Using the program Dice The purpose of dice is to provide entertainment with a computerized version of the popular casino game craps. This game is for entertainment purposes only. Installing dice on you hard drive. Start windows and click on File in the upper left hand corner of File Manager. Click on Run and type and enter a:\install if the source disk is in A drive. Substitute for A: if in another drive. Install will create a directory on your hard drive called C:\DICE and make icons for the program. Advantages of registering: When you register (see register.txt) you will receive a registered copy of dice. Registration costs $10 + $2 shipping and handling and shows that you support Shareware. If your e-mail software supports attachments the program can be sent to you by e-mail. Using the program: Game Menu You must start a new game before any bets can be placed. To start a new game click on the game menu or press alt-G. Select New Game from the game menu. Enter the number of players by either using the arrow keys or the mouse. Enter the name of each player one by one when asked. To quit playing the dice game choose exit from the new game menu. Betting To place a bet click on the bet button. Enter the desired value in the appropriate space. Use the tab key or mouse to select different bets. Rolling the dice To roll the dice click on the roll button. The roll will be shown and you will be notified of any bets you may have lost. The amount of money each player has to the good will be displayed after every roll in which there is a win or loss. If you win a bet the money you bet initially automatically is rolled over to the next bet unless you depress the bet button to change the bet. General Rules of "Craps" On the shooters first roll he must either shoot a seven or eleven to win immediately. If the shooter rolls a two, three, or twelve on the first roll ( "craps") the shooter loses outright. Other numbers other than these result in the shooter obtaining a point which is equal to the value of the dice. The shooter may then win on subsequent rolls if he rolls his point before rolling a seven. Placing Bets: Come This bet is made when the shooter has already established his point. It is the same as a line bet, except that the shooter's next roll will be considered as his come-out roll. If the shooter's next roll is a 7 or 11 the come bettor wins immediately. If the next roll is a 2,3, or 12 the bettor loses immediately. If the come bettor does not win or loose on the first roll a point is established for the bettor. The bet is then the same as a line bet except that the shooter and the come bettor will have different points and will win or lose at different times. The odds are even money. Don't Come Bet This bet is the opposite of a come bet, made when the shooter has established his point. The double six is barred. The odds are even money. Line Bet When you place a line bet you are betting that the shooter will win. The payoff is even money. Don't pass bar A don't pass bar bet means that your are betting that the shooter will lose. The bet is even money. If a double six is thrown the bet is void and you must wait for another throw. Big Six/Big Eight This is a bet that a six or an eight will appear before a seven. Even money odds. Field This is a bet that the group of numbers on the playing surface will appear on the next roll. The numbers are 2,3,4,9,10,11, or 12. The double 12 and double 1 are paid double, all other numbers will be paid even money. Hardway This is a bet that 4,6,8, or 10 will be made by throwing a double before it is made any other way or before a 7 is thrown. The odds are listed below: 4: 8 for 1 6: 10 for 1 8: 10 for 1 10: 8 for 1 Box Numbers Bets that the number chosen will be thrown before a 7. The odds are listed below: 4 and 10 : 9 for 5 5 and 9 : 7 for 5 6 and 8 : 7 for 6 One-Roll Bets These are bets that a certain throw will occur on the next throw. The odds are posted in the center of the playing surface for all of these bets. If you have any problems my E-Mail address is Timothy J. Allen DISCLAIMER ---------- THE DICE GAME PROGRAM IS SOLD "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES AS TO PERFORMANCE OR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. BECAUSE OF THE VARIOUS HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE ENVIRONMENTS INTO WHICH THIS PROGRAM MAY BE PUT, NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IS OFFERED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OF THIS SOFTWARE BE LIABLE FOR INDIRECT, SPECIAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THE THIS PROGRAM. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS' LIABILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES EVER EXCEED THE PRICE PAID FOR THE LICENSE TO USE THE SOFTWARE, REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF CLAIM. THE PERSON USING THE SOFTWARE BEARS ALL RISKS AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE. THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE CONSTRUED AND ENFORCED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA.