Hi, This is my first Descent Level. I've written it because I've always wanted to design a level for a game. I've used the DEVIL editor, V1.0, with all it's quirks, ie the producers activates but no monsters come out. ( If you get to read this Achim, please send me a fix. ) If you play this level, then I would like to hear from you, did you like it or not ? Was it too easy/hard ? You can e-mail me on Compuserve 100551,2653. Thanks go to the following, (because I've always wanted to do this) :- Achmin Stremplat, for writing DEVIL Boris Postler, for the DEVIL guide Parallax Software and Interplay for the greatest game EVER Caroline Cookson, for putting up with the late nights it took. I hope you haven't minded my ramblings, I've put in quite a bit of time creating this level, I hope you enjoy playing it. Karl Cookson