Helpyall.txt Redneck Rampage Final version 1.00 By Xatrix Entertainment, Inc. Published by Interplay Productions ABOUT THIS HELPYALL.TXT FILE This file contains lots of last-minute notes and tips about the game that are more up-to-date than the stuff in the printed manual and reference card. It also contains all the instructions for network, modem, and serial play. Redneck Rampage is rated "M" for Machure Audiences Only. TABLE OF CONTENTS * How to get the Redneck Rampage Cuss! Pack * About this version * Quick Start - How To Get Going (DOS instructions) * Quick Start - How To Get Going (Windows 95 instructions) * System Requirements * Tips & Tricks * Network Play * Modem Play * Serial Play * Troubleshooting * Playing CD Music * On-line Manual * Interplay Demos * Engage - Playing Redneck Rampage over the Internet * Last Minute Credits * Interplay Customer Service * Legal Mumbo Jumbo REDNECK RAMPAGE CUSS! PACK Visit on the World Wide Web to download the Redneck Rampage Cuss! Pack, which is guaranteed to offend *everyone*. In Redneck Rampage, our boys are polite and well-mannered compared to the real language they use every day (you know what we mean). Visit our web site and see. ABOUT THIS VERSION This is the final CD-ROM version of Redneck Rampage. Thank you for purchasing this fine game! Please note that THIS GAME IS NOT FREE and we ask you to not pass copies around to your friends. Instead, make them buy their own damn copies of Redneck Rampage, to encourage us to keep making great games like this in the future! If you'd like to pass *something* around to your friends, you can grab the free demo version by visiting Interplay's World Wide Web site at You can also play Redneck Rampage over the Internet via Engage! Visit to get the Internet-capable version of Redneck Rampage so you can feud against rednecks even backer in the woods than you are. QUICK START -- HOW TO GET GOING DOS INSTRUCTIONS If your CD-ROM drive is a letter other than drive D: then substitute that letter for the "D:" references in these instructions. 1. Insert the Redneck Rampage CD-ROM. 2. Type D:\INSTALL and then follow the on-screen instructions. 3. After installation is complete, the SETUP program will be launched. Follow the on-screen instructions. You need to configure your sound card and screen size for sure, and the controller setup if you'd like to configure your keys. When you set your screen size, be sure you are set to 640 x 480 or higher resolution -- we only included a 320 x 200 screen size for those who like to play with a smoother frame rate at the expense of having to look at the whole world through smeared, low-resolution beer goggles. 4. Pick "Save & launch Redneck Rampage" to begin killing. 5. When the game starts, hit ESC to display the menu. Pick "New Game". 6. After the first time you play, you can start the game by going to the directory where you installed Redneck Rampage, and type RAMPAGE to start playing. For instance: C: CD \INTRPLAY\REDNECK RAMPAGE If the game doesn't start up correctly, you may have an old video card that doesn't include a VESA driver. You'll have to load an SVGA VESA driver (1.0 or 2.0 is fine). Consult your video card manufacturer's manual or web site to get the card's VESA video driver. QUICK START -- HOW TO GET GOING WINDOWS 95 INSTRUCTIONS (Redneck Rampage was designed to be played in DOS only, *not* in a "DOS box" in Windows 95. These instructions will install and play the game while making your computer restart in MS-DOS mode each time you launch Redneck Rampage. See the reference card and the "Troubleshooting" section below for more details on Windows 95.) 1. Insert the Redneck Rampage CD-ROM. 2. Click "Install" and then follow the on-screen instructions. 3. After installation is complete, the SETUP program will be launched. Follow the on-screen instructions. You need to configure your sound card and screen size for sure, and the controller setup if you'd like to configure your keys. When you set your screen size, be sure you are set to 640 x 480 or higher resolution -- we only included a 320 x 200 screen size for those who like to play with a smoother frame rate at the expense of having to look at the whole world through smeared, low-resolution beer goggles. 4. Pick "Save & launch Redneck Rampage" to begin killing. 5. When the game starts, hit ESC to display the menu. Pick "New Game". 6. After the first time you play, you can start the game by inserting the Redneck Rampage CD-ROM and clicking the "Play" button. Or, double-click the "Rampage" shortcut in the directory on your hard disk where you installed the game. (If you want to try to play in a "DOS box" while Windows 95 is still running, use the "Pighead" shortcut instead of the "Rampage" shortcut.) SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM CONFIGURATION: A Pentium P90 with 16MB RAM, a PCI or local bus SVGA video card, about 150 MB free space on a hard disk, and a CD-ROM drive. RECOMMENDED CONFIGURATION: A Pentium P133 or faster with 32MB RAM, a PCI or local bus SVGA video card, about 150 MB free space on a hard disk, a CD-ROM drive, and a sound card with kick-ass ear-bleeding self-powered speakers. SUPPORTED GRAPHICS: SVGA 640x480 Minimum. SVGA 1600x1200 Maximum. 320x200 VGA graphics are possible but we truly don't recommend such an awful low-res video mode -- Redneck Rampage was designed with high-resolution textures for a 640x480 display. SUPPORTED SOUND: Gravis UltraSound, Sound Blaster/Pro/16/AWE32, Yee-Haaw, Oink Oink, SoundMan 16, Pro Audio Spectrum, SoundScape, WaveBlaster, Sound Canvas, Adlib, Disney Sound Source, and General MIDI. All the CD music is played through the CD-ROM adapter of your sound card, of course. TIPS & TRICKS * If you get caught in a tough spot, surrounded by enemies, use the moonshine and get your ass out of there. * Use corners effectively. Duck behind a corner to avoid the damn-good shooting of Billy Ray and the Coot, then when they walk around the corner to find you, dump a double-load of shotgun shells into them. * In general, drink alcohol before eating food, to sober yourself up for the next time you have to hit the bottle. * We have heard that if you jump on the back of the truck in Taylortown before *any* chickens are killed on the level, you'll gain 5000 health. * Although you have to hit Bubba with your crowbar to end the level, you should try not to kill him. If you kill Bubba, you're screwed: you won't be able to end the level. Don't do this. NETWORK, MODEM, AND SERIAL PLAY To start a network, modem, or serial game of Redneck Rampage, run the SETUP program, then choose "Network Game", "Modem Game", or "Serial Game". NETWORK GAME (option in SETUP program) Although Redneck Rampage supports up to 8 players in a network game, you may need supercomputer hardware to avoid "Out of Sync" messages. We recommend no more than 6 players, and on slower machines or slower networks, 4 players is about as far as you should push it. The 14 regular levels of Redneck Rampage were designed with solo and cooperative play in mind. Therefore, we have included 7 smaller levels for a Pissin' Contest(tm). We recommend that you check out these levels when you want to go on a multi-player killin' spree. To access these levels, launch a network game and select "new game" from the main menu. Then select Episode 3 (Pissin' Contest) and choose a level. When you are ready, select "start game". Before you set up a network game for the first time, note that your computer needs IPX drivers installed before you begin, or you will get the error message "IPX & NetBIOS not detected". An IPX driver is an optional component of Windows 95 installation, and DOS IPX drivers are also available in the Novell NetWare client. You will have to obtain these drivers from another source; they are not included on this CD-ROM and we can't assist you in getting IPX drivers or configuring your network. Here's an explanation of the options after you choose "Network Game" in the SETUP program: Change Number of Players: Self-explanatory. Make sure all players in the network game are set to the same number of players before you start. Setup Network Socket Number: All players in a particular net game must be set to the same network socket number. You should only have to change this if multiple Redneck Rampage games are happening on the same network, so the games don't interfere with each other. Setup Macros: Lets you customize your text taunts you can send by hitting Shift-F1 through Shift-F10 while playing. RTS File Selection: Lets you customize your shouted taunts you can send by hitting Alt-F1 through Alt-F10 while playing. If you have made or received a different RTS file, this option lets you hear the different taunts. User Level Selection: All players in a net game must be set to the same user level selection. Chooses what level you want to play. Change Player Name: Type in your name, peckerhead! Launch Redneck Rampage: When everyone has correctly set their "Number of Players", "Network Socket Number", and "User Level" so these numbers agree on all systems, everyone should choose "Save and Launch Redneck Rampage" to begin playing. MODEM GAME (option in SETUP program) Here's an explanation of the options after you