ACTIVISION(R) PITFALL!(TM) VIDEO GAME CARTRIDGE INSTRUCTIONS PITFALL!(TM) BASICS The object of Pitfall! is to guide Harry through a maze of jungle scenes, jumping over or avoiding many deadly dangers, and helping Harry grab the most treasure in the shortest possible time. 1. Hook up your video game system. Follow manufacturer's instructions. 2. With power OFF, plug in game cartridge. 3. Turn power ON. If no picture appears, check connection of your game system to TV; then repeat steps 1-3. 4. Slip overlay onto either hand controller. 5. To start, press the disc. Action begins as you press the right or left rim of the disc. 6. Use of the Controller. * To run left or the left or right rim of the disc. * To jump over dangers...push either one of the top buttons on the sides of the controller while running to the right or the left. * To climb up the top rim of the disc. * To climb down the bottom rim of the disc. * To grab a swinging either of the top buttons on the sides of the controller while running to the right or to the left. * To let go of the vine...push either one of the bottom buttons on the sides of the controller. * To collect a treasure...just run right by it. 7. Scoring. You start each adventure with 2000 points. Some misfortunes will cause a deduction of points. Should you fall down a hole by accident, you will lose 100 points. Rolling logs will also cause point loss depending on how long contact is made with them. Each treasure you find will add points to your score. There are eight of each type of treasure in the entire game, 32 in all, for a total of 112,000 points. A perfect score is 114,000 points (reached by collecting all treasures, without losing any points by falling down holes or tripping on logs). [Drawing of ring] diamond ring 5000 points [Drawing of light colored 'shiny' bar] gold bar 4000 points [Drawing of dark colored 'shiny'bar] silver bar 3000 points [Drawing of bag with dollar sign] money bag 2000 points 8. Time. You have 20 minutes to complete each adventure. Harry has 3 lives in each game (see "The Hazards of Pitfall!"). Game ends when Harry is "lost" for the third time, or time runs out. To start a new game, press CLEAR on the hand controller. 9. TURN POWER OFF BEFORE REMOVING CARTRIDGE. SPECIAL FEATURES OF PITFALL!(TM) BY ACTIVISION(R) There are 255 jungle scenes through which Harry can travel. Each scene covered underground is equivalent to three on the surface. Pitfall! is a circular maze. That means, if Harry safely goes through all 255 different scenes, he will come back to the starting point. In the course of that journey, Harry will also encounter all 32 treasures. The Hazards of Pitfall! Pitfall Harry's Jungle Adventure(TM) is fraught with danger. Some hazards will slow him down and rob you of points, while others will stop him cold in his tracks. The "lesser" hazards are the open holes in the ground and rolling logs (see "Scoring"). The "catastrophic" hazards are the scorpions, fires, cobra rattlers, crocodiles, swamps, quicksand, and tar pits. These obstacles will not cost you points, but they will cost one of Harry's 3 lives. [A screen shot shows examples of Score, Time, Replacement Harrys, Harry, Money Bag, Ladder, Underground Passage, Scorpion, Brick Wall, Crocodiles and Fire] (Combination Screen for demonstration purposes only) [A drawing shows the Intellivision controller with the Pitfall overlay, with labels for Jump, Release Vine and Move Harry] Hand Controller with Overlay GETTING THE FEEL OF PITFALL!(TM) BY ACTIVISION(R) You cannot excel at Pitfall! without acquiring a variety of skills. The most important is "jumping." You'll need to use both the direction disc and jump button (either one of the top buttons on the sides of the controller) at the same time in order to make Harry leap up to a swinging vine. Jumping is also important when you leap atop crocodile heads while crossing a swamp, or when you hurdle over logs, holes, scorpions, fires and snakes. Special care should be taken when you jump scorpions; the margin for error is less. To practice your skills, try running to the right. Learn to jump the rolling logs and the holes in the ground first, then tackle the tougher skills of swinging on vines and jumping over crocodile pits. Whenever Harry is lost, you'll get another chance to try the hazard since the "replacement" Harry appears on the left side of the screen. JOIN "PITFALL HARRY'S EXPLORERS' CLUB" If you score 20,000 points (or more) on any one of your adventures with Harry, you will be eligible to join this prestigious orginization. Just send us a picture of your TV screen showing your score, and we'll present you with the special "Explorers' Club" membership emblem shown below. [Picture of upside down triangle ACTIVISION EXPLORERS CLUB patch] HOW TO SEEK YOUR FORTUNE WITH PITFALL HARRY Tips from David Crane, designer of Pitfall!(TM) [Picture of David Crane] David Crane is an award-winning Senior Designer at Activision. He also designed Dragster(R), Fishing Derby(R), Laser Blast(TM), Freeway(TM) and Grand Prix(TM) for the Atari(R) Video Computer System(TM). "As you set off on your first adventure with Harry, you'll notice two important features: that the logs always roll from right to left, and that the "replacement" Harrys (after Harry loses a life) drop from the trees on the left side of the screen. So, to minimize the number of rolling logs to be jumped, and the catastrophic hazards to be re-tried, simply run to the left. "Pitfall Harry's trip must be made through a maze of surface and underground passages through the jungle. To capture all 32 treasures in under twenty minutes, Harry will have to use some of the underground passages. I'd suggest that you make a map of the terrain each time you play. Knowing the jungle and planning the best route to all the treasures is the only way to insure success time after time. "Until you get really skilled at making Harry jump from croc to croc, you might wait until the crocodiles' jaws are closed, jump to the top of the first croc's head, then wait for the jaws to open and close again before jumping to the next one. Soon you'll be skipping across crocs like they were stepping stones in a stream. "If you can find any writing materials deep in the jungle, drop me a line. I'd love to hear how you and Harry are getting along." [Signature of David Crane] VIDEO GAME CARTRIDGE LIMITED ONE YEAR WARRANTY [information deleted] ACTIVISION(R) Activision, Inc., Drawer 7287, Mountain View, CA 94042 Intellivision(R) is a trademark of Mattell, Inc. (C) 1982 Activision Atari(R) and Video Computer System(TM) are trademarks of Atari Inc. Printed in U.S.A. M-002-03 Video Game Advantage WWW manual archive --