Duke-Tag! Duke-Tag! is an exciting new way to compete in multiplayer games of Duke Nukem 3d. It combines the thrill of Dukematch and the excitement of cooperation with teammates. Duke-Tag! is built into the final map of the Duke Nukem 3d Atomic Edition (Episode 4, Level 10). Note that Episode 4, Level 10 is a fully functioning Solo Play map, a normal Dukematch arena, and a Duke-Tag! game. This game is playable over a network, through your modem when using multiplayer or on-line services like T.E.N. (Total Entertainment Network). To activate Duke-Tag!, one player must trigger the "Duke-Tag!" switch found in the Starting Box only in Multiplayer mode. Note that at least 4 players are required for Duke-Tag! After the Duke-Tag! switch is activated, the players will be obstructed from either Combat Fort for about 45 seconds. During this time, players may gather weapons and prepare themselves for the game. If players are remotely dialing an on-line gaming service (such as T.E.N.) gamers may use the multi-play chat functions to choose teams, and develop strategies before the game starts. Players: Duke-Tag! requires a minimum of 4 players and a maximum of 8 Players are divided as equally as possible into two teams - Brown and Green. In games with an odd number of players, the odd man can be the "Equalizer" who's goal is to kill the players on both teams to prevent either team from scoring. Each team must contain at least one each of two distinct types of player - a Runner and a Flyer. Extra players may take on the roles of Defenders and Attackers. Players may switch roles at any time during the game, but must always stay on the same teams. Remember, though, that each team must always have at least one Runner, and one Flyer. The various player types are described in detail below. Object: To score 5 points for your team by maneuvering your Duke into your team's scoring zone. In order to score, the Runner will be required to gather the Protective Boots from his or her team's Combat Fort and make a Lava Run to the scoring zone. In order to gather the Protective Boots, his or her teammate must unlock the gate that blocks the boots by activating a switch located in the opposing team's Combat Fort. However, the Boot Gate Switch is located high in the air, so a Jetpack must be utilized by the player (from now on referred to as the "Flyer"). The Jetpacks are located in the central pillars of both Combat Forts and are opened with the Jetpack Switches in the opposing Combat Fort. Quick Rules: A. Teams Pick Colors B. Brown Team's Runner goes to brown Combat Fort to hit Jetpack Switch. Green Team's Runner goes to green Combat Fort to hit Jetpack Switch. C. Brown Team's Flyer goes to green Combat Fort to get Jetpack. Green Team's Flyer goes to brown Combat Fort to get Jetpack. D. Brown Team's Flyer hits the Boot Gate Switch in the green Combat Fort. Green Team's Flyer hits the Boot Gate Switch in the brown Combat Fort. E. Brown Team's Runner gets the Protective Boots and teleports to the green Combat Fort. Green Team's Runner gets the Protective Boots and teleports to the brown Combat Fort. F. Together Brown Team's Runner and Flyer exit the green Combat Fort and make their way to the Lava Run entrance. Green Team does the same from the brown Combat Fort. G. Each team's Runner navigates the Lava Run and jumps through their respective Scoring Zone teleporters. H. A point is scored for each team that successfully completed their run, and the process is repeated until one team has score 5 points and a win is indicated. Note: Throughout the game, players are encouraged to prevent opposing team players from reaching their goals using whatever weapons and methods are possible from within the game. Frag away! Detailed Rules: Map: The map is comprised of four main areas. 1. Starting Box: All players will begin and re- morph in the starting box. In this area you'll find several weapons and a switch which will activate Duke- Tag! in multiplayer mode only. Within the Starting Box is a group of teleporters which will transport the players to either the brown or green side of the Lava Run. After dying or scoring, players will remorph inside the Starting Box. 2. Lava Run: In the center of the map is a huge field of purple lava that is more destructive than any other lava in the game. Without Protective Boots, it is impossible for a player to traverse the distance of the Lava Run and survive. At the farthest end of the Lava Run is the entrance to the Scoring Zone. 3. Scoring Zone: In this area, players will find a teleporter for each team color. Stepping through the teleporter will score a point for each respective team. Each team's Scoring Zones will not open until that team has gathered the Protective Boots from their own Combat Fort. The Scoring Gate will only remain open for about a minute after the boots have been gathered, so players must move quickly to score. 