choose "Modem Game" in the SETUP program: Already Connected: Tells the SETUP program you are already connected with your opponent and don't need to dial or pick up the phone. Wait for Call: Tells the SETUP program you are going to wait for your opponent to call you. Dial your Opponent: Tells the SETUP program you are going to dial your opponent. Setup COM port: Lets you specify which COM port your modem is on, and what speed it runs at. Setup Modem: Lets you specify what brand of modem you have. Be sure to set up this option correctly before you begin a modem game. Note that you should not need to change the other initialization options on the "Setup Modem" screen. Setup Macros: Lets you customize your text taunts you can send by hitting Shift-F1 through Shift-F10 while playing. RTS File Selection: Lets you customize your shouted taunts you can send by hitting Alt-F1 through Alt-F10 while playing. If you have made or received a different RTS file, this option lets you hear the different taunts. User Level Selection: Both players in the modem game must be set to the same user level selection. Chooses what level you want to play. Change Player Name: Type in your name, peckerhead! Phone Number List: To tell the SETUP program what number to dial, choose this option. Use the arrow keys to go to an empty entry and press E to edit that entry. Type your opponent's name and phone number, then press Enter to select that phone number to dial. Launch Redneck Rampage: When both players have correctly set their "User Level" to the same level, and one player has chosen "Wait for Call" and the other has chosen "Dial your Opponent" and entered the correct phone number, both players can choose "Save and Launch Redneck Rampage" to begin playing. SERIAL GAME (option in SETUP program) Here's an explanation of the options after you choose "Serial Game" in the SETUP program: Setup COM port: Lets you specify which COM port you are going to communicate on, and at what speed. Setup Macros: Lets you customize your text taunts you can send by hitting Shift-F1 through Shift-F10 while playing. RTS File Selection: Lets you customize your shouted taunts you can send by hitting Alt-F1 through Alt-F10 while playing. If you have made or received a different RTS file, this option lets you hear the different taunts. User Level Selection: Both players in the serial game must be set to the same user level selection. Chooses what level you want to play. Change Player Name: Type in your name, peckerhead! Launch Redneck Rampage: When both players have correctly set their "User Level" and the speed of their COM ports to the same speed, both players can choose "Save and Launch Redneck Rampage" to begin playing. TROUBLESHOOTING Q: The sound and animation is *very* jerky. A: This will happen if you run Windows 95 and have only 16MB RAM. On a few systems with Windows 95, it will happen no matter how much RAM is in your machine. It may also happen on computers running plain DOS (without Windows 95) if some other program like SMARTDRV.EXE is taking up a lot of memory. The first thing to try, as mentioned in the printed reference card, is to restart your computer in MS-DOS mode before you play. You can do this automatically by double-clicking the "Rampage" shortcut located in the "Redneck" directory on your hard disk. The additional memory freed up by the absence of Windows 95 should let the game play much faster. If you continue to experience bad jerkiness problems, try to free up memory taken up by items in your CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT files. For instance, the SMARTDRV.EXE program takes up a lot of memory and will cause Redneck Rampage animation and sound to become jerky. If you have only 16MB RAM, may we humbly suggest that upgrading to 32MB RAM will cost you under US$100 and will probably speed up several parts of Windows 95, Redneck Rampage, and many other things you do with your computer. Q: When I restart my computer in MS-DOS mode and try to play the game, I don't get any sound, and my mouse control doesn't work. A: If this happens, it means your computer wasn't configured properly at the factory to make use of your CD-ROM drive, sound card, or mouse. :-( Unfortunately, it takes a lot of knowhow to configure all this crap yourself. See the refcard for some basic advice on getting your computer set up properly. If you don't have the drivers and knowhow needed to set up your CD-ROM drive, sound card, and mouse properly under DOS, you *may* want to try playing in a "DOS box" under Windows 95, since Windows 95 gives you all the hardware drivers you need (except you