Official Name
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Capital Luxembourg-Ville
Currencies Euro
Language(s) French, German, and Letzeburgish
Population 442,000
GNP per head (US$) 42060
Area (square miles) 2585
Population per sq. km 171
Population per sq. mile 443



Luxembourg shares borders with the industrial regions of Germany, France, and Belgium, and has the highest per capita income in the EU. Making up part of the plateau of the Ardennes, its countryside is undulating and forested. Its prosperity was once based on steel; before World War II it produced more per capita than the USA. Today, it is known as a tax haven and banking center, and as the headquarters of key EU institutions.


The south, where vines grow, is the warmest area. Winter is cold and snowy, especially in the Ardennes.

Languages Letzeburgish, German, French
Urban 92
% Rural 8

Nearly a third of its residents and half of Luxembourg's workers are foreigners. Integration has been straightforward; most are fellow western Europeans and Roman Catholics, mainly from Italy and Portugal. Life in Luxembourg is comfortable. Salaries are high, unemployment very low, and social tensions few.

GNP (US$) 18439
M GNP World rank 69
Inflation 3 % Unemployment 3 %


Site of EU institutions. Banking secrecy and expertise make the capital home to around 1000 investment funds and over 200 banks – more than in any other city in the world.


International service industries account for 65% of GDP, making Luxembourg vulnerable to changing conditions overseas. Downturn in steel market.

Lower house Last election 1999 Next election 2004
Upper house Last election Not applicable Next election Not applicable

There is remarkable political consensus, and governments are characterized by coalitions and long-serving prime ministers; the grand duke's role is mostly ceremonial. The main issues relate to European integration.

Minerals Iron
Oil reserves (barrels) No data Oil production (barrels/day) Not an oil producer

Most energy is imported; Luxembourg produces only a small amount of hydroelectricity. Arbed is part of the world's largest steel producing company.

Life expectancy 77 Life expect. World rank 28
Population per doctor 368 Infant mortality (per 1000 births) 5
Expend. % GDP 6 %
Principal causes of death Cerebrovascular and heart diseases, cancers, accidents

There are no private commercial hospitals in Luxembourg; they are run either by the state or by nuns. Patients' fees are refunded from the state sickness fund.

Literacy 99 % Expend. % GNP 4


Primary 99 % Secondary 88 % Tertiary 10 %

Teaching is mainly in German at primary and French at secondary level. Higher education is limited and many students go to universities in other European countries. Training given by Luxembourg banks is reputed to be the best in Europe.

Cars 588 per 1,000 population
Telephones 750 per 1,000 population
Televisions 391 per 1,000 population

With the highest per capita income in the world, Luxembourgers enjoy a comfortable lifestyle. Recent strong economic performance has allowed them to benefit both from lower taxes and increased spending on social security. Low unemployment has led to the recruitment of foreign workers, mainly from neighboring countries or from other EU countries such as Portugal and Italy, to take less well-paid jobs. As elsewhere in western Europe, financing care of the aging population is likely to be a burden in the future.


Until 1867, Luxembourg was ruled by a succession of neighboring European powers.

  • 1890 Link with Dutch throne ends.
  • 1921 Economic union with Belgium. End of German ties.
  • 1940–1944 German occupation.
  • 1948 Benelux treaty (1944) creating a customs union comes into effect.
  • 1957 Signs Treaty of Rome as one of six founding members of EEC.
  • 1995 Premier Jacques Santer is president of European Commission.
  • 1999 Santer resigns amid corruption allegations. Socialist losses in general election.
  • 2000 Grand Duke Jean abdicates in favor of his son, Henri.
  • 2002 Euro fully adopted.