ULTIMATE POKER COPYRIGHT (C) 1994 ACCIDENTAL SOFTWARE "If it's good, it's ACCIDENTAL" NOTICE ACCIDENTAL SOFTWARE DOES NOT PROMOTE OR CONDONE USING ULTIMATE POKER FOR GAMBLING PURPOSES AND IS NOT LIABLE FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT OR CONSE- QUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF ULTIMATE POKER. To PRINT A COPY OF THIS MANUAL, you can load this file "MANUAL.TXT" into your word processor (this file is ASCII text with no embedded characters.) You can redirect the manual to your printer by typing the following at the DOS command line. "TYPE MANUAL.TXT > PRN" then push ENTER. GAME FEATURES 1. Play POKER with 3 computer generated players. 2. The entire game can be played with your mouse after game sign in. 3. Four Poker variations can be played. 4. Change players at any time. 5. View a historical record of game hands won & lost with STATS. 6. Get poker help with a menu selection. 7. Adjust the game speed. 8. Change card decks. 9. Adjust bet size. 10. Sound Blaster voice pack available. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 1. IBM or 100% compatible computer. 2. EGA or VGA compatible display with 256K RAM on the video card. 3. Hard disk. 4. 540K of free RAM withour expanded memory. REGISTRATION This manual was written for the registered version of this program. To reduce file size and provide an incentive to purchase the complete version of this program, the shareware version has the following limitations. 1. Game scores and information are not saved. 2. No sound blaster support provided. 3. 4 computer players versus 8 in the registered version. 4. 5 and 7 card stud games are implemented, High Chicago and Holdem not available. 5. Players comments after each hand is completed are not available. The file "ORDERFRM.TXT" is provided to register this program. Registered users will receive a diskette (2 diskettes for the voice version) with the complete game. You can charge your order by calling 1-800-771-6746. The program can print an order form for you by selecting ORDER FORM -- PRINT from the CHOOSE PLAYERS menu at game sign in. Price is $10 + $3 shipping and handling. An additional $5 for the Voice Pack (sound blaster required). TECHNICAL SUPPORT 1-619-247-2804 INSTALLATION / SET UP The game must be installed to your hard disk with the install program provided. All required game files are compressed to the file "ULTPOKER.EXE". GAME STARTUP Type "POKER" to run the program once it is installed on your hard disk. COMMAND LINE OPTIONS 1. SILENT, /S -- Type "POKER /S" to start the program with the Sound Blaster turned off. 2. NOEXTENDED, /N -- Type "Poker /N" to start the game using conventional memory only. This game will attempt to use expanded memory. If you have more than 640k of memory, insure your config.sys extended memory manager line reads EMM386.EXE RAM. If RAM is replace with NOEMS, the game may not run in expanded memory properly. Use the "/N" switch to start ULTIMATE POKER or change the NOEMS switch to RAM in your config.sys file. When using extended memory as expanded memory, less conventional RAM will be required to run this program. GAME SIGN IN Enter the name you will play under. Game information will be saved in reference to this name so that signing in with this name in the future will allow you to continue your last game. To continue your last game, sign in and choose RESUME GAME from the Choose Players menu. The menu selections PICK PLAYERS or QUICK SETUP are used to start the game with a starting purse of $2000. Move to each menu in the sign in page by using your mouse or the keyboard arrow keys. Push the left mouse button or the enter key on the keyboard to select a menu item. Basic game information is available in the GAME DETAILS section of CHOOSE PLAYERS and the GAME RULES section of CHOOSE GAMES. GENERAL GAME INFORMATION The game table is set up so that the dealer always sits to the back left, player #2 is back right, player #3 is front right, and you sit front left. dealer player #2 ------------------------------ / \ / \ ----------------------------------------- your position player #3 The dealer always deals to his left first. The player with the highest hand is given the first chance to bet (exception HOLDEM - player #2 always bets first). Once a bet is on the table, any subsequent player may raise (3 raise limit.) When the pot is right, the dealer will deal the next card. The winner is determined by the standard priority of poker hands using only the best 5 cards to make a hand. GAME CONTROLS Any Microsoft compatible mouse should work with this program. The following keys are used to manipulate this program. ARROW KEYS: Use the up/down arrow keys to select your choice from the menu presented when it is your turn to play then press ENTER or drag the mouse to position the hand pointer to the desired item then press the LEFT mouse button. ENTER KEY: Once the hand pointer is positioned next to the menu choice you desire, press the ENTER key or press the LEFT mouse button. The dealer will show the following menus. GAME MENUS DEAL CARDS -- Starts the game GAMES * OPTIONS ** PLAYERS/DECKS *** QUIT **** GAMES* 5 CARD STUD 7 CARD STUD HI CHICAGO HOLD EM RANDOM PLAY OPTIONS** MAIN MENU OPTIONS #2 STATISTICS BET SIZE GAME SPEED 1. MAIN MENU: Return to the MAIN MENU. 2. OPTIONS #2: This is the entry to a second page of the options meun. OPTIONS #2 THOUGHTS ON/OFF TALK ON/OFF SHUFFLE ON/OFF COMMENTS ON/OFF a. THOUGHTS ON/OFF: The default setting is ON. This will toggle from OFF to ON each time it is selected. You will be able to see the player's thoughts occasionally during game play. Be ware, you will be seeing only light thoughts, please consider the source and don't take offense. b. TALK ON/OFF: This is used for controlling the Sound Blaster only. If you don't have a sound blaster or you have not ordered the sound blaster sound pack for this game, you will not be able to turn this feature on. When on (default if a sound blaster is recognized) you will hear digitized voices that say the words seen in the talk balloons for each player while playing the game. Note: Voices are not provided for the sign in screen. c. SHUFFLE ON/OFF: This is used for controlling the Sound Blaster only. If you don't have a sound blaster or you have not ordered the sound blaster sound pack for this game, you will not be able to turn this feature on. When on (default if a sound blaster is recognized) you will hear digitized shuffle sounds when the dealer shuffles the cards and deal sounds when the dealer is dealing the cards. d. COMMENTS ON/OFF: This is used for controlling whether the comments made by the players after the hand is finished will be heard. If you don't have a sound blaster or you have not ordered the sound blaster sound pack for this game, you will not be able to hear digitized voices that will say the words seen in the talk balloons when the hand is completed. When on, the computer generated players will occasionally make comments when the hand is completed. If a mouse button or keyboard key is pressed immediately after a hand, a new hand will start and the comments will not be seen or heard. Wait approximately 3 seconds after the hand is complete to see the comments made by the players. Can be turned on in the registered version of this program even if no sound blaster is present. NOTE: All of the above settings are saved when the game is quit. 3. STATISTICS: See this heading later in the manual for an explanation of this function. 4. BET SIZE: Allows you to select the amount the bets allowed in the game. You must select one of the choices to exit from the menu. 5. GAME SPEED: Allows selection of different game speeds. try different settings to see which you like best. PLAYERS/DECKS*** MAIN MENU NEW DECK NEW DEALER NEW PLAYER 2 NEW PLAYER 3 1. NEW DECK: Use this whenever you want to use a new deck to maybe change your luck or JUST BECAUSE. When selected -- OK will appear next to NEW DECK. 2. NEW DEALER, NEW PLAYER 2, and NEW PLAYER 3: The following players are available for selection. I short BIOGRAPHY of each may be accessed during game sign in. MARNA TEX NASTY LUU LINN PHIL GRAMPS BILL QUIT**** QUIT GAME: Use this option to quit the game. If you make a mistake and don't really want to quit, you are afforded the opportunity to continue the game. STATISTICS This provides a quick look at the percentage of different hands that have historically won for a particular game. Also provided is a NUM SEEN column. This provides a running count of how many times a specific hand has been seen in this type game (historical record). The file that keeps track of this information is STATS.DAT. If you want to start collecting stats from scratch you can delete this file from the game directory and a new one will be started by the game. BET HELP This item will provide the user with some computer generated ideas on what the best move might be for the situation at the time. This help is designed to provide an initial idea of how to proceed, but is by no means the final answer since no intuitive processes are involved. MOUSE ADJUSTMENT Your mouse sensitivity can be adjusted if desired. When in the main poker room, push "M" on you keyboard when it is your turn to bet. A mouse adjustment menu will appear. USE WITH WINDOWS This product was not written specifically for windows compatibility, but in most cases it can be used from WINDOWS 3.1. Compatibility with WINDOWS is not guaranteed. To use this product from windows perform the following. a. Install the program normally from DOS. Make note of the drive and directory on which you installed the program. b. Start Windows. Bring up the Program Manager. NOTE: If you want to place this file into an existing Program Group, select the program group you want this program to fit into and skip to step f. c. Click on File then click New. d. Select Program Group then click the OK button. e. In Description enter "GAMBLERS", then click the OK button. f. Click File from the Program Manager, then click New. g. Select Program Item then click the OK button. h. In the Program Item Properties box enter the following. Description : "ULTIMATE POKER". Command Line : "POKER.EXE" Working Directory: (enter the drive and directory as noted in A above. EXAMPLE: "d:\poker" i. Click Change Icon button then click the next OK button. j. In the File Name block enter "(drive and directory as noted in A above plus "\POKER.ICO"), then push the OK button. EXAMPLE: "d:\poker\poker.ico". k. You should see the POKER icon appear as the Program Item Properties dialogue box reappears. Push the OK button and you are now done. OTHER ACCIDENTAL GAMES These exciting and addictive games from Accidental Software will provide hours of entertainment and excitement. Each game has been carefully designed to provide a realistic simulation of the game it emulates. These games use keyboard or mouse and require 540K or less or Free RAM, EGA or VGA, DOS 3.1 or above, and a hard disk. Each game has Sound Blaster support. NOTE: A sound blaster or 100% compatible system is required for sound support. 1. ULTIMATE BACCARAT -- animated baccarat game. 2. ULTIMATE GIN -- animated gin rummy game. 3. ULTIMATE BLACKJACK -- animated blackjack game. 4. ULTIMATE ROULETTE -- animated roulette game. 5. ULTIMATE CRAPS -- animated craps game. 6. DIGITAL DOWNS -- animated horse race game.