Here is my first complete Descent level made with Devil 0.97, 0.99! I only made it for single player use, but if you want to add the other starts, go right ahead. I didn't have any particular theme for this level. I just tried a bunch of different ideas to see how they would work. I made it so it's a little difficult for me on Hotshot. (I'm only up to level 15 on the regular game at the moment - on rookie!) Here are some features I tried: Different textured robots. (A few anyway) Twisty-Corridors. (wide ones, plus a Lava-Twisty - fun to navigate!) A Funky H.O.M. / Warp tunnel. (ie: through another room - move quickly!) The Purple Twist of Death! :) I also used a variety of wall textures, and tried to pay a lot of detail to the lighting and it's transition from section to section. My next levels (hopefully more than one) will have a theme to them. I'd like to thank all who worked on (and are still working on) Devil, without which this wonderful hobby would not be possible. Plus Parallax for the incredible game to begin with! Christopher Thach - - Nobody's Hero