4. Combat Forts: On each side of the Lava Run is a Combat Fort - one brown, and one green. In each fort is a locked gate that contains a pair of Protective Boots, a switch that will unlock the Boot Gate in the opposite fort, a hidden Jetpack, and a switch which will unlock the Jetpack in the opposite fort. Below the Combat Forts is a vast underwater section that contains a Safety Box that players will be transported to after gathering the Protective Boots from their home Combat Fort. In addition to the main areas, there are other notable functions built into the map: A. Scoring Indicators: Throughout the map there are indicators in brown and green that indicate each team's score. B. Direction Indicators: Near the exit to each fort in the Lava Run area there are directional arrows colored Green and Brown that will reveal themselves when a team is making a scoring run. The arrows are pointing in the direction of the entrance to the Lava Run itself. C. Gate Indicators: In each Combat Fort, and near the opening of the Lava Run there is a "Gate Open" indicator for each team that will reveal itself when that team has gathered the boots and thus opened their Scoring Gate. D. Team Wins!: When one of the two teams has earned 5 points an indicator will reveal itself near the opening of the Lava Run that the brown or green team has won the game. At that time, a Nuke Switch will lower itself. When activated, the Nuke Switch will reset Duke-Tag! for another game. E. Sound Cues: Several Sound Cues will activate throughout the game indicating many important actions players can complete. You'll hear sounds when a player grabs the Protective Boots, or when a team has scored. Listen carefully for these sounds and change your mode of attack or defense based on what your opponents are doing. Also, there are a number of very important switches and gates that must be used to successfully score points in Duke-Tag! A. Boot Gate: Each Combat Fort contains a gate behind which are the precious Protective Boots each team requires to make their Lava Runs. Each team must gather their boots from the Combat Fort which matches their team color. The green team, for example, must send its Runner to the green Combat Fort to get the Protective Boots from behind the Boot Gate. B. Boot Gate Switch: Each Combat Fort also houses a switch which will temporarily unlock the Protective Boots in the opposite Combat Fort. It is the Flyer who will trigger this switch after he or she gathers the Jetpack. The brown team, for example, would send its Flyer to the green Combat Fort to hit the Boot Gate Switch. C. Jetpack Pillar: In each Combat Fort is a central pillar which contains a hidden Jetpack. It is required that each team's Flyer gather a Jetpack to trigger the elevated Boot Gate Switch. D. Jetpack Switch: In order to gain access to a Jetpack, one player must trigger the Jetpack Switch in the opposite Combat Fort than that in which the Jetpack is desired. For example, if a player wishes to gather the Jetpack in the brown Combat Fort, the Jetpack Switch must be activated in the green Combat Fort. Each Combat Fort's Jetpack Switch allows access to the Jetpack in the opposite Combat Fort. E. Scoring Gate: At the end of the Lava Run are a pair of Scoring Zones. These zones are secured by a Scoring Gate. The Scoring Gate is automatically opened when a player gathers the Protective Boots. So, for example, gathering the Protective Boots in the green Combat Fort will open the Scoring Gate for the Green Team and likewise for the Brown Team. Note: After the Protective Boots are gathered and the Scoring Gate is opened, the gate will close after about one minute elapses. Players must gather the boots and complete their score before the time runs out. If time runs out, the team must again gather the Protective Boots to re-open the Scoring Gate (even if the Runner already has a set of boots). F. Safety Box: After gathering the Protective Boots, players will be transported to the opposing team's Combat Fort into a Safety Box. This box, found underwater, is surrounded by a force field. The box will only be open when a player has grabbed the Protective Boots and will close after time has elapsed or when the team has successfully scored. Duke-Tag! Players: 1. The Runner: The Runner is the player that will gather the Protective Boots and navigate the Lava Run to the Scoring Zone. Each team must have a Runner. 2. The Flyer: This player will gather the Jetpack and open the Boot Gate for his or her teammate. It is often good practice for the Flyer to defend and protect his or her teammate as the Runner makes the Lava Run to the Scoring Zone. Each team must have a Flyer. 3. Attacker: Optionally, in games with more than four players, some may opt to become Attackers. It is the Attacker's goal to make sure the opposing team does not score. Typically, the Attacker will shadow the opposing team's Runner or spend large amounts of time patrolling the Lava Run entrance. Often, all players on a team will temporarily take on the role of the Attacker when it is known that the opposing team has gathered the boots and is making a Lava Run. 4. Defender: Also, when enough players are present, some of the gamers may choose to become Defenders. The Defender will become the Runner's "bodyguard." Knowing that scoring depends solely on the Runner's survival, the Defender will use any means available to keep the Runner alive. If there are Attackers in the game, this may be a difficult task, especially since only the Runner with his Protective Boots can survive the Lava Run. Often, the Flyer will temporarily take on the role of the Defender when his or her team's Runner has gathered the Protective Boots, and begins his or her Lava Run. 5. Equalizer: Optionally, odd players can choose to not affiliate themselves with either team. Their only goal is to patrol the Combat Forts and the Lava Run and kill anything in sight. It is sometimes fun to give the Equalizer a separate goal, such as keeping either team from scoring in a certain time limit, or gathering more frags than the other players combined. Note: that it is also possible to use odd players to help balance unfair teams. If a pair of extremely skilled Duke-Taggers can't be beat, try ganging up on them with 3 or more players on the opposite team! Game Mechanics and Other Rules: 1. Pre-map: At the start of the game, both Combat Forts are blocked and the map is set for Solo or Dukematch mode. When the Duke-Tag! switch is activated several things happen. A. A timer is activated which will open access to the Combat Zones after about 45 seconds. B. All Score Indicators are opened. C. The Boot Gate Switch, the Jetpack Switch, and the Boot Gates are revealed in each Combat Fort. D. Solo play areas are blocked. E. All Gate Open indicators are prepared for activation. F. All Direction Indicators are prepared for activation. 