British Crown dependency
Date claimed 1066
Capital St Helier
Population 87,186
Population density 752 per square km (1937 per square mile)







The bailiwick of Jersey, the largest of the Channel Islands, lies some 22 km (14 miles) from the coast of Normandy in France. The official language (since 1960) is English, but French is still used in the courts. The island has a mild climate owing to the Gulf Stream, fine beaches, and more sunshine than anywhere in the British Isles. Jersey has its own legislative and taxation systems which are a blend of the French and British versions. The Jersey States Assembly is one of the oldest legislative bodies in the world. Members stand as independents, rather than for political parties. It is considered a "Peculiar" of the UK monarchy, and has the right to reject "unacceptable" UK laws.

Historically, agriculture has been Jersey's most important industry, with dairy cows its most famous export, closely followed by early-harvested potatoes, tomatoes, and flowers. By the end of the twentieth century, however, farming had been eclipsed by the rise of offshore finance and tourism. The growth of these sectors, and rigid controls on the rights of residence, have ensured high living standards for most of the inhabitants. Jersey is also host to a large Portuguese community which works in the island's tourist industry.