License Agreement and Limited Warranty Important: Please read carefully before using this product. Using this product indicates your acknowledgement that you have read this License and you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this License. If you do not agree to the terms of this license, you should return the product and all accompanying items to the place of purchase or RomTech within 10 days of purchase for a full refund. This License Agreement is proof of License. Grant of License: RomTech, Inc. ("RomTech") provides you the non-exclusive right to use the enclosed copy of software program ("program" or "product") and accompanying printed materials pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. RomTech reserves all rights not expressly granted under this Agreement. Copy and Use Restrictions: You MAY DO the following: 1. Use the software program for your own personal use. If you wish to use the program for more than one user, you will need a further license for each user. 2. Make one copy of the program for archive or back-up purposes. 3. Transfer the program to someone else, only if you assign all of your rights under the License, cease all use of the program, erase or destroy any copy (including the hard disk copy) made in support of your use of the program, and the other person agrees to the terms of this License. 4. If the product is an upgrade from another product, whether from another supplier or us, you may use or transfer the product only in conjunction with the upgraded product, unless you destroy it. If the product is an upgrade from a RomTech product, you may only use that upgraded product in accordance with this License. Copy and Use Restrictions: You MAY NOT do the following: 1. Use the product or make copies of it except as permitted in this License. 2. Copy any images, photographs, animations, video, audio, music, and text incorporated in the program. All such materials are owned by RomTech or its suppliers and are protected by copyright laws and international treaty provisions. 3. Translate, reverse engineer, decompile or dissemble the program, except to the extent that the foregoing restriction is expressly prohibited by applicable law. 4. Rent, lease, assign or transfer the product except as set out above. 5. Modify the program or merger all or any part of the program in another program. Term: This License shall continue for as long as you use the product. However, it will terminate if you fail to comply with any of its terms or conditions. You agree, upon termination, to destroy all copies of the product. The Limitations of Warranties and Liability set out below shall continue in force even after any termination. 90 Day Warranty: We warrant that the storage media in this product will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for 90 days from the date of purchase. If such a defect occurs, return it to us at the address below and we will replace it free. This remedy is your exclusive remedy for breach of this warranty. It gives you certain rights and you may have other legislated rights which vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Limitation of Warranties and Liability: Except for the expressed warranty above, the product is provided on an "as is" basis, without any other warranties or conditions, expressed or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantable quality, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, or those arising by law, statute, usage of trade or course of dealing. You assume the entire risk as to the results and performance of the product. Neither we nor our dealers or suppliers shall have any liability to you or any other person or entity for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages whatsoever, including the possibility of such damages or they are foreseeable; or for claims by a third party. Our maximum aggregate liability to you and that of our dealers and suppliers shall not exceed the amount paid by you for the product. The limitations in this section shall apply whether or not the alleged breach or default is a breach of a fundamental condition or term, or a fundamental breach. Some states/countries do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages so the above limitation may not apply to you. General: This License is the entire agreement between us, supersedes any other agreement or discussions, oral or written and may not be changed except by written signed agreement. This License shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Pennsylvania, USA. If any provision of this License is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, such provision shall be severed from the License and the other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. The parties have requested that this Agreement and all documents contemplated hereby be drawn up in English. RomTech, Inc. 2000 Cabot Boulevard West, Suite 110 Langhorne, PA 19047 (215) 750-6606