Official Name
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Capital Sarajevo
Currencies Marka
Language(s) Serbo-Croat
Population 4.1 million
GNP per head (US$) 1230
Area (square miles) 51130
Population per sq. km 80
Population per sq. mile 208



Bosnia and Herzegovina is a mountainous country in southeastern Europe. A corridor south of Mostar provides access to the Adriatic Sea. The post-1945 Yugoslav regime promoted coexistence between Bosniak Muslims, Croats, and Serbs, but, with Yugoslavia collapsing after 1990, ethnic rivalries led to violent conflict. Around 250,000 died and more than two million were displaced before the 1995 Dayton peace accord ended three years of war.


Bosnia has a continental climate with warm summers and bitterly cold winters, often with snow.

Languages Serbo-Croat
Urban 43
% Rural 57

In 1990, the population was 44% ethnic Bosniak (mostly Muslim), 31% Serb, and 17% Croat, while 8% described themselves as Yugoslav or of other ethnicity. Intermarriage was common and ethnic violence rare. Society was largely secular and materialistic. However, civil war and "ethnic cleansing" displaced some 60% of the population. Bosniak, Serb, and Croat areas became more distinct and separate.

GNP (US$) 4899
M GNP World rank 111
Inflation 8 % Unemployment 40 %


Potential to revive prewar industries and become a thriving market economy, with solid manufacturing base. Growth in 2000 of 10%. End of cross-border tariffs with Slovenia from 2002.


War damage of $20–$40 billion. Lowest foreign investment in entire region. Corruption. High unemployment.

Lower house Last election 2000 Next election 2002
Upper house Last election 2000 Next election 2002

Bosnia is subdivided between the Muslim–Croat Federation, the Serbian Republika Srpska (RS), and the multiethnic district of Brcko. Consequently there are two levels of government: the overall Republic – with a rotating three-member collective presidency – and the constituent republics, with their own presidents, governments, and parliaments. A UN High Representative retains ultimate control. Nationalist parties have substantial support, although moderate policies are favored in government. Bosniaks have led the way in supporting non-ethnic parties. Croats in the Federation have agitated for greater autonomy.

Minerals Coal, lignite, iron, bauxite, cement
Oil reserves (barrels) No data Oil production (barrels/day) Not an oil producer

Bosnia's land is not well suited to agriculture, but has mineral deposits, forests, and hydroelectric potential.

Life expectancy 73 Life expect. World rank 51
Population per doctor 714 Infant mortality (per 1000 births) 13
Expend. % GDP 8 %
Principal causes of death Cholera and diphtheria epidemics, violence, deaths from war-stress

War strained health services severely and many died for lack of basic care. Reconstruction includes reform of the primary health care system.

Literacy 93 % Expend. % GNP No data


Primary No data % Secondary No data % Tertiary No data %

Ethnic bias and educational segregation are being combated by the development of a new coordinated curriculum.

Cars 27 per 1,000 population
Telephones 103 per 1,000 population
Televisions 111 per 1,000 population

With some 60% of the prewar population displaced, housing, jobs, and reintegration are key challenges, while a lack of significant investment means that postwar poverty remains.


In 1945, Bosnia and Herzegovina became one of Yugoslavia's six republics.

  • 1990 Nationalists defeat communists in multiparty elections.
  • 1991 Parliament announces republican sovereignty.
  • 1992 EU and USA recognize Bosnia. Serbs declare "Serbian Republic." Civil war begins.
  • 1995 NATO air strikes on Serbs; US-brokered Dayton peace accord.
  • 1996 First international war crimes trial since 1945 opens in The Hague. Elections held under Dayton accord.
  • 1998–2000 Elections; dwindling support for nationalist parties.
  • 2001 Ethnic Croats briefly establish autonomy in Herzegovina (in south).