won't get CD music). You should have 32MB RAM if you'd like to try running in a "DOS box". To try this, double-click the "Pighead" shortcut in the directory on your hard disk where you installed Redneck Rampage. Q: I launch the game but it just displays a black screen and locks up. A: This happens on the ATI Mach32 video card with certain versions of ATI's VESA driver software. If you have a Mach32, try using the VESA video driver that came with the video card. (We have seen problems using newer versions of the VESA driver.) If you have a different video card, contact the video card company to obtain a VESA driver. This is usually available on video card companies' World Wide Web and BBS sites. Q: This game is too dark! A: Adjust your monitor first, *then* press ESC and choose Options and then adjust the screen brightness. Q: There's an awful lot of profanity in this game. A: Really? For even more, visit and get the Cuss! Pack. If such terrible language is too much for you, you can press ESC, choose Options, and then choose "Parental Lock" (and optionally lock the game into Parental Lock mode with a password). This will screen out the blood gibs and *some* of the profanity. Q: My network game is giving lots of out-of-sync errors. A: First, turn monsters off. Then try fewer players (6 is very fun and seems optimal). Q: The game plays too slowly. A: Make sure that in the SETUP program you set the screen size to be 640x480. If you set the screen to a higher resolution (like 640x480) then the game will run much slower. Within the game, press "-" repeatedly to shrink the size of the game window. This will speed up play quite a bit. Q: I do not receive CD Audio from the Redneck Rampage disc or any other CD. A: There is a problem with Mitsumi CD ROMS. If you are playing in Windows 95 we suggest that you take advantage of the CD Player in Windows. If you are in DOS we suggest that you launch the CD utility that comes with most major sound cards. Q: I am getting a slow framerate when I play. A: Try turning the Ambience Off in the Sound Options from the Main Menu. This will turn off the extra sounds you hear when you are walking around and should help speed things back up. You can also change the amount of sounds that are playing from the Setup.exe. This should help out also. Q: Sometimes the game acts strangely in co-operative play. A: Co-op play tends to work best with four players or less. With more players you might experience bizarre side-effects, like weapons disappearing, players not exploding when hit by dynamite, keys not spawning, etc. Two player co-op is highly recommended as optimal, but four can play co-operatively with few side-effects. Anything above four players is undertaken at your own risk. PLAYING CD MUSIC If you're playing in MS-DOS mode like you should, you can access the digital 8-track tape by hitting ESC, then choosing OPTIONS, and then choosing SOUNDS and then 8-TRACK. The space bar will turn it on and off; use the arrow keys to change tracks. The 8-track player will not work if Windows 95 is in memory. If you eject a CD while playing the game, the 8-track unit will be disabled until you quit and run the game again. A music CD (not necessarily the Redneck Rampage CD) must remain in the CD-ROM drive at all times for music to work. Remember, this is an 8-track player, so if you have fancy CD's with more than 8 music tracks, yer out of luck. Your mileage will also vary if the 8 music tracks on your CD vary at all from the times of all the tracks on the Redneck Rampage CD! Finally, you can pop the Redneck Rampage CD into your audio CD player and relax to the soothing tunes of Mojo Nixon, the Beat Farmers, the Reverend Horton Heat, and Cement Pond -- just skip past track 1 before the soothing, blasting static of computer data blows out your speakers. ONLINE MANUAL The "Hickston Hog" game manual is included on the CD-ROM, in the MANUAL directory. For more information about this online manual, see the README.TXT file within the MANUAL directory. INTERPLAY DEMOS Check out the DEMOS folder for demos and movies of other Interplay games. ENGAGE - PLAYING REDNECK RAMPAGE OVER THE INTERNET Visit to get the Internet-capable version of Redneck Rampage! Check the ENGAGE folder for a demo, and the online versions of several other Engage games. LAST MINUTE CREDITS Many thanks to Darren Monahan at Interplay for the last-minute autorun and stubby programs, and installer changes. INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS CUSTOMER SERVICE ** USA CONTACTS ** Telephone: (714) 553-6678 Fax: (714) 252-2820 (Attn: Customer Service) Internet