Official Name
Republic of Paraguay
Capital Asunción
Currencies Guaraní
Language(s) Spanish
Population 5.6 million
GNP per head (US$) 1440
Area (square miles) 397300
Population per sq. km 14
Population per sq. mile 37



Landlocked in South America and a Spanish possession until 1811, Paraguay gained large tracts of land from Bolivia in 1938. From then until the overthrow in 1989 of General Alfredo Stroessner, South America's longest-surviving dictator, it experienced periods of anarchy and military rule. The Paraguay river divides the eastern hills and fertile plains, where 90% of people live, from the almost uninhabited Chaco in the west. Paraguay's economy is largely agricultural.


Paraguay is subtropical, with all parts experiencing floods and droughts, but the Chaco is generally drier and hotter.

Languages Guaran�, Spanish
Urban 56
% Rural 44

Most Paraguayans are of combined Spanish and native Guaraní origin. The majority are bilingual, although outside the large cities Guaraní is spoken almost exclusively. Rural Guaraní, deprived of ancestral lands, have been forced into marginal labor and prostitution. While most immigrants have historically been European, Japanese, Koreans, and South Africans are recent arrivals.

GNP (US$) 7933
M GNP World rank 94
Inflation 9 % Unemployment 16 %


Electricity exporter – earnings obtain foreign exchange. Self-sufficiency in wheat and other staple foodstuffs. Cotton, oilseeds, notably soybeans.


Reliance on agriculture and Brazilian and Argentine markets. No hydrocarbons produced. Weak banking and financial sectors. High unemployment. Political instability deters foreign investment.

Lower house Last election 1998 Next election 2003
Upper house Last election 1998 Next election 2003

A 1989 coup ended Gen. Stroessner's 34-year dictatorship. In 1993, his PC won the first free elections in 60 years, but with continued reliance on the military. The PC again won in 1998, despite the last-minute annulment of former army chief Gen. Lino Oviedo's presidential candidacy. Unrest in 1999 after the assassination of Vice President Luis Argaña, Oviedo's main opponent in the PC, forced the resignation of President Raúl Cubas, a supporter of Oviedo. A fragile coalition government survived a coup in May 2000 led by Oviedo – his third such attempt since 1993. Vice-presidential elections in August 2000 led to an unprecedented cohabitation between a PC president and his PLRA deputy.

Minerals Gypsum, marble, clay, kaolin, iron, manganese, uranium
Oil reserves (barrels) No data Oil production (barrels/day) Not an oil producer

The joint Paraguay–Brazil Itaipú hydroelectric dam is the world's largest. The massive Yacyretá dam is operated with Argentina.

Life expectancy 70 Life expect. World rank 83
Population per doctor 909 Infant mortality (per 1000 births) 23
Expend. % GDP 2 %
Principal causes of death Heart disease, cancers, obstetric causes, tuberculosis

Hepatitis, typhoid, dysentery, and tuberculosis are endemic and leprosy is common. Medical care is expensive.

Literacy 93 % Expend. % GNP 5


Primary 100 % Secondary 51 % Tertiary 10 %

Education is compulsory to the age of 12, but under half go on to secondary school. Provision is limited in remote rural areas.

Cars 14 per 1,000 population
Telephones 50 per 1,000 population
Televisions 218 per 1,000 population

Income inequality is great and rural poverty serious. Top military ranks and business and landed elites control wealth.


Paraguay was controlled by Spain from 1536 until 1811.

  • 1864–1870 Loses War of the Triple Alliance against Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay.
  • 1928–1935 Two Chaco Wars against Bolivia over disputed territory.
  • 1938 Boundary with Bolivia fixed; Paraguay awarded large tracts.
  • 1954–1989 Rule of Gen. Stroessner; repressive military regime.
  • 1993 First democratic elections.
  • 1996 Coup attempt by Gen. Lino Oviedo.
  • 1998–1999 Raúl Cubas elected president; resigns after assassination of vice president; Cubas and Oviedo leave country.
  • 2000 Further failed coup attempt by Oviedo.