; ; COLONIZATION Game Messages ; Copyright (c) 1994 by MicroProse Software ; ; Altering the contents of this file may cause the game to ; malfunction. ; @DOS @default=2 Exit to DOS? Yes No @DOSYES Exit to DOS? Yes No @RETIRE @default=2 Do you really want to quit? Yes No @BEGINMENU @width=160 @y=91 @smallfont {COLONIZATION} Version %STRING0 -- %STRING1 @options Start a Game in NEW WORLD Start a Game in AMERICA CUSTOMIZE New World LOAD Game View Hall of Fame @GAMEOPTIONS @width=190 @checkbox Set Game Options @options Show ~Indian Moves Show ~Foreign Moves Fast Piece ~Slide ~End of Turn ~Autosave ~Combat Analysis Water Color C~ycling ~Tutorial Hints @COLONYOPTIONS @width=220 @checkbox Set Colony Report Options @options Labels on {buildings} Labels on {cargo} and {terrain} Report when colonists {trained} Report {food} shortages Report {raw materials} shortages Report {tools} needed for production Report {inefficient} government Report {new cargos} available Report {Sons of Liberty} membership Report {rebel} majorities @SOUNDOPTIONS @width=190 @checkbox Set Sound Options @options ~Background Music ~Event Music ~Sound Effects @SAVEGAME @width=190 Select Save Slot @SAVEGOOD @width=190 %STRING1 saved as %STRING0. @SAVEERROR @width=190 Error saving game %STRING0. @LOADGAME @width=190 Select Game To Load @LOADGOOD @width=190 Loaded %STRING0 successfully. @LOADNOT @width=190 %STRING0 is not a valid save file. @LOADOLD @width=190 %STRING0 is an obsolete save file. @LOADSIZE @width=190 %STRING0 does not match the current map size. It cannot be loaded at this time. @LOADERROR @width=190 Error loading game %STRING0. @PICKNATION @default=1 Select a European Power England France Spain Netherlands @DIFFICULTY @width=190 Select a Difficulty Level Discoverer Explorer Conquistador Governor Viceroy @LEADERNAME @width=300 ^^Please Enter Your Name. _ _ @options ______________________ @FINDCITY @width=190 Where the heck is . . . Colony: @NOCITY @width=190 "%STRING0" not found. @@smallfont @VICEROY @width=78 @x=232 @y=21 ^ ^^Year of Our Lord ^^1492 ^ ^^An Audience With ^^The King of %COUNTRY ^ "For the greater glory of %COUNTRY, we dub thee Viceroy of the New World. Go and explore this new land. Settle it and bring wealth and glory to yourself and our nation." @VICEROY2 @width=78 @x=232 @y=21 ^ ^^Year of Our Lord ^^1492 ^ ^^An Audience With ^^The Stadtholder ^ "For the greater glory of %COUNTRY, we dub thee Viceroy of the New World. Go and explore this new land. Settle it and bring wealth and glory to yourself and our nation." @@VICEROY @@width=200 @^^Year of Our Lord %YEAR @^^Audience With The King of %COUNTRY @^^_ @"For the greater glory of %COUNTRY, we @^_dub thee {Viceroy of the New World}. Go @^_and explore this new land. Settle it @^_and bring wealth and glory to yourself @^_and our nation." @LANDHO @width=190 @default=America Land Ho! What shall we call this new land, Your Excellency? Name: @COLONY What shall we name this colony? Name: @RENAMECOLONY What shall we rename this colony? Name: @LANDFALL @default=1 @width=190 Shall we make landfall, Your Excellency, and leave the ships behind? Stay With Ships Make Landfall @LANDFALL2 @default=1 @width=190 Our ships cannot navigate up this river, Excellency. Shall we make landfall and leave the ships behind? Stay With Ships Make Landfall @ONLYPIO @width=120 That function can be performed only by {pioneers}. @ONLYCOL @width=120 That function can be performed only by {colonists}. @SHIPCOMBAT @width=190 Only {Privateers} and {Frigates} can attack enemy ships. @SHIPLAKE @width=190 Ship units cannot enter inland {lake} squares. @LANDFIRST @width=190 Land units cannot enter an enemy occupied square from on board a ship. You must first unload them into an empty or friendly-occupied square. @SEACOLONY @width=140 It may surprise you to learn that colonies cannot be built at sea. @NOPORT @width=190 This square does not have access to the {ocean}, Your Excellency. If we build a {colony} here we must transport its produce to {port} using {wagon trains}, which we can build in any colony. "Oh, I forgot about that." "And that is exactly what I had in mind." @BUILT @width=140 %STRING0 colony produces {%STRING1}. @FULL @width=190 The colony of {%STRING0} is {far too crowded}, Excellency. We had best find another colony for these immigrants. @NOTEACHER @width=190 Only colonists who have mastered a profession may teach. @NEEDCOLLEGE @width=190 We must build a {college} to teach that profession ({%STRING0}) in our colony. @NEEDUNIVERSITY @width=190 We must build a {university} to teach that profession ({%STRING0}) in our colony. @TRAINFAIL @width=190 We have a {teacher} in {%STRING0}, but all the colonists there already have specialty professions. Perhaps you should clear the specialty of one of the colonists by selecting him on the colony screen and picking "{Clear Specialty}" from the Jobs menu. @TRAINCRIMINAL @width=190 A {criminal} in {%STRING0} has become an {indentured servant} through education. @TRAININDENTURED @width=190 An {indentured servant} in {%STRING0} has become a {free colonist} through education. @TRAINPROFESSION @width=190 A {colonist} in {%STRING0} has learned the specialty profession {%STRING1}. @SIEGE @width=190 This colony is under {siege}, since enemy combat units outnumber friendly combat units in the area. Until the siege is lifted, only Soldier and Dragoon units can be created here. @ABANDON @width=190 @default=2 Shall we indeed {abandon} our %STRING0 colony, Your Excellency, forfeiting all of our hard work here? Yes, it is God's will. Never! That would be folly. @ABANDON2 @width=190 @default=2 Shall we indeed {abandon} our %STRING0 colony, Your Excellency, forfeiting all of our hard work here? If we have no colonies at all after 1600, the King may revoke our charter! Yes, it is God's will. Never! That would be folly. @SAILHOME @width=190 @default=1 We have reached the {high seas}, Your Excellency. Shall we sail for Europe? Yes, steady as she goes. No, let us remain in these waters. @SAILAWAY @width=190 @default=1 Shall we set sail for the {New World}, Your Excellency? Yes, steady as she goes. No, let us remain in port. @SAILPORT @width=190 @default=1 Select a port to sail to: @TRAVELPLACE @width=190 @default=1 Select a colony to travel to: @UNREST @width=190 @default=1 Religious unrest in %COUNTRY causes increased emigration. Colonists ({%STRING1}) now available in %STRING0. @RECRUIT @width=190 The following individuals will accompany us to the New World if we will pay their passage ({%NUMBER0 gold}). Whom shall we recruit? @RECRUITCHOOSE @width=220 Religious unrest in %COUNTRY causes increased emigration. Colonists now available in %STRING0. The following individuals will accompany us to the New World to pursue religious freedom. Whom shall we recruit? @RECRUIT2 @width=190 The following specialty professions are available among the %STRING0. Which shall we recruit? @KINGRECRUIT @width=190 @smallfont The {Royal University} can provide us with specialists if we grease