Panzer General II v. 1.0 (c) 1997 Mindscape and Strategic Simulations, Inc. *********************************** TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1: Hardware Configuration Notes SECTION 2: Windows Configuration Notes SECTION 3: Additional Gameplay Notes SECTION 4: Game Manual Errata SECTION 5: Multiplayer Setup SECTION 6: Scenario Editor Tutorial SECTION 7: Club SSI SECTION 8: Additional Credits *********************************** ************************************************************************* SECTION 1: Hardware Configuration Notes ************************************************************************* It was noted during testing that the majority of configuration problems were a result of not having the latest Microsoft Direct X 5 video card drivers. If your system is having problems playing Panzer General II, you should make certain that you have the latest Direct X 5 drivers for your video card. To obtain the latest drivers, you will need to contact your video card manufacturer. During test it was specifically noted that the following video cards experienced difficulties running a Direct X 5 application: 1) Diamond Stealth 3D 2000: The standard 3D 2000 driver will not work correctly with a Direct X 5 application. Switching the driver type to an S3 Virg PCI enabled the video card to properly display Panzer General II. To change your driver, use the following procedure: a) Right-click on the Windows 95 desktop b) Select the Properties button c) Select the Advanced Properties button d) Select the Change button e) Select the LATEST S3 Virge choice available on the adapter/driver menu. (Example: S3 Virge 325 PCI 7/12/97) 2) Cirrus Logic video card series: Problems were noted running a Direct X 5 application on the Cirrus Logic 4 card. We recommend updating your Cirrus Logic video card drivers with the latest Direct X 5 compliant drivers available from Cirrus Logic. 3) Diamond Fire GL: Problems were noted running a Direct X 5 application on the Diamond Fire GL card. We recommend updating your Diamond video card drivers with the latest Direct X 5 compliant drivers available from Diamond. 4) It was also noted during testing that the Sony CDU55E CD-ROM is not compatible with Panzer General II. We recommend updating your drivers by obtaining the latest CD ROM drivers from Sony (when available). ************************************************************************* SECTION 2: Windows Configuration Notes ************************************************************************* We recommended not using the Alt-TAB function while playing Panzer General II. Switching between applications may cause the game to crash. ************************************************************************* SECTION 3: Additional Gameplay Notes ************************************************************************* 1) Tactical Bombers: the range for a tactical bomber on all unit information screens is listed as 1. This does not mean that a tactical bomber can fire from a range of 1 hex. A tactical bomber must be directly over it's target before it can attack. 2) Leader Abilities: Leaders each have two abilities, one assigned by unit class, the other randomly. NOTE: Some abilities do not apply to certain unit types. For example, All Weather Combat applies to fighters and tac bombers only. Class Ability ABILITY EFFECT AD-Mechanized Veteran: Self-propelled AD may move and fire AT-Tank Killer: No AT initiative penalty for movement into combat ATY-Marksman: Range increased by 1 FTR-Skilled Interceptor: Multiple intercept of enemy fighters INF-Tenacious Defense: Ground defense increased by 4 RCN-Elite Recon Veteran: Spotting increased by 2 TB-Skilled Assault: Not affected by "Out Of The Sun" results TK-Aggressive Maneuver: Movement increased by 1 Random Ability ABILITY EFFECT Aggressive Attack: Attack values increased by 2 Aggressive Maneuver: Movement increased by 1 All Weather Combat: Not affected by weather conditions Alpine Training: Can move through forests and mountains as clear Battlefield Intelligence: Cannot be surprised Bridging: Units treat rivers as rough Combat Support: Gives bonus to adjacent friendly units Determined Defense: Defense values increased by 2 Devastating Fire: Unit can shoot twice Ferocious Defense: No unit can ignore this unit's entrenchments Fire Discipline: Units use ammunition at 1/2 rate First Strike: Unit fires first if initiative is won Forest Camouflage: In forest, unit spotted only when enemy is adjacent Infiltration Tactics: Ignores the effects of entrenchments Influence: Has prestige modifier for upgrades/replacements Liberator: User gets more prestige for capturing cities Overwatch: If anyone comes within range, unit fires Overwhelming Attack: Some suppression goes to kills Reconnaissance Movement: Phased movement Resilience: Harder to destroy unit Shock Tactics: Long-term suppression Skilled Ground Attack: Bonuses provided to attacking ground units Skilled Reconnaissance: Spotting increased by 1 Street Fighter: Bypass city entrenchments Superior Maneuver: Bypass zones of control 3) Alpine Troops: Alpine troops move