README FILE for: 'N and C' version 1.0 copyright Alex Burmester 1997 -------------------- Software Documentation: N and C is a simple version of Noughts and Crosses. It can be played either against the computer or another player(or yourself if you wish!). Player options are accessed from the new game menu, which is a sub-menu of the File menu. When the game loads, a new game with the computer automatically starts. When playing against the computer, the human player is always crosses. Which side goes first is determined randomly. If the random 'coin toss' goes in favour of the computer, you will see a nought somewhere on the board. On the other hand, if the 'coin toss' goes in your favour, the board will be blank. After the game is finished, a new one will start automatically. When it is a human player's turn, a simple click over the square in which you want to place your nought(2-player only) or cross is all that is needed. When a result is reached, a message will be displayed. When a two-player game is started, a random 'coin toss' occurs and a message is displayed saying which side goes first. When a result is reached in a two-player game, a message is displayed with the fact(as in a single-player game) and the board will be cleared and a one-player game will automatically start. -------------------- Rules of Noughts and Crosses: Simple. The side that is first able to make a line of three of their pieces across the board(vertical, horizontal or diagonal) wins! -------------------- For updates/additional information: Web Site: E-Mail: BBS: +61 7 38763430 (Number is local to Brisbane, Australia) Online: 6pm-6am(EST)