Official Name
Sultanate of Oman
Capital Muscat
Currencies Omani rial
Language(s) Arabic
Population 2.6 million
GNP per head (US$) 4778
Area (square miles) 212460
Population per sq. km 12
Population per sq. mile 32



Occupying the eastern corner of the Arabian peninsula, Oman commands a strategic position at the entrance to the Gulf. It is the least developed of the Gulf states. The most densely populated areas are the northern coast and the southern Salalah plain. Oil exports have given Oman modest prosperity under a paternalistic sultan, who defeated a Marxist-led insurgency in the 1970s.


In the north temperatures often climb above 45°C (113°F) in summer. The south has a monsoon climate.

Languages Arabic, Baluchi
Urban 84
% Rural 16

Native Omanis, who include Arab refugees who fled Zanzibar in the 1960s, make up three-quarters of the population. Baluchis are the largest foreign grouping. Expatriates pose no threat to the regime and Westerners enjoy considerable freedom. Urban drift has taken place, and most Omanis now live in cities. Oman has a number of distinct minorities; the most numerous are the Jebalis in Dhofar – nomadic herdsmen who speak a language resembling Ethiopian. Many Dhofaris supported the Marxist-led insurgents in the 1970s, but they are now considered loyal. Most Omanis are Ibadi Muslims who follow an appointed leader, the Imam. Ibadism does not oppose freedom for women, and a few enjoy positions of authority; two were elected to the 82-seat Consultative Council in September 2000.

GNP (US$) 11000
M GNP World rank 80
Inflation -1 % Unemployment 5 %


Oil industry, led by Royal Dutch/Shell. Has benefited from staying out of OPEC and selling oil at spot prices without quotas. Soaring world oil prices in 2000 signified recovery from 1986 collapse. Rich Indian Ocean coastal waters have potential for sizable fishing industry.


Overdependence on oil (90% of GNP), with less than 20 years' known reserves. Services sector less well developed than in United Arab Emirates. Foreign workers needed in all economic sectors.

Lower house Last election 2000 Next election 2003
Upper house Last election Not applicable Next election Not applicable

Sultan Qaboos is an authoritarian but paternalistic monarch, whose dynasty traces its roots to the 18th century. As well as being head of state, the sultan is prime minister and minister for foreign affairs, defense, and finance. Family members hold other key positions. The regime faces no serious challenge, although Qaboos keeps a careful eye on the religious right wing. In 1991, he created the Consultative Council (Majlis ash-shoura), which gives a semblance of democracy. From 2000 its members were directly elected by provincial committees, rather than being appointed. Major political issues include the planned privatization of medium-sized government projects, and improving Oman's self-defense capability.

Minerals Oil, natural gas, copper, chromite, marble, gypsum
Oil reserves (barrels) 5.5bn barrels Oil production (barrels/day) 959,000 b/d

Oman's policy of limiting oil production to conserve resources was abandoned in 1993 following a number of exploration successes.

Life expectancy 71 Life expect. World rank 72
Population per doctor 769 Infant mortality (per 1000 births) 17
Expend. % GDP 3 %
Principal causes of death Cerebrovascular and heart diseases, accidents

There is a policy of replacing expatriate medical staff with Omani nationals. Rural areas are served by clinics.

Literacy 72 % Expend. % GNP 4


Primary 75 % Secondary 67 % Tertiary 8 %

Education has improved, but rural illiteracy is still high. Over 200 new schools were built between 1996 and 2000.

Cars 97 per 1,000 population
Telephones 89 per 1,000 population
Televisions 563 per 1,000 population

Omanis in urban areas enjoy the same high living standards that are to be found in other Gulf states. Hunting trips to Pakistan are popular among the rich Omani elite, and a khanjar, a curved dagger, is a status symbol.


The present Albusaidi dynasty has ruled in Oman since 1749.

  • 1932 Sultan bin Taimur in power.
  • 1951 Sovereignty recognized by UK.
  • 1970 Sultan Qaboos bin Said seizes power from his father.
  • 1975 Suppression of Dhofar revolt.
  • 1991 Consultative Council set up.
  • 2000 Consultative Council members elected for first time.