the right palms. Which skill shall we request? @PURCHASE @width=190 The following items are available. Which shall we purchase? @SCHOOL1 @width=190 The {Schoolhouse} can support a faculty of only {one} teacher at a time, Your Excellency. @COLLEGE2 @width=190 The {College} can support a faculty of only {two} teachers at a time, Your Excellency. @UNIV3 @width=190 The {University} can support a faculty of only {three} teachers at a time, Your Excellency. @NODOCKS @width=190 We cannot operate fishing boats at this colony until we build {Docks}, Your Excellency. @CARGOREADY0 @width=190 A new cargo of {%STRING1} is ready at {%STRING0}, Your Excellency. @CARGOREADY1 @width=190 A new cargo of {%STRING1} is ready at {%STRING0}, Your Excellency. %STRING0 has reached its storage capacity for %STRING1 ({%NUMBER0}), so we may wish to consider building a larger {warehouse} there. @CARGOREADY2 @width=190 A new cargo of {%STRING1} is ready at {%STRING0}, Your Excellency. %STRING0 has reached its storage capacity for %STRING1 ({%NUMBER0}). @LUMBER @width=190 {%STRING0} has run out of {lumber}, Your Excellency. Our carpenters cannot continue their work until a new supply is found. @COTTON @width=190 {%STRING0} has run out of {cotton}, Your Excellency. Our weavers cannot continue their work until a new supply is found. @TOBACCO @width=190 {%STRING0} has run out of {tobacco}, Your Excellency. Our tobacconists cannot continue their work until a new supply is found. @CANESUGAR @width=190 {%STRING0} has run out of {sugar}, Your Excellency. Our distillers cannot continue their work until a new supply is found. @FURS @width=190 {%STRING0} has run out of {furs}, Your Excellency. Our fur traders cannot continue their work until a new supply is found. @ORE @width=190 {%STRING0} has run out of {ore}, Your Excellency. Our blacksmiths cannot continue their work until a new supply is found. @TOOLS @width=190 {%STRING0} has run out of {tools}, Your Excellency. Our gunsmiths cannot continue their work until a new supply is found. @FOOD1 @width=190 Food stores have been depleted in {%STRING0}, Your Excellency! @FOOD2 @width=190 Food stores have been depleted in {%STRING0}, Your Excellency! {Winter} is coming soon and we may {starve} to death! @VANISH @width=190 Your Excellency! Our colony at {%STRING0} has vanished! The colonists appear to have {starved} to death. @STARVE1 @width=190 {%STRING0} colony has run out of food, Your Excellency! In this harsh winter weather, many colonists are {starving} to death. @STARVE2 @width=190 {%STRING0} colony has run out of food, Your Excellency! Colonists are {starving} to death, and to make matters worse, winter is coming soon. @FOODLOW @width=190 The colony of {%STRING0} is rapidly depleting its food supply, Your Excellency. We have only {%NUMBER0 food} left. We must have food for the winter months. @SPOIL1 @width=190 The colony of {%STRING0} has exceeded its warehouse capacity. {%NUMBER0} tons of {%STRING1} have been thrown away. A larger {warehouse} could hold another {100} tons of this cargo. @SPOIL2 @width=190 The colony of {%STRING0} has exceeded its warehouse capacity. Some of our cargo has been thrown away. A larger {warehouse} could hold another {100} tons of this cargo. @SPOIL3 @width=190 The colony of {%STRING0} has exceeded its warehouse capacity. {%NUMBER0} tons of {%STRING1} have been thrown away. @SPOIL4 @width=190 The colony of {%STRING0} has exceeded its warehouse capacity. Some of our cargo has been thrown away. @BUYME0 @width=160 Cost to complete %STRING0: %NUMBER0$. ^Treasury: %NUMBER1$. @BUYME1 @width=160 @default=1 Cost to complete %STRING0: %NUMBER0$. ^Treasury: %NUMBER1$. Never mind. Complete it. @DEFOREST @width=160 Deforestation near %STRING0. @DEPLETION @width=160 Mine depleted near %STRING0. @UNITFLAG @width=160 Unit Flags Error (%NUMBER0, %NUMBER1) (%STRING0). @COLONYFLAG @width=160 Colony Flags Error. @LOSTCITY0 @width=190 Which of the following individuals shall we recruit? @LOSTCITY1 @width=190 You have discovered a {Fountain of Youth}! Rumors fly in Europe! Immigrants line the docks to seek perpetual youth in the New World! @LOSTCITY2 @width=190 You have found one of the {Seven Cities of Cibola}! Treasure worth {%NUMBER1$} unearthed in the ruins! It will take a {Galleon} to get this treasure back to Europe! @LOSTCITY3 @width=190 You find the ruins of a lost civilization. Within are gold and artifacts worth {%NUMBER0$}. @LOSTCITY4 @width=190 Your expedition happens upon strange burial mounds. "Let us search for treasure!" "Stay clear of those!" @SCREWED @width=190 "These are the burial grounds of our ancient {%STRING0} fathers! You have trespassed on sacred land. Now you must die!" @BURIAL1 @width=190 The mounds are cold and empty. @BURIAL2 @width=190 Within, you find trinkets worth {%NUMBER0$}. @BURIAL3 @width=190 Within, you find incredible treasure worth {%NUMBER1$}! It will take a {Galleon} to get this treasure back to Europe! @LOSTCITY5 @width=190 Your expedition has vanished without a trace! @LOSTCITY6 @width=190 You find nothing but rumors. @LOSTCITY7 @width=190 Your expedition enters the village of a small, friendly tribe. The chief offers you a gift of {%NUMBER0$}. @LOSTCITY8 @width=190 "You are trespassing near our holy {%STRING0} shrines! The %STRING0 tribe is most displeased!" @LOSTCITY9 @width=190 You happen upon the desperate survivors of a former colony. In exchange for badly needed supplies, they swear allegiance to %STRING0. @SNEAK @width=190 Sneak attack by the treacherous {%STRING0}! @CANCELPEACE @width=190 {%STRING0} cancel peace treaty with {%STRING1}. @SIGNTREATY @width=190 The {%STRING0} and {%STRING1} have signed a peace treaty. @DECLAREWAR @width=190 The {%STRING0} and {%STRING1} are now at war. @HAVETREATY @width=190 "We have signed a peace treaty with the {%STRING0}, Your Excellency." Cancel Action. Break Treaty. @WHACKINDIANS @width=190 Shall we attack the {%STRING0}, Your Excellency? Yes No @VILLAGEHAPPY @width=190 Your expedition has reached a %STRING0 of {%STRING1}. The inhabitants are peacefully working in the surrounding fields. They wave to you {happily}. @VILLAGESAVAGE @width=190 Your expedition has reached a %STRING0 of {%STRING1}. The inhabitants are busy in the surrounding fields. As they wave to you {happily}, you notice a collection of scalps hanging threateningly from a nearby tree. @VILLAGEMEDIUM @width=190 Your expedition has reached a %STRING0 of {%STRING1}. The inhabitants are busy in the surrounding fields. Small parties of warriors practice {archery} and frown at you {suspiciously}. @VILLAGEBAD @width=190 Your expedition has reached a %STRING0 of {%STRING1}. A band of {warriors} eyes you warily. The others are nowhere to be seen. @VILLAGEWAR @width=190 Your expedition has reached a %STRING0 of {%STRING1}. A collection of scalps hangs threateningly from a nearby tree. From within, you hear the ominous sound of {war drums}. @INDIANWELCOME @width=190 "The {%STRING0} tribe welcomes you. We are a glorious nation of {%NUMBER0 %STRING1}. To celebrate our friendship, we generously offer you the land you now occupy as a gift. Will you accept our treaty and live with us in peace as brothers?" Yes No @INDIANBOW @width=190 "The {%STRING0} tribe bows before the might of the {%STRING1}. In tribute to your greatness, we give you all the land you now occupy." @INDIANTREATY @width=190 "The {%STRING0} tribe bows before the might of the {%STRING1}. In tribute to your greatness, we give you all the land you now occupy. Will you accept our treaty and live side by side with us in peace?" Yes No @INDIANHELLO1 @width=190 "The {%STRING0} tribe welcomes the most worthy {%STRING1} of the {%STRING2}." @INDIANHELLO2 @width=190 "The {%STRING0} tribe greets the most ruthless {%STRING1} of the {%STRING2}." @INDIANPEACE @width=190 "The {%STRING0} welcome peace with our brothers the {%STRING1}. Let us smoke a peace pipe to celebrate our perpetual friendship." @INDIANCOME @width=190 "We hope you will soon {visit} %STRING0 villages to share knowledge with us, and that you will send your {wagon trains} to trade with us." @INDIANSHUN @width=190 "Then the mighty {%STRING0} shall mercilessly drive you from our shores. Prepare for WAR!" @INDIANWAGONS @width=190 "The {%STRING0} settlers have committed intolerable acts of destruction against {%STRING1} lands and the %STRING1 people. We therefore demand all {%NUMBER0} of the {%STRING2} in these wagons as reparations." Hand them over. Circle the wagons. @INDIANCITY @width=190 The {%STRING0} settlers in {%STRING3} have committed intolerable acts of destruction against {%STRING1} lands and the %STRING1 people. We therefore demand {%NUMBER0 %STRING2} from the colony stores as reparations." Man the stockade. Hand them over. @INDIANGOLD @width=190 "The {%STRING0} people cry out for justice. We demand {%NUMBER0$} in reparations." "Never shall we accede to blackmail!" "We shall gladly pay {%NUMBER0$}." @INDIANSLAVES @width=190 Frightened {%STRING0} flock to %STRING1 mission as {converts}. @INDIANSCONVERT @width=190 "The wisdom of your missionaries has convinced some of us to join your colony at {%STRING0} and live among you as {converts}." @INDIANGIVEFOOD @width=190 "The {%STRING0} see that your food stores are low this season. Our own harvest has been plentiful, however, and we have come to share our bounty with you. We offer you a gift of {%NUMBER0 food} in recognition of the everlasting peace between our peoples. Let us eat together and give thanks for our good fortune." @INDIANGIVESTUFF @width=190 "The {%STRING0} tribe is pleased to see the progress of our neighbors at {%STRING1}. We have come to offer you {%NUMBER0 %STRING2} in recognition of the everlasting peace between our peoples." @INDIANCOMMENT @width=190 The {%STRING0} are pleased to see the prosperity of our neighbors the {%STRING1}. We are concerned, however, that your colonies are beginning to overuse the lands near our settlements. @INDIANBEGFOOD @width=190 "The {%STRING0} tribe has fallen upon hard times and does not have enough food this season. Will our brothers of {%STRING1} share the bounty of their harvests with us in our time of need?" "I'm sorry, we gave at the office." "We offer you {%NUMBER0} of our {%NUMBER1 food} as a sign of friendship." @INDIANWAR @width=190 "We {%STRING0} have tried to live in peace with you, but these provocations are intolerable. Your crimes cry out for vengeance--prepare for WAR!" @INDIANGRUDGE @width=190 {%STRING0} nation holds War Council! %STRING1 enter the War of Independence on the Tory side! Tories agree to provide Muskets and Horses for the %STRING0. @INDIANLAND @width=190 "You are trespassing on {%STRING0 land}. We patiently ask that you leave immediately." "Very well, we shall respect your wishes." "We offer you {%NUMBER1$} for this land." "You are mistaken; this is OUR land now!" @INDIANROAD @width=190 "We are worried that building a {road} here might disrupt the {%STRING0} way of life. We patiently ask you to stop." "Then we shall not build a road, friend." "We offer you {%NUMBER1$} in compensation." "I'm sorry, but this road is necessary." @INDIANFOREST @width=190 "This forest and the creatures it supports are necessary to sustain the {%STRING0} way of life. We patiently ask you not to destroy it." "Let these trees stand forever, then, friend." "We offer you {%NUMBER1$} in compensation." "Timmmmmmmbeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrr!" @INDIANFOREST2 @width=190 "This forest and the creatures it supports are necessary to sustain the {%STRING0} way of life. Your colony at {%STRING1} is now encroaching on the forest. We patiently ask you not to destroy it." @INDIANBRIBE @width=190 "Very well, we withdraw our objection." @NOPLOW @width=190 That land has already been {plowed}. @NOROAD @width=190 There is already a {road} here, Your Excellency. @VIOLATE @width=190 {%STRING0} violate {%STRING1} territory near {%STRING2}! Colonists are outraged! @HALF @width=190 Your Excellency, these men are tired. If we force them to attack this turn, they will fight at {%NUMBER0/3 strength}. "Charge!" "Then let them rest." @NOLOOT @width=190 {%STRING0} burn {%STRING1 %STRING2}! Natives flee in panic! @LOOT @width=190 {%STRING0} loot and burn {%STRING1 %STRING2}! Natives flee in panic! {%NUMBER0$} worth of treasure recovered from ruins! It will take a {Galleon} to get this treasure back to Europe! @LOOT2 @width=190 {%STRING0} burn {%STRING1 %STRING2}! Natives flee in panic! @LOOTCASH @width=190 {%STRING0} treasure fleet laden with {%NUMBER0$} arrives safely in %STRING1! Crown takes {%NUMBER1%%} share. {%NUMBER2$} added to %STRING0 treasury. @LOOTFOREIGN @width=190 Spies report: {%STRING0} treasure fleet laden with {%NUMBER0$} arrives in %STRING1. %STRING0 king pleased with booty. @LOOTCAPTURE @width=190 {%STRING0} treasure worth {%NUMBER0$} CAPTURED by the {%STRING1}! @WAGONCAPTURE @width=190 {%STRING0} wagon train CAPTURED by the {%STRING1}! @COLONISTCAPTURE @width=190 {%STRING0} colonists CAPTURED by the {%STRING1}! @COLONISTCAPTURE2 @width=190 {%STRING0} colonists CAPTURED by the {%STRING1}! Soldiers lose Veteran status. @CARGOCAPTURE @width=190 {%STRING0} cargo of {%NUMBER0 %STRING1} captured by {%STRING2 %STRING3}! @DEMOTE @width=190 {%STRING0 %STRING1} routed! Unit demoted to {%STRING2} status. @SHIPDAMAGE @width=190 {%STRING0 %STRING1} damaged! Ship returns to {%STRING2} for repairs. @SHIPSUNK @width=190 {%STRING0 %STRING1 sunk} by %STRING2 %STRING3! @RAIDNOTHING @width=190 {%STRING0} raiding party wiped out in {%STRING1}! Colonists jubilant! @RAIDWREAK @width=190 Spies report: {%STRING0} raiding party wreaks havoc in the {%STRING3} colony of {%STRING1}. @RAIDSTORES @width=190 {%STRING0} raiding party attacks stores in {%STRING1}! Large quantities of {%STRING2} stolen. Colonists outraged! @RAIDBURN @width=190 {%STRING0} raiding party burns buildings in {%STRING1}! {%STRING2} destroyed. Colonists demand immediate vengeance! @RAIDSCALP @width=190 {%STRING0} raiding party takes scalps in {%STRING1}! Colonists