Official Name
Principality of Liechtenstein
Capital Vaduz
Currencies Swiss franc
Language(s) German
Population 32,200
GNP per head (US$) 50000
Area (square miles) 160
Population per sq. km 201
Population per sq. mile 521



Perched in the Alps, Liechtenstein is rare among small states in having both a thriving banking sector and a well-diversified manufacturing economy. It is closely allied to Switzerland, which handles its foreign relations and defense. Life in Liechtenstein is stable and conservative.The traditional secrecy surrounding the country's financial industry, and low taxes, make it home to many overseas trusts, banks, and investment companies.


Climate varies with altitude. Excellent skiing conditions are the result of heavy settling snow from December to March. Summers are warm and wet.

Languages German, Alemannish dialect, Italian
Urban 21
% Rural 79

Liechtenstein's role as a financial center accounts for the many foreign residents (over 35% of the population), of whom half are Swiss and the rest mostly German. The high standard of living results in few ethnic or social tensions. Family life is highly traditional; women received the vote only in 1984, after much controversy. A proposal to enshrine equal rights for women in the constitution was rejected in a referendum in 1985 by a large majority and only finally passed in 1992.

GNP (US$) 1600
M GNP World rank 142
Inflation 1 % Unemployment 2 %


Stability and customs union with Switzerland make Liechtenstein a favored tax haven; its lack of EU membership makes the banking sector less vulnerable to future changes in EU banking laws. The economy is well diversified; chemicals, furniture, coatings for the electro-optical industry, construction services, and precision instruments are all thriving sectors.


Very few. Need to balance integration with other countries with safeguarding economic independence.

Lower house Last election 2001 Next election 2005
Upper house Last election Not applicable Next election Not applicable

Between 1938 and 1997 the VU and the FBP alternated as coalition leaders, except briefly in 1993. This partnership ended in 1997 when Mario Frick, at 28 Europe's youngest premier, formed a VU-only government. In elections in 2001 the FBP under Otmar Hasler overtook the VU. Referendums have increasingly been used to decide policy issues.

Minerals None
Oil reserves (barrels) No data Oil production (barrels/day) Not an oil producer

Liechtenstein has to import most of its energy. Almost all of its electricity comes from German power plants.

Life expectancy 79 Life expect. World rank 5
Population per doctor 948 Infant mortality (per 1000 births) 5
Expend. % GDP No data %
Principal causes of death Heart and respiratory diseases, cancers

Although clinics and hospitals are few, the health system provides advanced care. Many Liechtensteiners have private health insurance arrangements, so that they have access to Swiss medical expertise and facilities as well as their own.

Literacy 99 % Expend. % GNP No data


Primary No data % Secondary No data % Tertiary No data %

Education, modeled on the German system, includes two types of school at secondary level – the more academic Gymnasium and the Realschule. Liechtenstein has no university; students go on to colleges in Austria, Switzerland, or Germany, or to business schools in the USA.

Cars 657 per 1,000 population
Telephones 609 per 1,000 population
Televisions 364 per 1,000 population

Unlike other tax havens, Liechtenstein displays a more conservative prosperity. Private deposit accounts are not a key part of its banking business, but an increase in money-laundering activities and the country's appearance on a blacklist of financial centers led to a ban on anonymous accounts in mid-2000.


In 1719 Liechtenstein became an independent principality of the Holy Roman Empire.

  • 1924 Customs union with Switzerland.
  • 1990 Joins UN.
  • 1995 Joins EEA.
  • 1997 End of VU–FBP coalition dominant since 1938. Mario Frick heads VU government.
  • 2001 FBP wins majority in elections; Otmar Hasler premier.