through rough, hill, and mountain terrain as clear (movement cost of 1). The following troops in Panzer General II have Alpine capability: Alpini (Italian) Chasseurs (French) Ghurka (British) Jaeger (German) Mountain (American) 4) Deployment: The user should note that at the beginning of each scenario a number of deployment hexes are available for the user to place units into. These hexes are indicated by a darker shade of color. If the user closes their deployment panel (clicking on the checkmark) before deploying all units into these hexes, then it will not be possible to deploy into these hexes upon reopening the deployment panel. For this reason we recommend saving your game (in the upgrade screen) before entering a scenario. NOTE: The area surrounding a green supply hex will always have deployment hexes available. 5) View Terrain: To determine the base terrain type for any hex go to the additional options menu and select view terrain. Passing the cursor over any hex will reveal the base terrain of that hex. This is particularly important for determining if a river is impassable. 6) View Careers Point Breakdown: 0-175 = Colonel 176-225 = General 225-300 = Field Marshall 7) How to read Panzer General II unit names: As an example: 1/4/6 [20] = 1st Battalion of the 4th motorized infantry Regiment of the 6th Panzer Division of the 20th Panzer Korps. 8) The following hotkeys have been added (single-player only): L= Supply on/off W= Weather on/off 9) The player will notice that it is not possible to move ships within 1 hex of each another. This is due to the fact that each ship requires a certain amount of operational space. Thus, ships are not allowed within 1 hex of one another. 10) Unit Class and Equipment Table Changes: a) Spelling correction: Italy Bersagliere b) The USA M24 was changed to track movement c) The USA Scout Car was changed to wheeled movement d) All aircraft now have a movement of 16 e) All ships now have a spotting range of at least 2 f) Finland PZIIIJ: Soft Attack 7 g) Finland PZIVG: Soft Attack 10 h) France H39: Cost 168, Initiative 5, Soft Attack 5, Hard Attack 6 i) France R35: Date available is 3/35 j) Germany PZ IIF: Date available is 3/41 k) Germany PZ IIIH: Hard Attack 9 l) Germany PZ IIIN: Soft Attack 11, Hard attack 9 m) Germany PZ IVH: Hard Attack 15 n) USA M2A4: Cost 204 o) USA M3A1: Cost 216 p) USSR KV-1/39: Hard Attack 11 q) USSR KV-1/41: Hard Attack 12 r) USSR KV-1/42: Hard Attack 12 s) USSR KV-85: Hard Attack 17 t) USSR T-34/40: Hard Attack 11 u) USSR T-34/41: Hard Attack 12 v) USSR T-34/43: Hard Attack 12 w) USSR T-34/85: Hard Attack 17 x) USSR T-43: Hard Attack 12 ************************************************************************* SECTION 4: Game Manual Errata ************************************************************************* Page 25: VCR. The VCR feature was removed from the game. Page 38: Player Disconnection. Change to: "If a player drops out or is disconnected during a multiplayer game the opposing player will automatically receive a Brilliant Victory and the game will end." Page 81: Unit Settings. The Reinforcements Experience Level setting was removed from the editor. All reinforcements match the experience level of the unit taking replacements. Page 98: "When an engineer unit is adjacent to an unoccupied bridge hex, right clicking on the bridge destroys the bridge." CHANGE TO: "When an engineer unit is adjacent to an unoccupied bridge hex, right clicking on the bridge will bring up a detonator icon. A subsequent left click on the bridge will destroy the bridge." ************************************************************************* SECTION 5: Multiplayer Setup ************************************************************************* If you experience difficulties joining an Internet game this is a result of either line noise or heavy user traffic on the part of your Internet service provider. If disconnecting and redialing does not work, we recommend rebooting and trying again at a later time. ************************************************************************* SECTION 6: Scenario Editor Tutorial ************************************************************************* NOTE: If you wish to turn off the game music while editing your scenario. You can do so by launching a game scenario, turning music "off" and then entering the Scenario Builder. 1) Launch the scenario builder by clicking on the Scenario Builder icon while at the main game screen. 2) Name your scenario in the Name Scenario text field. 3) You can now set the Starting Date, Number of Turns, Turns per Day, Ground Conditions, Atmospheric Conditions, Number of Players, Sides, Primary Country, Secondary Country and AI Stance by clicking on the various control buttons. NOTE: With regards to Sides, any scenario you create will have Side 1 as the attacker, and Side 2 as the defender. NOTE: When you are setting the number of players, you are also setting the turn sequence. NOTE: When choosing primary countries, it is best to choose different flags. You can choose a secondary nation and make it the same as the other player's primary country if you want to purchase from their force pool. 4) Load a map. Choose from one of the maps on the list. Click on the checkmark to load the map into the editor. You will now be at the main editor screen. Click on the checkmark again to begin editing the map. NOTE: When you load a map, you will be loading a map without any victory hexes, ownership hexes, supply hexes, deployment hexes, units and names of rivers/cities. You are not able to load or edit the scenarios included with Panzer General II. 5) Click on the Designate Ownership button. You can now set ownership hexes for Player 1. 