scream for revenge! @RAIDSHIP @width=190 {%STRING0} raiding party attacks harbor in {%STRING1}! {%STRING2} damaged. Colonists appalled! @RAIDGOLD @width=190 {%STRING0} raiding party seizes strongboxes in {%STRING1}! Merchants report {%NUMBER0$} plundered. Colonists enraged! @MISSION0 @width=190 %STRING0 %STRING1 mission founded in %STRING2, %NUMBER0. {%STRING3} approach new religion with {curiousity}. @MISSION1 @width=190 %STRING0 %STRING1 mission founded in %STRING2, %NUMBER0. {%STRING3} are {cautious}. @MISSION2 @width=190 %STRING0 %STRING1 mission founded in %STRING2, %NUMBER0. {%STRING3} are {offended}. @MISSION3 @width=190 %STRING0 %STRING1 mission founded in %STRING2, %NUMBER0. {%STRING3} react with {hostility}. @HERESY0 @width=190 {%STRING0 missionaries} denounce heresy of {%STRING1}. {%STRING2} converts burn %STRING1 mission and erect a new, %STRING0 one! @HERESY1 @width=190 {%STRING0 missionaries} denounce heresy of {%STRING1}. Loyal {%STRING2} worshipers burn the %STRING0 at the stake! @INDIANBURN @width=190 {%STRING0} burn {%STRING1} missions! Church authorities are outraged! @INDIANWIN0 @width=190 {%STRING0} ambush {%STRING1 %STRING2} near %STRING3! @INDIANWIN1 @width=190 {%STRING0} ambush {%STRING1 %STRING2} near %STRING3! {Muskets} seized by %STRING4 braves! @INDIANWIN2 @width=190 {%STRING0} ambush {%STRING1 %STRING2} near %STRING3! {Horses} seized by %STRING4 braves! @INDIANLOSE @width=190 {%STRING1 %STRING2} %STRING4 {%STRING0} near %STRING3! @INDIANWINCOLONY @width=190 {%STRING0} massacre {%STRING1} colonists at {%STRING3}! {%STRING2} dies fending off onslaught. @INDIANWINCOLONY2 @width=190 Spies report: {%STRING0} massacre {%STRING1} colonists at {%STRING3}. %STRING1 governor plans countermeasures. @INDIANBURNCOLONY @width=190 {%STRING0} massacre {%STRING1} colonists at {%STRING3}! Colony burned to the ground! King demands explanation! @INDIANBURNCOLONY2 @width=190 Spies report: {%STRING0} burn {%STRING1} colony at {%STRING3}. %STRING1 governor vows revenge. @INDIANSURPRISE @width=190 {%STRING0} make surprise raid near {%STRING1}! Colonists frightened. %STRING2 chief denies involvement. @CAPTURED @width=190 {%STRING0} march into {%STRING2}! {%NUMBER0$} plundered! @CAPTURED2 @width=190 Spies report: {%STRING0} march into {%STRING2}. @CAPTURED3 @width=190 {%STRING0} march into {%STRING2}! @BURNED @width=190 {%STRING0} burn {%STRING3} to the ground! Colonists flee in panic! King demands explanation! @BURNED2 @width=190 Colony at {%STRING3} burned to the ground. {%STRING1} governor vows reprisals. @BURNED3 @width=190 Spies report: {%STRING0} burn {%STRING1} colony at {%STRING3}. %STRING1 governor vows reprisals. @EUROPEWIN @width=190 {%STRING0} %STRING4 {%STRING1 %STRING2} near %STRING3! @EUROPELOSE @width=190 {%STRING1 %STRING2} %STRING4 {%STRING0} near %STRING3! @WAREHOUSEFULL @width=190 Your Excellency, the warehouse at {%STRING0} already contains {%NUMBER0} units of {%STRING1}. It can only hold {%NUMBER1}. If we add another {%NUMBER2} units, some of the %STRING1 will probably {spoil}! Never mind. Unload the {%STRING1} anyway. @EXTORTSTUFF @width=190 "Great %STRING0, we bow before the might of your strange weapons. The humble and peaceloving {%STRING1} shall gladly deliver {%NUMBER0 %STRING2} to {%STRING3} in the hope that you will spare us from the wrath of your warriors." @EXTORTPOOR @width=190 "Mighty %STRING0, we tremble before you. Alas, the humble and peaceloving {%STRING1} have no gifts worthy of your magnificence. We pray that you will be merciful and spare us." @EXTORTLAUGH @width=190 "We laugh at your puny threats. Do not try our patience, for {%STRING0} warriors are known for their ferocity in times of war." @EXTORTNO @width=190 "You must think us very foolish indeed, %STRING0 %STRING1. The {%STRING2} will not be taken in by your tricks and treachery." @TOONEAR @width=190 This land is too near to {%STRING0} for a new colony, Your Excellency. @TOONEARBUILD @width=190 A colony building project is already under way in an adjacent square, Your Excellency. @TOOMOUNTAIN @width=190 Colonies cannot be built in the {mountains}, Your Excellency. @DONTKNOWSHIPS @width=190 We must contact the Indians on land first, Excellency." @MADATSHIPS @width=190 "The {%STRING0} people do not trust the men in your ships. Therefore, we do not wish to trade with you at this time. If you approach our shoreline we shall punish you." @MADATWAGONS @width=190 "Because of the atrocities you have committed against the {%STRING0} people, we do not wish to trade with you." @GRUDGEWAGONS @width=190 "We grudgingly receive your wagons in spite of the atrocities you have committed against the {%STRING0} people." @CONFISCATE @width=190 "Because of the atrocities you have committed against the {%STRING0} people, we shall confiscate all the {%STRING1} in these wagons." @CHIEFHOWDY @width=190 "Greetings, travelers. We are a peaceful village known for our {%STRING0}. We would gladly trade with you if you bring us some badly needed {%STRING1}. We would also pay well for {%STRING2} or {%STRING3}. @CHIEFGUIDES @width=190 "We gladly welcome you to our %STRING1. In honor of the strange tales you have shared with us, the {%STRING0} shall provide you with {guides} to aid your passage through our lands." @CHIEFAREA @width=190 "The {%STRING0} are pleased to welcome travelers from afar. Come sit by the fire and we shall tell you tales of {nearby lands}." @CHIEFGIFT @width=190 "The {%STRING0} welcome the emissaries of the {%STRING1} tribe. Please take these valuable beads (worth {%NUMBER0$}) back to your chieftain as a peace offering." @CHIEFBORED @width=190 "The {%STRING0} are always pleased to welcome {%STRING1} travelers." @CHIEFKILL @width=190 "You have broken sacred taboos of the {%STRING0} tribe! We shall tie you up for target practice." @KILLWAGONS @width=190 Your Excellency! Our {wagon train} has disappeared without a trace in {%STRING0} country. @TRADE0 @width=190 "We see that you have brought some %STRING0 {%STRING1} to trade with us. We offer you {%NUMBER0$} in exchange." "We gratefully accept {%NUMBER0$}." "A fairer price would be {%NUMBER1$}." "No, let the %STRING1 be our {gift} to you." "Never mind." @TRADE1 @width=190 "Your haggling is trying our patience, but we shall raise our offer to {%NUMBER0$} for your {%STRING1}." "We gratefully accept {%NUMBER0$}." "A fairer price would be {%NUMBER1$}." "Never mind." @BADCARGO @width=190 "We have enough {%STRING0} and don't need any more right now. Come back when you have something else to offer. We are in need of {%STRING1} and {%STRING2}. Even {%STRING3} would be of some use." @BADHAGGLE0 @width=190 "Our patience with your haggling is exhausted. We no longer want your worthless {%STRING1}. Come back when you have something else to offer." @BADHAGGLE1 @width=190 "We have already told you that we no longer want your {%STRING0}. Come back when you have something else." @BADHAGGLE2 @width=190 "Our patience with your haggling is exhausted. We will sell you nothing further