[[[0, "What is the name of the park designed by the architect Gaudi in Barcelona? The park has beautiful fountains with intriguing patterns.", "Parc Guell", "Parque Prado", "Parcas", "Parc Formenter", "Parc Neu", "Parc Guell is the name of the intriguing park in Barcelona designed by the architect Gaudi.", [1, 1]], [0, "What language is spoken in Catalonia?", "Catalan", "French", "Galician", "Basque", "Latin", "Catalan is spoken in Catalonia. Catalan is one of the oldest European languages originating from Latin.", [1, 2]], [0, "What is the name of the region where Barcelona is the main city?", "Catalonia", "Galicia", "Aragon", "Castilla", "Andalusia", "Barcelona is the main city of Catalonia, which was earlier a principality.", [1, 3]]], [[1, "What is the name of the Spanish currency?", "Peseta", "The Spanish currency is peseta. One peseta is one hundred céntimos.", [2, 1]], [0, "What is the main religion of Spain?", "Catholicism", "Protestantism", "Islam", "Hinduism", "Buddhism", "Spain is a Catholic country.", [2, 2]], [0, "When was the Spanish Civil War?", "1936 - 1939", "1914 - 1918", "1938 - 1942", "1867 - 1903", "1902 - 1905", "The Spanish Civil War lasted three years; 1936 to 1939.", [2, 3]]], [[2, "Barcelona has hosted the Olympic Games."&RETURN&""&RETURN&"When was that?", ".", "1992", "1920", "1996", "4", "Barcelona hosted the Olympic Games in 1992.", [3, 1]], [0, "What is the name of the most important football team in Catalonia?", "Barcelona", "Milan", "Sampdoria", "Real Madrid", "Valencia", "FC Barcelona, or Barca, is the most important football team in Catalonia.", [3, 2]], [0, "There is a female tennis star who was born in Catalonia."&RETURN&""&RETURN&"What is her name?", "Arantxa Sanchez Vicario", "Isabella Allende", "Christina Peri Rossi", "Ana Luisa Valdés", "Sankta Teresa", "Arantxa Sanchez Vicario from Catalonia is one of the best tennis players in the world.", [3, 3]]], [[0, "There was a civil war in Spain between 1936 and 1939."&RETURN&""&RETURN&"Who had the political power after the war?", "Franco", "Stalin", "Hitler", "Pinochet", "Bismarck", "After the Spanish Civil War, Spain became a dictatorship under Francisco Franco. He died in 1975, and the first free elections since the 1930’s were held in 1977.", [4, 1]], [2, "Mulhacén is the highest mountan in Spain."&RETURN&""&RETURN&"How high is it?", "metres", "3840", "2940", "4140", "100", "The height of Mulhacén is 3,840 metres. Mulhacén is part of the Sierra Nevada mountains in southern Spain.", [4, 2]], [2, "There are several autonomous regions that have their own parliament and government."&RETURN&""&RETURN&"How many such regions are there?", ".", "17", "3", "25", "2", "There are 17 autonomous regions in Spain.", [4, 3]]], [[1, "Spain is a popular destination for sun starved tourists."&RETURN&""&RETURN&"What is the name of the coastal area between Barcelona and France?", "Costa Brava", "The Costa Brava is situated between Barcelona and France.", [5, 1]], [0, "Spain and Portugal are situated on a peninsula."&RETURN&""&RETURN&"What is the name of this peninsula?", "Iberia", "The Spanish peninsula", "The Southern European peninsula", "Atlas", "Graco", "Spain and Portugal are situated on the peninsula of Iberia.", [5, 2]]], [[0, "What is the name of the famous street in the picture?", "Las Ramblas", "5th Avenue", "Champs-Élysées", "Downing Street", "Tapas", "The name of the street is Las Ramblas, and it is popular to stroll here.", [6, 1]], [1, "She is one of the most famous opera singers in the world. Her song about Barcelona was the official song of the Olympic Games. "&RETURN&""&RETURN&"What is her name?", "Montserrat Caballé", "Montserrat Caballé, who sang “Barcelona, Barcelona” in 1992, is one of the most famous opera singers in the world.", [6, 2]], [0, "If someone from Spain invites you for “tapas”, what will you get?", "Many small dishes", "Wine", "Cheese", "Vegetables", "Chocolates", "“Tapas” are many small dishes. You can have this in all Spanish regions. It is for instance olives, anchovy, diced ham, etc. served on small plates.", [6, 3]]], [[0, "How many inhabitants are there in Barcelona?", "1.6 million", "8 million", "11 million", "3.4 million", "0.5 million", "There are approximately 1.6 million inhabitants in Barcelona.", [7, 1]], [1, "A very famous artist lived in Barcelona for long periods of time before he moved to Paris. One of his paintings is called “Guernica”."&RETURN&""&RETURN&"What is his name?", "Pablo Picasso", "Pablo Picasso lived in Barcelona when he was young. Later he moved to Paris, where he became one of the most important painters of our century.", [7, 2]], [0, "He is famous for his surrealistic paintings and experimental films."&RETURN&""&RETURN&"What is his name?", "Salvador Dali", "Jacques Santer", "Fjodor Dostojevskij", "Gustav Mahler", "Vincent van Gogh", "Salvador Dali was a provocative Catalan painter who lived in Paris for long periods of time.", [7, 3]]], [[0, "In Spain you can find the largest plateau in Europe."&RETURN&""&RETURN&"What is the name of the plateau?", "Meseta", "Perro", "Boccadillo", "Rioja", "Bolero", "The name of the plateau is Meseta. The height is 800 metres.", [8, 1]], [0, "What is the name of the mountain range that makes up the border between Spain and France?", "The Pyrenées", "The Andes", "Himalaya", "The Ardennes", "The Apennines", "The mountain chain is called the Pyrenées and has a length of 450 km.", [8, 2]], [0, "What was the Spanish dictator Franco called?", "The Chief", "The Master", "The Peace Dove", "The Fish", "The Leader", "Francisco Franco was called “El caudillo”, which means The Chief.", [8, 3]]], [[0, "What is the name of the unfinished church designed by the architect Gaudi?", "Sagrada Familia", "Notre Dame", "La Merced", "Santa Maria", "Volant", "The church “Sagrada Familia” was never finished as Gaudi died in a road accident.", [9, 1]], [1, "What is the name of the architect who designed the “Sagrada Familia” church?", "Gaudi", "Antonio Gaudi (1852 - 1926) was the most important architect in Catalonia. He designed some of the best-known buildings and churches in Barcelona.", [9, 2]], [-7, "Is Catalan a language?", "Yes", "No", "In addition to Spanish, they speak Catalan, Basque and Galician in Spain.", [9, 3]]], [[-1, "Point to Spain on the map.", "lk", "Spain is situated to the south of France and to the east of Portugal.", "P10*1", [10, 1]]], [[-6, "Barcelona", "Madrid", "Malaga", "Seville", "Bilbao", "Gijon", "Mallorca", "France", "Cordoba", "Ebro", "Portugal", "FC", [11, 1]]]]