6) If you plan to allow Player 1 to buy units during the scenario, you must click on Designate a Supply Point and then set a supply point on an a hex owned by Player 1. 7) You are now ready to designate Victory hexes for your side on hexes owned by the opposite side. Be sure to place the victory hexes on a hex owned by a player on the opposite side. NOTE: When you are on the player turn and you designate victory hexes, you are actually designating victory hexes for the opposing side. 8) You are now ready to build your army for Player 1. Click on the Build Army button. This will take you to the requisition screen as seen in the main game. 9) After leaving the requisition screen, press the deployment button and your army will appear (as in the main game) and you will be able to deploy. NOTE: When deploying, you can change the facing of your units by right-clicking on the deployed unit. 10) You can now designate deployment hexes if you so wish. Any unit left in the deployment window after you close it will be able to deploy around a Player 1 supply hex, and any deployment hex you have designated for Player 1 on the first turn. 11) By clicking on the unit settings button, you can name your units, set their starting experience level, and their starting strength. You will be taken to a screen which allows you to edit all these parameters. When finished click on the OK button, you will be taken back to the Player 1 screen. 12) By clicking on the Set Prestige button you can set the prestige level for Player 1 turn by turn. When finished, click on the checkmark to return to the main editor screen. 13) We now recommend entering the game functions menu and saving your work. Save your work to a file name of your choosing. Your work will be saved to the USERSCEN directory. NOTE: If you wish to play your scenario against other people on line, you will need to send the following files to them: (these files are located in your USERSCEN directory). .PLY : This contains the scenario description .SCN : This contains scenario data file (don't edit) .TXT : Contains the names of the units 14) After saving your scenario, click on the up arrow to change to Player 2. Repeat all the above steps for Player 2. If you have set more than 2 players, then repeat all steps for players 3 and 4 as well. IMPORTANT NOTE: YOU MUST SET A VICTORY HEX FOR SIDE 1 CONTROLLED BY A SIDE 2 PLAYER, AND A VICTORY HEX FOR SIDE 2 CONTROLLED BY A SIDE 1 PLAYER. 15) After you have saved your scenario, go to the Game Functions screen again and choose New Game. Your scenario will be shown in the scenario list (indicated by blue lettering). Enjoy! NOTE: Each scenario has a default air transport and sea transport of 3 for every player. ************************************************************************* SECTION 7: Club SSI ************************************************************************* As described on the multiplayer card, Club SSI is an online gaming service which allows you to play head to head against other Panzer General II users. Currently Club SSI is still under construction. Once Club SSI is complete, a patch will be posted on the Club SSI website which will upgrade Panzer General II and allow you to play on Club SSI. Currently, clicking on the Club SSI button (under "Start a Multiplayer Game") will launch your default web browser and point you to the Club SSI web page. If you do not have a web browser (such as Netscape or Microsoft Internet Explorer) installed, then pressing this button will have no result. The Club SSI website address is: WWW.CLUBSSI.COM ************************************************************************* SECTION 8: Additional Credits ************************************************************************* Additional Testers: Jesse Anacleto, Rick Brooks, Garrett "Donut" Graham, Jessica Jones, Lewis Nowosad, John Pena, Damon Perdue, Phillip Wang Localization Coordination: Patrick Baroni, Jorg Becker, Maria Fernandez, Jeffrey "Goetz" Groteboer, Chris Leilich, Jan Lindner, Nicol Sykes, Kudos, Woking, UK. German, UK, & French Voice Over Production: Highlight Sound & Media Additional Voice Actors (German, UK, and French Versions): Sven Dahlem, Oliver Hermann, Utz Richter, West Brook, Sven Dahlem Localization Testers: Dr. Holger Briel (Surrey), Astrid Dahnk (Frankfurt/Main), Jorg Grosse (Bochum), Claudia Tomaschek (Solingen), Jorg Wember (Lembeck), Jorn Winkler (Bochum). Additional Localization Testing: Stella Klose Special Thanks: Janet Martinez, Tena Lawry, Steven A. Strayer. 10/01/97 SE/RM