2. Protective Boots: When a player steps over the Protective Boots, several things happen throughout the map. A. The Boot Gate is closed behind the player. The gate will remain closed for about 1 minute. B. The Scoring Gate is opened for that team. The Scoring Gate will remain open for about 1 minute. C. The Direction Indicators are opened for that team. These arrows will remain open for the duration of the team's Lava Run. When time elapses the Direction Indicators will close. D. Several Gate Open Indicators will reveal themselves. These indicators will remain exposed until time runs out (1 minute). E. A wall surrounding the underwater Safety Box will open revealing that a player will soon (almost instantly) be teleporting through. This wall will remain open for the duration of the Lava Run. 3. Scoring Zone: When a player passes through the Scoring Gate and into the Scoring Zone, several things occur. A. Each Score Indicator throughout the map will add one point to that team's score. B. On the fifth pass through the Scoring Zone two special things happen. (1) A "Team Wins" indicator will reveal itself, and (2) a "Reset Duke-Tag!" Nuke Button will reveal itself. C. The player who scored will be transported to the Starting Box. 4. Combat Forts: There are several functions in each Combat Fort. A. When a Jetpack Switch is activated in one Combat Fort, the Jetpack pillar will raise in the other Combat Fort. This pillar will remain open for about 4 seconds and will not crush the player if they are standing under it when it closes. The switch may be reactivated as often as the players wish B. When a Boot Switch is activated in one Combat Fort, the Boot Gate will open in the other Combat Fort for about 3 seconds. This switch may be reactivated as often as the players wish. C. When a player steps on the ledge in front of the Protective Boot room, the door will split open and the window shutters to the outside will open. The window shutters will always remain open, but (after originally opened) the split door may be opened and closed at any time by activating the door normally. D. When a player gathers the Protective Boots, he or she will be transported to the opposing Combat Fort into that fort's Safety Box. The box walls will have been opened and the player will have a great view of the underwater area of that Combat Fort. Tips for Successful Duke-Tag! 1. Be Unpredictable: Players who always approach the Combat Forts using the same entrance are easily defeated. Remember, there are three ways to enter each Combat Fort: From the back door chute, the front door, or the underwater pool. 2. Communicate: Develop codes with which you can easily communicate with your partner using Multiplay Chat. You must always let your partner know when you're ready for the Jetpack Switch, the Boot Switch, or are making a Lava Run and need assistance. 3. Balance Offense and Defense: When the opposing team is about to make a Lava Run, go on the defensive! Fill the Safety Box with pipe bombs or shower a Lava Run ramp with Devastator ordinance! 4. Be Preemptive: When the opposing team is preparing to get the Protective Boots, try dumping a few RPG rounds into the Boot room. If you're the Runner, you might fill the Boot Switch area in your fort with pipe bombs and wait for the other team's Flyer to come along and suck it down! 5. Listen for Sounds: The sound cues provide important feedback as to what your opponents and teammates are doing. When you hear a sound indicating that your partner has grabbed the Protective Boots (team running), be prepared to provide cover as he or she comes in through the Safety Box. 6. Hold the Combat Fort: If your opponents can't get inside, they can never score! 7. Team up on Better Players: If you find it impossible to penetrate a secured Combat Fort alone, have your teammate come with you to gang up on the lone defender. 8. Know the Map: Learn the locations of all the weapons, the armor, and the health canisters found throughout the map. 9. Use the Cameras: You may use the Security Cameras in the center overpass to check out each Combat Fort and their main entrances. Find out where the Combat Fort's defender is camping before you charge. 10. Use the Conveyors: On defense, you can out run the Runner from the outside by riding a conveyor belt. Use this speed advantage to take out the Runner before he or she scores. 11. Split your Tasks: On defense, teammates should split up. One player could be a sniper from the center overpass, while the other player rides the conveyor along the side in an attempt to destroy the Runner. 12. Lure the Defenders: As you make your Lava Run, the Flyer should sacrifice his or herself if necessary to keep the Runner alive. Often, the Flyer makes for a good decoy to distract the defenders while the Runner can score with less resistance. 13. Sacrifice Yourself: Since frags aren't the goal, don't be afraid to commit suicide when your health is low or when you can get to your goal faster by remorphing in the Starting Box. I've been known to chase Runners down the Lava Run even though I don't have Protective Boots! -Randall S. Pitchford II 3dRealms Entertainment