Level: Coral1b (4 level mission) Description: I've made these levels with dueling in mind. Author: Tim Fredericy Date: May 31, 1995 Email: topthumb@aol.com Unzip Coral1b.zip using PKunzip into your registered Descent directory. After you unzip this file, go ahead and load Descent in the normal fashion and pick Coral1b from the Mission menu. These levels are pretty easy so I would suggest at least playing them at Hotshot or harder. note: The first couple levels in this mission are my first. The last two have a little more thought into them. When I first uploaded this mission, there was a mistake somewhere in level 3 and it would lock up. I have now fixed this problem and hope there are no more. Leave me E-Mail if you have any questions or Ideas on how to improve these levels or something you would like to see in future levels. Keep in mind though, I'm not a pro at this and some things cant be done with devil as of this date. Have fun... THUMB