Official Name
Republic of Senegal
Capital Dakar
Currencies CFA franc
Language(s) French
Population 9.7 million
GNP per head (US$) 490
Area (square miles) 192530
Population per sq. km 50
Population per sq. mile 130



Senegal's capital, Dakar, lies on the westernmost cape of Africa. The country is mostly low, with open savanna and semidesert in the north and thicker savanna in the south. After independence from France in 1960, Senegal was ruled until 1981 by President Léopold Senghor. He was succeeded by his prime minister, Abdou Diouf, who held power for almost 20 years until his election defeat in March 2000.


The coastal regions, which project into the path of the northern trade winds, are remarkably cool given their latitude.

Languages Wolof, Fulani, Serer, Diola, Malinke, Soninke, Arabic, French
Urban 47
% Rural 53

Senegal has a fairly well-developed sense of nationhood, and intermarriage between groups has reduced ethnic tensions. Groups can still be identified regionally, however. Dakar is a Wolof area, the Senegal river is dominated by the Toucouleur, the Malinke mostly live in the east, and the Diola in Casamance. The Diola have felt excluded from politics, and this has led to a long-running rebellion in Casamance. A French-influenced class system is still prevalent. The 2001 constitution gave women property rights for the first time.

GNP (US$) 4714
M GNP World rank 114
Inflation 1 % Unemployment 4 %


Good infrastructure. Relatively strong industrial sector. First west African country with international credit rating. Revenue from sale of fishing rights.


Few natural resources exploited, other than groundnuts, phosphates, and fish. Access to oil potential of Casamance region hampered by rebellion and poor transportation links.

Lower house Last election 2001 Next election 2006
Upper house Last election Not applicable Next election Not applicable

Senegal has been a multiparty democracy since 1981, when, under the then new president Abdou Diouf, the constitution was amended to allow more than four political parties. However, the PS held power from the 1950s until 2000, and its influence has been pervasive. Presidential elections in 2000 marked a political watershed. Diouf was defeated by Abdoulaye Wade of the liberal democratic PDS, the dominant party in the "Sopi" (Change) coalition which went on to win a landslide victory in the 2001 legislative elections.

A new constitution, approved in 2001 by referendum, abolished the Senate and restricts the president to two terms.

Minerals Phosphates, bauxite, salt, natural gas, marble, iron, copper
Oil reserves (barrels) No data Oil production (barrels/day) Not an oil producer

Senegal's electricity capacity is largely dependent on imported fuel; cheaper supplies are expected to become available soon from the Manantali dam in Mali. Initial explorations suggest that oil reserves may exist off Casamance.

Life expectancy 53 Life expect. World rank 151
Population per doctor 10000 Infant mortality (per 1000 births) 60
Expend. % GDP 3 %
Principal causes of death Malaria, diarrheal diseases

The state health system is rudimentary. A successful education campaign helps to contain the incidence of HIV/AIDS.

Literacy 37 % Expend. % GNP 4


Primary 70 % Secondary 20 % Tertiary 4 %

Illiteracy is Senegal's major educational challenge. There are universities at Dakar and St.-Louis.

Cars 10 per 1,000 population
Telephones 22 per 1,000 population
Televisions 40 per 1,000 population

Wealth disparities are considerable, and poverty is widespread. Those close to the government are the wealthiest group.


France colonized Senegal, a major entrepôt from the 15th century, in 1890. Dakar was the capital of French West Africa.

  • 1885 Gambia split off from Senegal.
  • 1960 Independence under Senghor.
  • 1966–1976 One-party state.
  • 1981 Full multipartyism restored.
  • 2000 Presidency won by Abdoulaye Wade in first ever defeat for PS.
  • 2001 Referendum approves new constitution.