Victory * Plays like the VICTORY arcade game! * For use with Coleco's ROLLER CONTROLLER * For one or two players * Choose from four skill levels Your planet has been overrun by an alien force. They've installed radar. rockets and quark silos. Their deadly ships drop paratroopers to release the quarks. You must stop them! Fire your lasers to destroy the aliens. If the going gets rough, put up your shields or trigger your Doomsday Device. GETTING READY TO PLAY MAKE SURE THE COLECOVISION CONSOLE IS OFF BEFORE INSERTING OR REMOVING A CARTRIDGE. Choose your challenge. Press the Reset Button. The Title Screen appears on your TV. Wait for the Game Option screen to appear It contains a list of game options, numbered 1-8. Skill 1 is the easiest level, suitable for beginners. Skill 2 action is faster than Skill 1, but not as demanding as the arcade game. Skill 3 is as difficult as the arcade game. Skill 4 is more challenging than the arcade version! Select a game option by pressing the corresponding number button on either controller keypad. Players take turns. Player 1 begins, and each turn lasts until the player's battlestar is eliminated. PAUSE Feature Press * to pause during a game. Press * to return to the game exactly where you stopped. There is a brief delay after the game screen reappears. It allows you to size up the situation before play begins again! Reset The Reset Button on the console stops the game and returns you to the Title Screen. It can be used to start a new game at any time, and can also be used in the event of game malfunction. USING YOUR CONTROLS Attach the Roller Controller as explained in its owner's manual. Slide the Mode Switch to "Roller Cartridge" mode for VICTORY. Roller Ball: Spin the Roller Ball to aim your battlestar in any direction you want to fire or thrust. Up, down, side-to-side, even diagonals are just a roll away! Action Buttons: THRUST Press the right upper Action Button to turn your engines on and off and to thrust. To stop, hit the right upper Action Button once more. FIRE Press the right lower Action Button to fire at your enemies. Each press of this Action Button releases two bullets. DOOMSDAY DEVICE Press the lower left Action Button to eliminate all enemies on the screen. SHIELDS Press the upper left Action Button to protect your battle-star from every enemy, including collision with the planet surface! HERE'S HOW TO PLAY Flying away. Press the thrust button to rise away from this alien-infested planet. Your battlestar moves in the direction its weapon faces. Skim the planet's surface or fly into deep space. Keep sharp The enemy is on its way! The enemies approach. You can see all the enemies on your Radar Screen. Enemies look like blips. The battle can't begin until the enemies enter the white frame in the middle of the screen Beware! When enemies enter the white frame, they can fire at you. Fire back! Attack! Put up your shields or eliminate all the enemies in the Cockpit Window with your Doomsday Device. But remember--you have only four Doomsday Devices and four shields. Save them for the right moment. Hold the enemies off with bullets as long as you can! Bombers. Here are your enemies, and they're looking for you. Bombers attack in formation. Beware! They like nothing more than to overlap so you can't see how many there are. Wait till a bunch of them enter the Cockpit Window. Then hit the Doomsday Device and knock them out all at once. Paratroopers. Don't trust those paratroopers falling out of bombers and shuttles. If they touch ground, they change into scouts who roam the planet surface and release super deadly quarks. Don't let that happen! Shoot the paratroopers before they land! Duel to the death! "Yellow Alert" flashes across your screen. A quark has just been released, and it's headed straight for you! Watch out for the quark's laser shots. A quark never rests until it has eliminated your battlestar or your battlestar has eliminated it! Don't dawdle. The longer you wait to eliminate the enemy squadron, the worse your situation becomes. Starships attack. Scouts release more quarks. And once all the quarks are released, everything homes in on your battlestar Be quick! Get them all! Warning: Low Fuel! When this warning sounds, you have only a few seconds to save yourself. Dive to a fuel depot and fill up. You can't make it? The Red Alert sounds. You can't move! Enemy groups attack. Fire! Only by eliminating the squadron can you survive. Rockets and laser bases. Those docile-looking rockets and laser bases can be deadly enemies. Approach a rocket and it fires away. Get near a laser base and it can blast your battlestar to smithereens. You can eliminate the rockets, but they're not part of the enemy squadron you must destroy. Avoid the laser bases. There's no way to knock them out! Quark Bonus! You've eliminated the squadron. Now collect your reward. Each quark not released by a paratrooper is worth 1000 bonus points in the first play level. The more squadrons you eliminate, the greater your Quark Bonus! Space Flier. Another squadron challenges your battlestar This time the enemies have called for interceptors and saucers to help them. Try to eliminate the new squadron, flier Starting over. Press * to replay the VICTORY Game Option that you have been playing. Or press # to go back to the Game Option screen SCORING Battlestar eliminates: Points: Rocket 50 Paratrooper 100 Scout 750 Bomber 1000 Interceptor 1250 Shuttle 1500 Quark 3000 Starship 3000 Bonus. The more squadrons you eliminate, the more points you earn for each unreleased quark. You start VICTORY as a cadet earning 1000 points for each unreleased quark. When you achieve the top rank of "Ace," each unreleased quark is worth 8000 points! More Bonuses! When you earn 35,000 points, you win a bonus battlestar, one Doomsday Device, one Shield and 1600 points. Your next bonus comes at 100,000 points. From then on you earn a bonus each time you increase your score by another 100,000 points.