Imagic DRAGONFIRE Game Program Instructions Dragons have driven the Royal Court from the Castle. "O we are lost, lost!" laments the King. "Without our vast treasures we cannot raise an army 'gainst accursed dragons. Our Kingdom must now languish under lizards!" "Nay, not so, my liege!" replied the young Prince. "None knows that Castle, those many bridges and storerooms, better than I. Give me leave and I shall loot those lizards of their plunder and restore my lord to his birthright." "Brave boy," said the King, fully pleased. "But", he added darkly, "beware dread Dragonfire!" Now the Prince is ready to challenge the ferocious Dragons. But first he must cross bridges and face an onslaught of fireballs thrown by Dragon hatchlings. If he succeeds in crossing a few bridges, he must then dodge arrows shot by an archer atop a castle tower. When the Prince crosses a bridge, he arrives in a storeroom full of beautiful treasures, but guarded by a Dragon. Now he is the moving target and must run fast and true to reach each treasure while he evades the dreaded Dragonfire. And there's only one small place to hide! If the prince can touch every treasure in the room (stuffing them in his magical invisible sack), he is able to escape and go on to another bridge. He can make more raids on the Dragons' plunder, unless he's hit seven times by fireballs, arrows, or Dragonfire. Can his bravery and speed restore the King's rightful treasures? That's up to YOU! OBJECTIVES Direct the Prince across the bridge, dodging fireballs and arrows. Once inside the storeroom, move the prince so he can touch and take every treasure. Avoid the fiery breath of the Dragon. Escape from the storeroom and be ready to cross another bridge and meet another, more ferocious Dragon. CONSOLE CONTROLS Insert cartridge in right side of unit, label up. Turn power switch to ON. To begin Dragonfire (or to restart the game), press Start on either controller Keypad. To pause action during the game, press keypad numbers 1 and 9 or 3 and 7 simultaneously. The screen goes blank. To resume action, press any keypad number, side button or the disk. Action resumes exactly where you left off. Note: Turn console unit off while TV is still on. Do not remove cartridge while the console is still on. (Diagram of the Keypad Overlay) Press Any Key To Start Jump (Any Side Button) Select Difficulty Level (Button 7=Easy, 8=Medium, 9=Hard) Select Number of Players (Clear=1 Player, 0=2 Players, Enter=Start) Remove left and right controllers from console. Slip keypad covers (overlays) securely into place over both left and right keypads. PICK YOUR GAME When the Dragonfire title and castle scene appear, press Start. (Use this key any time to re-start a game.) Select the number of players Press 1 Player or 2 Players key. (Clear or 0). Select the game difficulty level. Press Easy, Medium or Hard (7, 8 or 9) See Game Variations for details (Screen Shot of Bridge Screen: Prince on side-view of bridge, Safety Zone on right side of bridge, Treasure Room Entrance on left side of bridge, Archer up in tower, Fireballs flying across the bridge from left to right towards Prince, Remaining Chances on bottom left corner of screen, Active Player's Score on bottome right corner of screen.) The Prince is ready to brave the onslaught of the Dragon's fireballs, and to cross the bridge to a storeroom full of treasures! The Prince's First Challenge: Cross The Bridge Watch out for fireballs! Dragon hatchlings throw fireballs high and low at the Prince. There are three things you can do to keep him from being hit (7 hits and the game is over). Duck him under high ones. Press the bottom of the disk and the Prince crouches down under high fireballs. Jump over low ones. Press any side button and the Prince leaps over low fireballs. He jumps farther if you press the button while he's running towards the fireballs, not just standing still. Run back to safety. Press the right edge of the disk to return the Prince to safety, behind the tower at the right side of the bridge. Note: If you cannot return to the safe zone when there are some close-trailing fireballs, try to squeeze through by pressing the bottom of the disk and any side button at the same time. The prince will jump in a crouched position. Run to the left side of the bridge! Press left edge of the disk and the Prince runs toward a treasure storeroom. Watch out for the archer! After the Prince has sacked some storerooms and crossed a few bridges, the Archer starts to shoot arrows. Press left or right edge of disk to make the Prince avoid the arrows (a hit by an arrow is the same as a hit by a fireball--it costs the Prince one of his chances.) The Prince's Big Challenge: Recover The King's Treasures, Then Escape Once across the bridge, the Prince enters a treasure-filled storeroom. He begins in a safe hiding place. He can return to this safe place whenver he's in the storeroom. Press left edge of disk and the Prince leaves the hiding place. Direct the Prince to every treasure in the room. As soon as he touches a treasure he recovers it for the King. Keep the Prince away from the Dragonfire! Use the disk to direct the Prince. Press edge in the direction you want him to move. When the Prince has taken every treasure, an escape passageway appears in the top left corner. Use the disk to direct the Prince to the exit. After his escape, the Prince (or the second player's Prince, if two are playing the game) appears at the right side of the bridge, and is ready for another raid on the Dragons' loot. Game Variations 1-Player Version You direct the Prince until he has used all 7 chances. Use left controller only. 2-Player Version You take turns with another player, each directing your own Prince. Use both hand controllers. Player using left controller starts the game. each player continues until his Prince crosses a bridge, clears out all the treasures from a storeroom and then escapes. When turn shifts: Alternate player's Prince appears at the right side of the bridge. Active player's score is displayed (Black numbers for left player, Blue numbers for right player). 2-Player game ends when both players' Princes have used 7 chances. When one player's Prince has used all his chances, the other player continues until his Prince runs out of chances. Difficulty Levels There are 16 different Dragons, each one more agressive than the one before. At the Easy level, players start with the 1st Dragon. [picture of a greenish-yellow dragon] At the Medium level, players start with the 5th Dragon (and the Archer will shoot at the Prince on the bridge). [picture of a blue dragon] At the Hard level, players start with the 9th Dragon (and all the treasure score points are doubled). (The 11th Dragon is really tough - in fact, he's invisible!) [Picture of a grey/blue dragon] Scoring Every treasure object is worth score points: Yellow Helmet 10 Pink Harp 20 White Lamp 30 White Chest 40 Orange Jug 50 Green Candlabra 80 Blue Orb 100 Escape from Treasure Room 100 The 7th Dragon and after: All scores (except the escape bonus) are doubled. Tactical Tips Take a minute to study the pre-game screen. Look at the different speeds of high and low fireballs to learn what to expect. Don't make your Prince stay on the bridge any longer than necessary. The faster he gets across, the fewer fireballs he'll encounter! Remember to run back to the right side of the bridge to avoid difficult combinations of fireballs - the Prince is safe there. Squeeze through close-trailing fireballs by making the Prince jump while crouching (press bottom of disk and a side button at the same time). Once inside the storeroom, keep the Prince moving! As the game goes on, the Dragons get faster, but so does the Prince. Use the hiding place if you need a rest because the Dragon never stops hunting for the Prince. In 2-Player games, be ready to take control of your Prince immediately after your opponent escapes. The fireballs start right away! Imagic Video Game Cartridge Two Year Limited Warranty [information deleted] Game Program designed by Alan Smith IMAGIC Consumer Affairs Kathleen Boothe P.O. Box 31001 Los Gatos, CA 95031 copyright 1982 Imagic Inc. All rights reserved Video Game Advantage WWW manual archive --