until you bring us something of value." @BADHAGGLE3 @width=190 "As we said before, we will sell you nothing further until you bring us something of value." @BRING @width=190 "We are in need of {%STRING0} and {%STRING1}. Perhaps you will bring some next time you come to trade with us. Even {%STRING2} would be of some value." @DEFICIT @width=190 "Since you have brought no trade goods, we will not trade with you." @BUYWHICH @width=190 "We have {%STRING0}, {%STRING1}, and {%STRING2} available to trade with you. Which would you like to buy?" "{%STRING0}." "{%STRING1}." "{%STRING2}." "Nothing right now, thank you." @TRADEWHICH @width=190 Which cargo shall we offer to trade, Your Excellency? @BUY0 @width=190 "We shall fill up your {%STRING1} with {%NUMBER2 %STRING0} in exchange for {%NUMBER0$}. Is this acceptable?" "We will gladly pay {%NUMBER0$} (of {%NUMBER3$})." "A fairer price would be {%NUMBER1$}." "Never mind." @BUY1 @width=190 "We grow tired of your constant haggling. We shall fill up your {%STRING1} with {%NUMBER2 %STRING0} in exchange for {%NUMBER0$}. Is this acceptable?" "We will gladly pay {%NUMBER0$} (of {%NUMBER3$})." "A fairer price would be {%NUMBER1$}." "Never mind." @NOTENOUGH @width=190 "Sadly, your treasury ({%NUMBER0$}) is not large enough to back your promise." @LEARNMASTER @width=190 "We are glad to have a master {%STRING1} living among us, Old One. However, we can only teach new skills to colonists who do not yet have one. Bring us an {indentured servant} or a {free colonist} and we will train him." @LEARNCRIMINAL @width=190 "Your ill manners offend us, Young One, and we doubt that you will ever be more than a {common criminal}. The {%STRING0} will teach you nothing." @LEARNALREADY @width=190 "The {%STRING0} of this village have already shared their skills with young Europeans. Go and learn from them if you will, for we have nothing else to teach." @LEARNMAD @width=190 "Your ill manners infuriate us, Young One. You fail to understand our ways, so we doubt you will ever learn anything from us. In fact, we wish you would leave_._._._your presence offends us." @LEARNSLOW @width=190 "You are unskilled and uncouth, Young One, and have difficulty understanding our ways. We see scarce hope for you, although you are welcome to remain in our village. Perhaps in time you will be productive." @LEARNSTAY @width=190 "You are unskilled, Young One, and your ways are strange. If you wish, however, we {%STRING0} will show you how to become a master {%STRING1}." "Then I shall become a master {%STRING1}." "Not right now, thanks." @LEARNLATER @width=190 "Very well. Perhaps another time." @LEARNDONE @width=190 "Congratulations, Young One. You have learned the ways of the {%STRING0} and become a master {%STRING1}. We hope you will share this knowledge wisely. You are always welcome to stay in our village." @TRADEMANY @width=190 Only {%NUMBER0} trade routes can be defined, Your Excellency. To create a new trade route now, you must delete an old one first. @TRADESTART @width=190 Select destination number %NUMBER0 for route @TRADETYPE @width=190 Is this a {sea} trade route or a {land} trade route? Sea route Land route @TRADENAMES 5 Run Ferry Cargo Transport Triangle @TRADENAME @width=190 Enter the name for this trade route. Name: @TRADENONE @width=190 You have not yet defined any trade routes. @TRADENONE2 @width=190 You have not yet defined any {%STRING0} trade routes. @TRADESELECT @width=190 Select a trade route: @TRADEDELETE @width=190 Which trade route should we {delete}: @SUREDELETE @width=190 Are you sure you want to delete the {%STRING0}? Yes No @CARGOLOAD @width=120 Select a cargo to load at {%STRING0}. @CARGOUNLOAD @width=120 Select a cargo to unload at {%STRING0}. @ROUTELOOP @width=190 Your Excellency, our "{%STRING0}" trade route has only one port on its itinerary! @PISS0 @width=190 The {%STRING1} tribe is now %STRING2 {%STRING3}. @PISS1 @width=190 Because of your incessant roadbuilding, the {%STRING1} tribe is now %STRING2 {%STRING3}. @PISS2 @width=190 Because you persist in destroying the forest, the {%STRING1} tribe is now %STRING2 {%STRING3}. @PISS3 @width=190 Because of the continued work of %STRING0 missionaries, the {%STRING1} tribe is now %STRING2 {%STRING3}. @PISS4 @width=190 Because of this umprovoked attack, the {%STRING1} tribe is now %STRING2 {%STRING3}. @PISS5 @width=190 Because of increasing population pressure from %STRING0 colonies, the {%STRING1} tribe is now %STRING2 {%STRING3}. @KINGNO @width=190 "We are most dissatisfied with your efforts in the New World. Therefore we do not deign to fulfill your request at this time." @KINGFUND @width=190 "Our royal treasury is stretched to the limit. At this time we can offer you a grant of only {%NUMBER0$}." "We gratefully accept this gift." "Never mind." @KINGLOWER @width=190 "After careful consideration, we have graciously decided to lower your tax rate by {%NUMBER0%%}. The tax rate is now {%NUMBER1%%}." @KINGNOTHING @width=190 "In spite of your impudence, we shall not change your tax rate at this time. You may, however, kiss our royal pinky ring." @KINGRAISE @width=190 "Your DARE to demand lower taxes! After the kindness the crown has shown? For your impudence we shall raise taxes by {%NUMBER0%%}. The tax rate is now {%NUMBER1%%}." @KINGTAX @width=190 "It is essential that the Crown receive proper recompense for its efforts on your behalf. Therefore we have graciously decided to raise your tax rate by {%NUMBER0%%}. The tax rate is now {%NUMBER1%%}. If you wish, you may kiss our royal pinky ring." @KINGBLESS @width=190 "You have our royal blessing. If you wish, you may kiss our royal pinky ring." @KINGLAUGH @width=190 "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! You make a funny joke! Ho ho ho ho ho! Independence! Ha ha ha ha ha!" @KINGWELCOME0 @width=190 "Welcome, %STRING0 %STRING1. Your exploits in the New World please us greatly." @MERCANTILISM @width=190 "We are concerned that this {%STRING0} you have built will take profits away from hardworking %STRING1 merchants. Therefore we have graciously decided to raise your tax rate by {%NUMBER0%%}. The tax rate is now {%NUMBER1%%}. If you wish, you may kiss our royal pinky ring." @PURCHASETAX @width=190 "We have graciously decided to raise your tax rate by {%NUMBER0%%} in recognition of your use of Crown resources. The tax rate is now {%NUMBER1%%}. If you wish, you may kiss our royal pinky ring." @TAXOPTIONS Kiss pinky ring. Hold '{%STRING3 Party}.' @TEAPARTY @width=220 {%STRING3 Party}! Sons of Liberty throw {%NUMBER0} tons of %STRING0 into the sea at %STRING1! Colonists refuse to pay new tax. Parliament announces boycott of %STRING0. %STRING0 cannot be traded in %STRING2 until boycott is lifted. @KISSUP @width=220 {%STRING0} is currently under Parliamentary {boycott}, Your Excellency. We cannot trade %STRING0 in %STRING1 until Parliament lifts the boycott, which it will not do until we agree to pay {%NUMBER0$} in back taxes. This is taxation without representation! Unfair! Pay {%NUMBER0$}. @KISSSORRY @width=220 Unfortunately, we only have {%NUMBER0$} available. @PRICEUP @width=190 The price of {%STRING0} in %STRING1 has risen to {%NUMBER0$}. @PRICEDOWN @width=190 The price of {%STRING0} in %STRING1 has fallen to {%NUMBER0$}. @WHICHFREEDOM @width=190 The Continental Congress will expand during its next session, Your Excellency. Which Founding Father shall we appoint as its next member? @FREEDOM @width=190 %STRING1 Founding Fathers announce that {%STRING0} has joined the Continental Congress! @CLAND @width=190 LAND MASS Small Normal Large @CCONT @width=190 LAND FORM Archipelago Normal Large Continents @CTEMP @width=190 TEMPERATURE Cool Temperate Warm @CCLIM @width=190 CLIMATE Arid Normal Wet @SHIPSLOW @width=190 {%STRING0}'s progress slowed by presence of {%STRING1 %STRING2}. @SHIPRUN @width=190 {%STRING2 %STRING0} slips past {%STRING1 %STRING3}! @FORTFIRE @width=190 {%STRING0} at {%STRING1} opens fire on {%STRING2 %STRING3}! @EUROPEARM @width=190 European dock options: @EUROPESHIPCLICK @width=190 European harbor options for {%STRING0}: @ARMOPTIONS Don't get on next ship. Board next ship. Move to front of dock. Arm with {Muskets} (costs {%NUMBER0$}). Sell {Muskets} (save {%NUMBER0$}). Equip with {Tools} (costs {%NUMBER1$}). Sell {Tools} (save {%NUMBER1$}). Equip with {Horses} (costs {%NUMBER2$}). Sell {Horses} (save {%NUMBER2$}). Bless as {Missionaries}. Cancel {Missionary} Status. No changes. @COLONYUNIT @width=190 Options for {%STRING0%STRING1}: @UNITOPTIONS Move to front. Clear orders. Sentry / Board ship. Fortify. No changes. @SHIPOPTIONS Move to front. Clear orders. Sentry. Anchor in harbor ("Fortify"). Unload all cargo. No changes. @EUROPESHIPOPTIONS Move to front. Set sail for the New World. Unload all cargo. No changes. @KINGFRIGATE @width=190 "%STRING0 %STRING1. We note that enemy warships are preying on your undefended shipping lanes. Shall we dispatch a {frigate} from the %STRING2 navy to assist you?" "Yes, I fear it is necessary." "No. We shall attend to our own defense." @KINGGALLEON2 @width=220 "%STRING0 %STRING1. We are most pleased at the amount of plunder and booty your conquistadores are obtaining in the New World. Alas, we notice that you do not have a {galleon} fleet to transport this marvelous treasure home to %STRING2. If you wish, we shall transport the treasure home in our own royal galleons once our assessors have computed the Crown's proper share." "Very well, and let the Crown claim its rightful share." "No, I would sooner {kiss} your royal pinky ring." @KINGGALLEON3 @width=220 "%STRING0 %STRING1. We are most pleased at the amount of plunder and booty your conquistadores are obtaining in the New World. We do not wish you to be distracted by the task of transporting this marvelous treasure home to %STRING2. If you wish, we shall transport the treasure home in our own royal galleons {for no extra charge} once our assessors have taken a percentage equal to the current tax rate ({%NUMBER0%%})." "Very well, and let the Crown claim its rightful share." "No, I would sooner {kiss} your royal pinky ring." @CASHTREASURE @width=220 Treasure sold to foreign agents for {%NUMBER0$}. @USEDUPTOOLS @width=190 Our {pioneer} has reverted to {colonist} status after using all its {tools}. @EVASIVE @width=190 {%STRING0 %STRING1} evades {%STRING2 %STRING3}. @KINGMERCY @width=190 "%STRING0 %STRING1. In light of the unfortunate loss of a Royal {%STRING2} unit, we have graciously decided to lower your tax rate by {%NUMBER0%%}. The tax rate is now {%NUMBER1%%}. If you wish, you may kiss our royal pinky ring." @KINGNEWWAR @width=190 "%STRING0 %STRING1. The arrogant attitude of the {%STRING2} has forced us to {declare war} on them. We have therefore cancelled your peace arrangement and we order you to teach them a lesson in manners at once. We shall provide you with {%NUMBER0$} from the Royal Treasury and {%NUMBER1} of our {Veteran Soldier} units to assist you in carrying out your campaign. If you wish, you may kiss our royal pinky ring." @KINGVICTORY @width=190 "%STRING0 %STRING1. To celebrate our recent victory over %STRING2, we have magnanimously decided to LOWER your tax rate by {%NUMBER0%%}. The tax rate is now {%NUMBER1%%}. You may, as always, kiss our royal pinky ring." @KINGWIFE @width=190 "%STRING0 %STRING1. In honor of our recent wedding to our %STRING2 wife, we have graciously decided to raise your tax rate by {%NUMBER0%%}. The tax rate is now {%NUMBER1%%}. You may, if you wish, kiss our royal pinky ring." @KINGWAR @width=190 "%STRING0 %STRING1. Because of recent developments in our ongoing war with %STRING2, we have decided to raise your tax rate by {%NUMBER0%%}. The tax rate is now {%NUMBER1%%}. If you wish, you may kiss our royal pinky ring." @KINGNAVACT @width=190 "%STRING0 %STRING1. We are concerned that the Crown is not receiving its due share of New World revenue. We have therefore decided to impose a new {Navigation Act}, raising your tax rate by {%NUMBER0%%}. The tax rate is now {%NUMBER1%%}. If you wish, you may kiss our royal pinky ring." @KINGSTAMPACT @width=190 "%STRING0 %STRING1. The ungrateful attitude of the colonists in {%STRING2} makes us ill. We have therefore decided to teach them proper respect for their sovereign by imposing a new {Stamp Act}, raising the tax rate by {%NUMBER0%%}. The tax rate is now {%NUMBER1%%}. If you wish, you may kiss our royal pinky ring." @COUNTRIES the Holy Roman Empire the Portuguese the Ottoman Turks the Barbary Pirates Russia Prussia Sweden Denmark @ORDINAL first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth twenty first twenty second twenty third twenty fourth twenty fifth twenty sixth twenty seventh twenty eighth twenty ninth thirtieth @NEEDTOOLS @width=190 {%STRING1} under construction in {%STRING0} requires {%NUMBER0 tools} for completion. Only {%NUMBER1} tools are currently available in %STRING0. @NEEDTOOLS0 @width=190 {%STRING1} under construction in {%STRING0} requires {%NUMBER0 tools} for completion. No tools are currently available in %STRING0. @ALREADYHAVE @width=190 {%STRING0} is set to produce a {%STRING1}, but it has already built one! @LOBOTOMIZE @width=190 Do you wish to {clear} this colonist's specialty ({%STRING0}) and make him an ordinary free colonist? Yes No @NATION0A @width=300 ^^ENGLAND ^^_ __The Age of Expansion coincided with a period of {religious strife} in England. The Church of England--theoretically a Protestant denomination but maintaining many Catholic traditions--faced a series of challenges during the colonial period from would-be reformers, or {Puritans}. The English monarchy shifted its support between pro-Catholic and various Protestant factions from generation to generation, and the English Civil War (1640-49) resulted in the execution of Charles I and a period of Puritan rule (1649-60) under Oliver Cromwell. With so much religious conflict at home, the English government had neither the desire nor the ability to enforce religious conformity in its colonial possessions. The