came from France or Romania. The Romanian kind is the most common one.", [5, 1]], [0, "What is the name of the animal in the picture?", "Hamster", "Guinea pig", "Opossum", "Dansmus", "Nocturnal mouse", "The animal is a hamster.", [5, 2]]], [[0, "How many baby rabbits are there usually in one litter?", "3-8", "1-2", "9-12", "10-14", "0-2", "There are three to eight baby rabbits in most litters.", [6, 1]], [0, "What kind of entertainer do you associate with rabbits?", "Magicians", "Acrobats", "Trapeze artists", "Clowns", "Ventriloquists", "Many magicians have a trick where they pull rabbits out of a hat.", [6, 2]]], [[0, "Where did the budgie originally come from?", "Australia", "Asia", "Middle East", "South America", "North America", "The budgie originally came from Australia.", [7, 1]], [-7, "Can budgies sing and mimick sounds?", "Yes", "No", "Budgies and their cousins, the parrots, are very good at mimicking and “talking”.", [7, 2]], [0, "You can see whether a budgie is a he or a she by looking at the colour of the cere."&RETURN&""&RETURN&"What colour is the cere of a female budgie?", "Brown", "Yellow", "Red", "Black", "Orange", "A female budgie has brown cere and a male budgie has blue cere.", [7, 3]]], [[0, "What is the name of the container of water, usually made of glass, where fish are kept?", "Aquarium", "Terrarium", "Glass bowl", "Crystal ball", "Tank", "Fish are usually kept in a glass aquarium.", [8, 1]], [0, "Where do the most beautiful and colourful fish come from?", "From the tropics", "From the North Pole", "From the Antarctic", "From Japan", "From India", "The most beautiful and colourful fish come from the warm waters of the tropics.", [8, 2]], [0, "Where did goldfish originally come from?", "China", "Turkey", "Norway", "USA", "Tanzania", "Goldfish originally came from China.", [8, 3]]], [[-7, "When you are training a dog, you sometimes give it some goodies."&RETURN&""&RETURN&"Why do you do that?", "As a reward", "As a punishment", "If the dog obeys you when you are training it, it deserves a reward.", [9, 1]], [0, "What is the name of Mickey Mouse’s pet?", "Pluto", "Milou", "Jerry", "Devil", "Dino", "Mickey Mouse’s dog is called Pluto.", [9, 2]]], [[0, "There are several reasons for having plants in an aquarium."&RETURN&""&RETURN&"What is the main reason?", "Create ecological balance", "They are decorative", "They are green", "They need water", "To feed the fish", "The plants produce oxygene, bind carbon dioxide and act as protection for some fish. They also purify the water by absorbing the faeces of the fish. This creates ecological balance in the aquarium.", [10, 1]], [0, "When did keeping an aquarium become a hobby in Europe?", "1890s", "1920s", "1940s", "1960s", "1950s", "Keeping an aquarium became a hobby in Europe in the 1890s.", [10, 2]]], [[0, "How old can a parrot live to be?", "Over 80 years", "Up to 20 years", "One year", "11 months at the most", "Up to 50 years", "Parrots can live to be very old, over 80 years.", [11, 1]], [0, "What is the name of the kind of parrot that has a bunch of feathers on top of their head?", "Cockatoo", "Ara", "Jakon", "Lori", "Singing parrot", "The cockatoo has a characteristic bunch of feathers on top of its head. It also has a very strong beak.", [11, 2]], [0, "What was the colour of the dead parrot in the Monty Python sketch?", "Norwegian blue", "Red", "Yellow and green", "White", "Turkish turqouise", "The dead parrot was a Norwegian blue.", [11, 3]]]]