Amok One-level Demo Instructions System Requirements: 486-DX2 Cd-rom drive Windows 95 with DirectX (Amok retail-version will run in Dos, too) 8 MB Ram Recommended: 16 MB Ram or more Soundcard Pentium 100 or better 2x Cd-rom drive or better Installation Amok doesn't install any files, but requires DirectX to be installed. To run Amok, execute the file \AMOKFILS\FILES95\AMOKWIN.EXE Standard keydefinitions are: Up/down Walk forward/backward Left/right Turn left/right Shift Toggle run Alt Toggle sidesteps Ctrl Fire Space Fire normal missile Enter Throw bomb Backspace Fire heavy missile The undefinable controls are: ESC stop cutscene Shift-ESC exit current game Tab or P pause the game and show the map F1 Change view (Normal/near/far) F3-F4 Change resolution F5-F6 Change music volume F7-F8 Change soundeffect volume F9 Toggle music on/off Alt-F4 Exit Amok F2 Toggle fullscreen/window mode F12 Screenshot(ingame and replays only - window mode only) Right mousebutton (in fullscreen mode) Change to window mode Right mousebutton (in window mode) Resolution menu In windows mode it is also possible to resize the window Notes: If you are experiencing problems with the keyboard handler "forgetting" keys when pressing many keys at the same time, we recommend trying different keyboard-definitions, as this happens because of bad keyboard designs.