SHIP RACE SETUP ----------------------------ENGLISH------------------------------- Windows 95 : Run "Setup.exe". Windows 3.1 : If your system does not include Win32s, you have to install it. You can find Win32s on the Microsoft Web : or : choose "SUPPORT" then choose "Microsoft Knowledge Base" and choose "FILE:Microsoft Win32s Upgrade" To install ShipRace, Run "Setup.exe". ----------------------------FRANCAIS------------------------------ Windows 95 : Lancez "Setup.exe". Windows 3.1 : Vous devez installer Win32s si votre systeme ne l'integre pas deja. Vous trouverez Win32s sur le site Microsoft : ou : selectionez "SUPPORT" puis "Microsoft Knowledge Base" et enfin "FILE:Microsoft Win32s Upgrade" Lancez ensuite "Setup.exe" pour installer ShipRace.