E-Mail: World Wide Web: BBS: Telnet to BBS Modem Phone Number: (714) 252-2822 America Online: Keyword INTERPLAY or E-mail IPTECH Compuserve: GO GAMBPUB or E-mail 76702,1342 Prodigy: E-mail PLAY99B FTP Site: Mail: Interplay Customer Service 16815 Von Karman Irvine, CA 92606 ** UK AND EUROPE CONTACTS ** Write to: Customer Support Interplay Productions, Ltd. Harleyford Manor Harleyford Henley Road Marlow Buckinghamshire SL7 2DX ENGLAND tel: +44 (0) 1628 423723 Fax: +44 (0) 1628 487752 Email: Limited Warranty - Europe ------------------------- If within the first ninety days of purchase you have any problems with the product please return it to the retailer. After ninety (90) days, you may return the software program to Interplay Productions, provided the fault is not due to normal wear and tear, and Interplay will mail a replacement to you. To receive a replacement you should enclose the defective medium (including the original product label) in protective packaging accompanied by: 1) A cheque or postal order for L10 sterling (to cover postage and packaging). 2) A brief statement describing the defect. 3) The original receipt or address of the retailer 4) Your return address Registered mail is recommended for returns. Please send to: Warranty Replacements, Interplay Productions Ltd., Harleyford Manor, Harleyford, Henley Road, Marlow, Buckinghamshire SL7 2DX, ENGLAND LEGAL MUMBO JUMBO Copyright (c) 1997 Xatrix Entertainment. All rights reserved. Redneck Rampage is a trademark of Interplay Productions. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Interplay is the exclusive licensor and publisher of Redneck Rampage. SOFTWARE USE LIMITATIONS AND LIMITED LICENSE General Product License. This copy of Redneck Rampage (the "Software") is intended solely for your personal noncommercial home entertainment use. You may not decompile, reverse engineer, or disassemble the Software, except as permitted by law. Are you paying attention, dumb-ass? Interplay Productions and Xatrix Entertainment retain all right, title and interest in the Software including all intellectual property rights embodied therein and derivatives thereof. Hi Mom! The Software, including, without limitation, all code, data structures, characters, images, sounds, text, screens, game play, derivative works and all other elements of the Software may not be copied, resold, rented, leased, distributed (electronically or otherwise), used on pay-per-play, coin-op or other for-charge basis, or for any commercial purpose. Pardon me, I got to scratch myself. Any permissions granted herein are provided on a temporary basis and can be withdrawn by Interplay Productions at any time. All rights not expressly granted are reserved. Modem and Network Play. If the Software contains modem or network play, you may play the Software via modem transmission with another person or persons directly without transmission through a third party service or indirectly through a third party service only if such service is an authorized licensee of Interplay. For the purposes of this license, a "third party service" refers to any third party service which provides a connection between two or more users of the Software, manages, organizes, or facilitates game play, translates protocols, or otherwise provides a service which commercially exploits the Software, but does not include a third party service which merely provides a telephonic connection (and nothing more) for modem or network play. Vadim Sigalov. Authorized licensee services are listed on the Interplay Productions World Wide Web Site located at This limited right to transmit the Software expressly excludes any transmission of the Software or any data streams thereof on a commercial basis, including, without limitation, transmitting the Software by way of a commercial service (excepting those specific commercial services licensed by Interplay) which translates the protocols or manages or organizes game play sessions. If you would like information about obtaining a pay-for-play or commercial license to the Software, please call Interplay Productions in the USA at (714) 553-6655. Redneck Rampage not Fault-tolerant. Redneck Rampage is not fault-tolerant and is not intended, manufactured, or designed for use as on-line control equipment in the operation of aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control computers, or nuclear facilities in which the failure of Redneck Rampage Pissing Contest technology could lead directly to death, personal injury, or several physical or environmental damage. This game was brought to you by the letter M and the number 3.