Leap Frog 2.1 - Shareware Version Leap Frog v2.1 is one of Monty's Games from MG Software. This Windows game is a one or two player strategy game with six levels, each level has a unique playing field. To play the game you simply jump your opponents frogs to turn them into your own. You must land in an open cell but you can not jump over an open cell. Your jumps must be either horizontal, vertical, or diagonal. The computer won't let you do anything illegal. You win the level if you have the most frogs at the end of that level. You win the game if you have the most points at the end of the game. If you trap your opponent (he has no place to jump even though there are open cells in the playing field) you will earn extra points. In the 'one player' mode you play against the computer. You can set the difficulty of play. The EASY setting is good for very young kids, while the HARD setting will challenge most adults. In the 'two player' mode you can play against one of your friends. You can choose to listen to five different classical works by famous composers like Bach, Beethoven, Brahms and Chopin. This game is shareware, but the registration is only $5.00. This is a unique game that you should check out. TOP-10 scores are recorded for each difficulty level. SoundBlaster support for music and sound effects. Requires Windows 3.1 or Windows 95, VGA, mouse, 768k on hard drive, 80386 or higher. A complete listing and descriptions of the latest versions of Monty's Games can be found on the internet at - WINDOWS - http://users.aol.com/montyg/homepage/mgames2.html DOS - http://users.aol.com/montyg/homepage/mgames.html