Carnival GAME DESCRIPTION Hurry! Hurry! Step right up and prove your skill at hitting targets in this challenging carnival shooting gallery. Authentic carnival music and gallery sounds set the mood as you build up your score with good aim and a careful choice of targets. But watch out for the bullet-eating ducks! Once you clear the gallery, you get a chance at hitting a special bear target for extra points. GETTING READY TO PLAY * Make sure the COLECOVISION console is connected to your TV. Make sure power supply is plugged into the console. Then plug power supply into a 220/240 volt AC outlet. * TV should be turned on and game tuned to a spare TV channel * ALWAYS MAKE SURE COLECOVISION UNIT IS OFF BEFORE REMOVING OR INSERTING A CARTRIDGE. Turn Off/On switch to On after cartridge is inserted. USING YOUR CONTROLS NOTE: For a one-player game, use the controller plugged into Port 1 (the rear jack). For a two-player game, Player 1 uses the controller plugged into Port 1; Player 2 uses the controller plugged into Port 2. 1. Keypad: Keypad Buttons 1-8 allow you to select a Game Option before beginning to play. 2. Control Stick: Pushing the Control Stick left or right moves the gun in the direction selected. 3. Side Buttons: Pressing either Side Button fires the gun. HERE'S HOW TO PLAY NOTE: If you are playing a two-player game, players take turns. Player 1 goes first, and each turn lasts until the player runs out of bullets or completes one Gallery rack followed by one Bear rack. STEP 1: The choice is yours. Press the Reset Button and the title screen for Carnival will appear on your TV. Wait for the Game Option screen to appear. It contains a list of game play options, numbered 1-8. Select one by pressing the corresponding number button on either controller keypad. STEP 2: Fire away! After you select a Game Option, your first Gallery rack appears. Score points by firing at the moving targets. Ducks Bite the Bullets Watch out! A surviving duck may fly down from the bottom row and eat ten of your bullets. Pipe Dreams Knock out the pipes by aiming for their bowls. But be accurate. The pipe value shown below the wheel decreases with every shot that misses a pipe. Hit the same color pipes with two consecutive shots and you get four times the pipe score value for the second pipe. Special Strategy: Knock out the pipes early in the game. If any pipes remain on the wheel while you are hitting the moving targets, ducks, ducks, and more ducks start coming out! Win Some - Lose Some Score extra points or bullets by hitting the Plus-Minus target at left. But look out! If the minus sign is on when the target is hit, the points or bullets shown are subtracted from your total. BONUS Spell Spell the word "BONUS" in the correct order and you win the bonus points shown below the word at right. But keep sharp! Hitting a letter out of order cancels the chance to win bonus points. Special Strategy: The more targets you hit before hitting the letter "B" the more points you get when you spell the word. Stockpiling If your bullet supply is running low, aim for the "5" and "10" boxes in the target rows to stock up on five or ten extra bullets. Beware: In Skills 2, 3, and 4, the longer you take to knock out all the targets, the faster the targets will move! The Sound of Music Hit the music target, located just below the row scores at right, to turn off or turn in the carnival music. Bear Up! Clear the gallery of all moving targets and pipes and your remaining bullets are credited to your score as points. Then you move on the Bear rack. Each time you hit the bear, you earn extra points. But be quick! Whenever you hit the bear, it changes direction and moves faster. After the bear leaves the screen, you move on to the next Gallery rack. Each time you complete a Gallery Rack, you earn a Bear rack. The second Bear rack has two bears and the third Bear rack has three! The End Clear the rack of all moving targets and pipes, then complete the Bear rack to move on to the next higher level of game play. Each player's game ends when the player fires the last bullet. To replay the CARNIVAL Game Option that you have been playing press *. To go back to the Game Option screen, press #. NOTE: The Reset Button on the console "clears" the computer. It can be used to start a new game at any time, and can also be used in the event of game malfunction. SCORING ARCADE INITIAL RACK ROWS BONUS BULLET # PIPES (Bottom to Top) LETTERS SUPPLY 1 500 10, 30, 50 200 60 2 600 20, 40, 60 300 48 3 700 30, 50, 70 400 48 4 800 40, 60, 80 500 48 5 & Up 900 50, 70, 90 600 48 Hit two pipes of the same color with two consecutive shots to get four times the pipe score value. After you clear a Gallery rack, 50 points are added to your score for each bullet remaining in your bullet supply. Each time you hit the bear, you receive 50 points.