PHILIPS VIDEOPAC - 38 MUNCHKIN (Unlimited variations) This Videopac is one of a whole range for use with the Philips Videopac Computer G7000. They provide entertainment, excitement and education for all the family. Ensure that the Videopac Computer has been set up properly, then turn to Page 3. MUNCHKIN (UNLIMITED VARIETIES) (1 OR MORE PLAYERS) Press RESET, next press 0. Your TV screen shows a maze. In the centre you'll see two figures: [little smiley space hopper guy] is your Munchkin. [mean space invader guy] is the Muncher. You don't get much time to consider the situation. The "Muncher" starts moving almost immediately and what's worse, as he moves the Muncher splits up into three! All three Munchers will chase you, trying to munch you so you better move quickly! You can move your Munchkin with the joystick of the left handset, manoeuvring through the maze, avoiding the Munchers. You are not completely defenseless however. In all four corners of the maze you see three "Munchies". One in each group of three is brightly coloured and blinking. You'll have to try and munch all Munchies to score points. When your Munchkin has munched one of those blinking Munchies, you will notice that all Munchers suddenly turn purple and they will stop chasing you. For a good reason too, because those purple Munchers are defenseless and now it's your turn to munch them! You have to be careful though! The Munchers will not stay purple indefinitely. They return to their original colour gain after a while and start chasing you again until you manage to munch another blinking Munchy. If you succeed in catching one of those purple Munchers, only his ghost-image will remain. It is completely harmless but will search the centre station where it is recharged to its normal self, resuming its chase on your Munchkin. SCORING You score points by munching Munchies and Munchers. White Munchie = 1 point Blinking coloured Munchie = 3 points First Muncher = 5 points Second Muncher = 10 points Third Muncher = 20 points * * if caught before the first two Munchers are recharged. Your score appears automatically on the screen, on the right-hand side directly underneath the playing field. BONUS SCORING When you have managed to munch all Munchies, you may continue to play and a new game starts immediately but not until after the computer has paid tribute to you first. END OF GAME There is no time limit. Your turn is over when your Munckin is caught by one of the Munchers. You may start a new game to try and improve your score or turn your handset over to another competitor. The highest score in a series of games is automatically registered on the left-hand side. You can add the name of the winning player, using the alphabetical keys of the console. Maximum length is six characters, as indicated by the question-marks. If the name is shorter, you can remove the remaining question-marks by pressing the SPACE key. The name will stay there until a better score has been reached. PLAYING TIPS You will find that it's very difficult to catch those purple Munchers. Stay close to one of those blinking Munchies and grab it when the Munchers get very close. That way you'll be able to munch one or even several of the purple Munchers. Avoid being trapped! There's a quick way to move from one side of the maze to the other. Just escape through the exit on either side and your Munchkin will re-appear on the other side. GAME VARIETIES DIFFERENT STANDARD MAZES: press RESET next press 0, 1 or 2. STANDARD MAZE WITH TURNSTILE: press RESET next press 3. The maze is now divided into four separate sections. You can move from one section to another by taking position at the starting station, which functions as a turnstile. It turns at intervals so you can step into the starting station and move out again in another section of the maze. You may also move from one section to another by leaving through the exit, entering another section on the other side. DIFFERENT MAZE EACH TIME: press RESET next press 4. DISAPPEARING MAZE: press RESET next press 5, 6, 7 or 8. You will see a different maze each time, but it will become invisible the moment you move your Munchkin, giving you an extra handicap! PLAYING THE PROGRAMMING MODE Press RESET next press P. Munchkin is now in the programming mode, opening a variety of possibilities and a virtually unlimited number of different mazes. You can now ask the computer to choose a maze for you or build your own maze. For different standard mazes Press 0, 1, 2 or 3. For different invisible mazes Press 5, 6, 7 or 8. For infinite variety of visible mazes Press 4. The maze pattern will keep changing very quickly, until you release the key again. If you're not happy with the maze you see, press key 4 again etc. For infinite variety of invisible mazes Press 9. To start playing First "freeze" the maze. Press ENTER. To actually start playing, press YES. Now letters and figures will disappear and the screen shows a similar situation as the basic games, including your Munchkin, the Munchers and Munchies. Building your own maze When you have selected a maze while playing in the programming mode, you can make as many changes as you like, with the exception of the centre station which will remain intact. First select a basic pattern, following the above instructions. Press RESET next press P next press 1, 2, 3 or 4. Now "freeze" that maze by pressing ENTER but do not press YES yet! How to add or delete lines On the left-hand side of the maze you see the letters A through G. They are the horizontal coordinates. Across the bottom you see the numbers 1 through 9. They are the vertical coordinates. Horizontal lines to add, press letter, next press number, finally press ENTER. to clear, press letter, next press number, finally press CLEAR. Vertical lines to add, press number, next press letter, finally press ENTER. to clear, press number, next press letter, finally press CLEAR. You can repeat this as often as you want and thus build your own maze. Make sure however that you do not close part of the maze off completely! To start playing Press Y (for YES). Letter and numbers will disappear and the screen shows the familiar scene with score counters and question-marks. Your Munchkin, the Munchies and Munchers appear and the game starts again.