Cherry Fever Video Slot Machine for Windows. Copyright 1996 : Raymond Lampron Jr. Description: Cherry Fever is classic three barrel slot machine. Requirements: Windows 3.1 or higher. Installation: Cherry Fever includes an installation utility, INSTALL.EXE, which will install the required files onto your hard drive and will setup a Windows program group and icon. To install, start Windows, run INSTALL.EXE and follow the instructions in the install program. Registration: Cherry Fever is shareware. It may be evaluated for 30 days, after which the user must register the program by sending the registration fee of $12.95 U.S. to: R.J. Lampron Jr. 52 White St. Watertown, CT 06795 An order form is available in the Windows help file, CFSLOT.HLP, which is available from within the program. Registered users will recieve the latest version of Cherry Fever. Author Support: Any question or comments should be E-Mailed to: