Official Name
Republic of El Salvador
Capital San Salvador
Currencies Salvadorean colón & US dollar
Language(s) Spanish
Population 6.4 million
GNP per head (US$) 2000
Area (square miles) 20720
Population per sq. km 309
Population per sq. mile 800



The smallest and most densely populated Central American republic, El Salvador won full independence in 1841. Located on the Pacific coast, it lies within a zone of seismic activity. Between 1979 and 1991, El Salvador was engulfed in a civil war between US-backed right-wing government forces and left-wing FMLN guerrillas. Since the UN-brokered peace agreement, the country has been concentrating on rebuilding its shattered economy.


The tropical coastal tierra caliente is very hot, with seasonal rains. The low hills are cooler at night; the higher tierra templada is drier and also cooler.

Languages Spanish
Urban 47
% Rural 53

Salvadorans are largely mestizo (mixed race); there are few ethnic tensions. The civil war was fought over gross economic disparities, which still exist.

GNP (US$) 12569
M GNP World rank 78
Inflation 2 % Unemployment 10 %


Coffee. Foreign investment in maquila assembly plants. Sizable family remittances from USA.


Exports uncompetitive. High tax evasion and unemployment. Low savings. Vast reconstruction needed after earthquakes in 2001.

Lower house Last election 2000 Next election 2003
Upper house Last election Not applicable Next election Not applicable

El Salvador had traditionally been dominated by the centrist PDC and right-wing ARENA. The latter, however, now faces greater opposition from the FMLN, the leftist former guerrillas, who in 1997 won the mayorship of San Salvador and half the state capitals.

In the 1999 presidential election the FMLN, split between center-left pragmatists and hard-liners, came a poor second to ARENA's Francisco Flores, who promised reduced poverty and income redistribution. By March 2000, however, with the economy in difficulties, voters punished ARENA by returning the FMLN as the largest party in parliament.

Minerals Salt, limestone, gypsum
Oil reserves (barrels) No data Oil production (barrels/day) Not an oil producer

No significant resources. Several volcanoes facilitate abundant and relatively cheap geothermal energy.

Life expectancy 70 Life expect. World rank 83
Population per doctor 909 Infant mortality (per 1000 births) 29
Expend. % GDP 3 %
Principal causes of death Accidents, violence, circulatory diseases, infections

Health spending, almost halved during the civil war, has been slow to recover. The wealthy go to the USA for surgery.

Literacy 79 % Expend. % GNP 3


Primary 100 % Secondary 50 % Tertiary 18 %

Education is based on the US system and is limited in rural areas. During the civil war, state universities were closed by the military and replaced by private universities which continue to thrive despite their low standards. A 1995 reform bill tried to address the negative impact of deregulation.

Cars 30 per 1,000 population
Telephones 100 per 1,000 population
Televisions 201 per 1,000 population

Gross wealth disparities see 20% of the population owning 70% of national wealth. Land distribution remains highly skewed, and some three million – nearly half the population – live in poverty.


El Salvador was Spanish until 1821. Part of the United Provinces of Central America in 1823–1839, it became fully independent in 1841.

  • 1932 Army crushes popular insurrection led by Farabundo Martí.
  • 1944–1979 Army rules through PCN.
  • 1979 Reformist officers overthrow PCN government.
  • 1981 Left-wing Farabundo Martí National Liberation Movement (FMLN) launches civil war.
  • 1991 UN-brokered peace. FMLN recognized as a political party.
  • 1997 Leftist wins San Salvador mayoralty.
  • 2001 Devastating earthquakes kill hundreds; dollarization of economy.