colonies became havens of {religious freedom} for groups (e.g. Puritans, Anabaptists, Quakers) who faced persecution in the Old World. @NATION0B @width=300 ^^ENGLAND ^^_ To reflect the great flow of religious immigrants into English colonies, the English player requires only {2/3} the normal number of "{Crosses}" to generate immigrants. @NATION1A @width=300 ^^FRANCE ^^_ __Latecomers to the New World, France established her first secure American colonies in {Canada} along the St. Lawrence river, where the harsh northern climate proved more suitable for the {fur trade} than for large-scale agricultural endeavors. The French found the {Great Lakes Indians} to be ideal partners in the fur trade and formed long-term trading relationships with the Hurons, Algonquins and other tribes. Though French forts, missions, and trading posts soon dotted the Great Lakes region, French settlements were generally small enough to operate in relative {harmony} with the local native population. Although this relationship was not entirely without incident, the French were often able to cooperate profitably with the natives. This cooperation occasionally extended into the military realm. @NATION1B @width=300 ^^FRANCE ^^_ To reflect the superior ability of the French to cooperate with the native population, the French player's colonies and units cause {alarm} among the Indians at only {half} the rate of other European powers. @NATION2A @width=300 ^^SPAIN ^^_ __In 1492, the same year that Columbus discovered America, the Spanish completed their centuries-long "reconquista" of the Iberian peninsula from the Muslim Moors. This victory left Spain with a generation of {military men} spoiling for a new avenue of expansion and more eager than ever to bring Christianity to the {heathen} at the point of a sword. The New World and its unsuspecting natives provided exactly such an opportunity, and the history of the first century of Spanish expansion in America is the history of the conquest, plunder, and destruction of countless Native American civilizations. The Spanish were the first Europeans to encounter the 'Indians,' and the otherwise mighty {Aztec} and {Inca} empires proved psychologically unprepared for the arrival of an alien power armed with muskets and thirsty for conquest. Conquistador {Hernan Cortes} arrived at Veracruz in 1519 with a few hundred men and, within two years, brought the Aztec Empire to its knees. @NATION2B @width=300 ^^SPAIN ^^_ To reflect the strategic surprise which Spain achieved over pre-Columbian American civilizations, the Spanish player receives a {50%% combat bonus} when {attacking Indian villages}. @NATION3A @width=300 ^^NETHERLANDS ^^_ __The Protestant Dutch provinces gained their independence from Catholic Spain during the Age of Expansion. A maritime country of {fishermen} and {merchants}, the Dutch Netherlands operated large merchant and fishing fleets in the North Sea and the Baltic. Upon achieving political independence in the early seventeenth century, this tiny nation found itself ideally poised to expand its {overseas trade} into lucrative new markets in the Far East and New World. Unlike their rivals and sometime enemies the Spanish, French, and English, the Dutch were ruled by their merchant class. This unique arrangement led them to focus all aspects of state diplomatic, military, and economic policy around the {interests of trade}. Their strategy proved quite successful, and the Dutch economy and merchant fleet expanded so rapidly that the other European powers felt compelled to take drastic measures against the Dutch in order to prop up their own less successful enterprises. @NATION3B @width=300 ^^NETHERLANDS ^^_ __To represent the strength of the Dutch economy, as well as Dutch achievements in shipping, commerce, and banking, the Dutch player receives a bonus when trading with Amsterdam. {Commodity prices} in Amsterdam {do not collapse} as quickly as in other European ports and they {recover} more quickly. @PICKACARGO @width=190 Which cargo shall we capture? @CUSTOM @width=190 @checkbox @smallfont Which cargos shall our {Custom House} export? @CONTINENTAL @width=190 Our {Veteran %STRING0} have hardened to {Continental Army} status, Your Excellency! @VETERAN @width=190 Our {%STRING0} have hardened to {Veteran} status, Your Excellency! @VALOR @width=190 Because of their valor in battle, our {%STRING0} soldiers have been promoted from {%STRING1} to {%STRING2} status. @SCOUTCOLONY @width=190 Our {scouts} have reached the outskirts of {%STRING0}, Your Excellency. What shall they do? Meet With Mayor Infiltrate Colony Attack Colony Nothing @LOSTOURSCOUTS @width=190 Our {scouts} near {%STRING1} have been captured by the {%STRING0}, Your Excellency! @LOSTTHEIRSCOUTS @width=190 We have captured a party of {%STRING0 scouts} attempting to infiltrate {%STRING1}, Your Excellency. Their {%NUMBER0 horses} have been taken to the colony stables. @HELLOFIRST @width=220 "Greetings, %STRING0, and welcome to {%STRING1}. We have justly claimed all of this land in the name of {%STRING2}, and we are here to %STRING3. Please do not interfere with this God-given mission." @HELLOUSA @width=220 "Greetings, %STRING0, from the newly elected government of the {%STRING1}." @HELLOAHOY @width=220 "Ahoy there, %STRING0, and welcome to {%STRING1}. We have justly claimed all the lands of this sea in the name of {%STRING2}, and we are here to %STRING3. Please do not interfere with this God-given mission." @HELLOMEEK @width=220 "{Mighty} %STRING0, we again welcome you to {%STRING1}. Please remember that we have justly claimed all of this land in the name of {%STRING2}. We continue in our efforts to %STRING3." @HELLOMANLY @width=220 "%STRING0. We note with {displeasure} that your presence continues to befoul {%STRING1}, which we have justly claimed in the name of {%STRING2}. Our task here is to %STRING3, and you interfere with us at your {peril}." @GREATKINGS our Queen and the Church of England His Most Christian Majesty, King Louis the Pope and the Spanish Crown the Stadtholder of the United Provinces of the Netherlands @GREATDEEDS seek a life of {religious freedom} and service to the Crown promote the greater {glory} of France {convert the heathen} and enrich our Sovereign build a mighty overseas {trading empire} @GREATLEADER Our Queen Our King The Pope Our Stadtholder @GREATLEADER2 the Queen the King the Pope the Stadtholder @MYLEADER King King King Stadtholder @PIRACY @width=220 "%STRING0 is most displeased with the {%STRING1 pirates} lying in wait off the coast of %STRING2. We {%STRING3} that you withdraw all {privateers} immediately." "What pirates? We have NEVER condoned piracy!" "Very well, we shall withdraw our {privateers} to Europe." @PIRACYUSA @width=220 "The {%STRING0} will not suffer foreign pirates to prey upon its commercial interests. We {%STRING3} that you withdraw all {privateers} at once." "What pirates? We have NEVER condoned piracy!" "Very well, we shall withdraw our {privateers} to Europe." @SIEGES @width=220 "%STRING0 is disturbed by the large %STRING1 forces lurking outside our %STRING2 colonies. We {%STRING3} that you {withdraw} all military units adjacent to %STRING2 colonies immediately." "Our forces protect valid %STRING1 interests and shall stay." "Very well, we shall {withdraw} our forces to Europe." @SIEGESUSA @width=220 "The %STRING0 has never recognized the right of foreign powers to station large military forces in this hemisphere. Forces lurking near our major cities are of particular concern to us. We {%STRING3} that you {withdraw} all military units adjacent to our cities immediately." "Very well, we shall {withdraw} our forces to Europe." "Our forces protect valid %STRING1 interests and shall stay." @MEEKNESS request demand @HEATHEN @width=220 "We are currently busy subduing the notorious heathen {%STRING1} tribe. Will you, as fellow believers, join with us in this holy task?" "Never! The {%STRING0} are a harmless and peaceful people!" "Yes! Let us teach the {%STRING0} a lesson!" @HEATHENUSA @width=220 "The %STRING0 is currently in the process of relocating members of the dangerous {%STRING1} tribe to a government-run reservation. Will you assist us in this task?" "Never! That would be a terrible crime!" "Yes, it is our manifest destiny." @APOSTATES @width=220 "We note that you have signed a treaty with those unrepentant heretics, the {%STRING0}. We {%STRING1} that you cancel this treaty at once." "Never! The {%STRING0} are our friends!" "Yes! We shall crush the foul-smelling {%STRING0} together!" @APOSTATESUSA @width=220 "We note that you have signed a treaty with those imperialist pigs, the {%STRING0}. We {%STRING1} that you cancel this treaty at once." "Never! The {%STRING0} are our friends!" "Yes! We shall crush the foul-smelling {%STRING0} together!" @TRIBUTE @width=220 "%STRING0 has told us that we must drive all {%STRING1} from the shores of {%STRING2}. Our efforts are currently given to weightier matters, however, and we might temporarily overlook this directive in exchange for a 'donation' of {%NUMBER0$} to the 'Church'." "Not a penny for those heretic swine!" "We will gladly donate {%NUMBER0$} to such a worthy cause." @TRIBUTEUSA @width=220 "The {%STRING0} does not recognize the right of european powers to establish colonies in this hemisphere. We are willing, however, to overlook this doctrine temporarily in exchange for an indemnity payment of {%NUMBER0$}." "That is blackmail and we will have none of it." "We will gladly pay {%NUMBER0$}." @WANTSTUFF @width=260 "We are displeased that you continue to befoul lands that are rightfully ours by order of %STRING0. We demand {%NUMBER0 %STRING1} as reparations." "We laugh at your puny threats." "We gladly share {%NUMBER0 %STRING1} with our {%STRING2} brothers." @WANTSTUFFUSA @width=220 "The {%STRING0} does not recognize the right of european powers to establish colonies in this hemisphere. We are willing, however, to overlook this doctrine temporarily in exchange for {%NUMBER0 %STRING1}." "We laugh at your puny threats." "We gladly share {%NUMBER0 %STRING1} with our neighbors." @RID @width=220 "In the name of {%STRING0}, we order you to leave {%STRING1} immediately. If you do not, we shall drive you into the sea." @RIDUSA @width=220 "The {%STRING1} orders you to leave this hemisphere immediately. If you do not, we shall drive you into the sea." @WORTHY @width=220 "Although all of this land is rightfully ours by order of %STRING0, we propose a demarcation {treaty}, dividing all the land before God into perpetual and inviolable {%STRING1} and {%STRING2} spheres of influence. Will you agree to such a partition?" "Yes" "No" @GIVECASH @width=220 "Please spare our meek and helpless settlement from destruction. We will give you {%NUMBER0$} if you will agree not to attack us." "Very well, you shall be spared." "Alas, it is God's will." @PEACEMANLY @width=220 "Very well. However, {only} the land you now occupy shall constitute the {%STRING0} sphere; the {remaining} territories shall be {%STRING1} in perpetuity. Trespass in those areas at your own {peril}." "Go in peace, {%STRING1} brothers." "First you must withdraw your forces from our colonies!" "How much do you value your puny lives, heathen swine?" "We suggest an alliance." @PEACEMEEK @width=220 "Excellent. All of the land which you now occupy shall constitute the {%STRING0} sphere; the land which we occupy shall be {%STRING1} in perpetuity. Please remember not to trespass in those areas." "Go in peace, {%STRING1} brothers." "First you must withdraw your forces from our colonies!" "How much do you value your worthless lives, heathen swine?" "We suggest an alliance." @OLDPEACEMEEK @width=220 "We welcome the friendship of our brothers the {%STRING0} and their wise leader %STRING2 %STRING3. Together we shall work God's will in the New World." "Go in peace, {%STRING1} brothers." "First you must withdraw your forces from our colonies!" "How much do you value your worthless lives, heathen swine?" "We suggest an alliance." @OLDPEACEMANLY @width=220 "Although the {%STRING0} do not properly belong in this hemisphere, we elect not to drive you from the New World at this time." "Go in peace, {%STRING1} brothers." "First you must withdraw your forces from outside our colonies!" "How much do you value your worthless lives, heathen swine?" "We suggest an alliance." @PEACEUSA @width=220 "The {%STRING0} welcomes peace with our politically backward neighbors, the {%STRING1}." "Go in peace." "First you must withdraw your forces from outside our colonies!" "How much do you value your worthless lives, swine?" "We suggest an alliance." @NOTWITHDRAW @width=220 "Our forces protect valid %STRING0 interests and shall not be moved." @WITHDRAW @width=220 "In the interest of peace, we shall withdraw our forces." @NOTHINGWITHDRAW @width=220 "We have no forces adjacent to your colonies." @MAYBEWITHDRAW @width=220 "Our forces protect valid %STRING0 interests. We are, however, willing to move them in exchange for {%NUMBER0$} to cover the cost of demobilization." "We shall gladly pay {%NUMBER0$}." "Withdraw or perish, heathen pigs!" "Oh. Never mind then." @PROVOKE @width=220 "We can no longer tolerate your foul provocations. Prepare for WAR!" @WARMEEK @width=220 "Very well, then in the name of %STRING0 we shall drive you from the shores of {%STRING1}. Prepare for WAR!" @WARMANLY @width=220 "You reject our generous offer? Then in the name of %STRING0 we shall wipe you from the face of the New World. Prepare for WAR! @THREATS @width=220 "We laugh at your feeble threats." @GIFTS @width=220 "We present you with a gift of {%NUMBER0$} in exchange for your continued forbearance." @MILITARY @width=220 "You must attack the infidel . . ." @NOCONTACT @width=220 "We have no contact with the {%STRING0}." @ALREADYSMITE @width=220 "We are already at war with the worthless {%STRING0}." @SMITEINDIANS @width=220 "We shall ruthlessly smite the heathen {%STRING0} in exchange for {%NUMBER0$} to cover our expenses." Pay {%NUMBER0$}. Never mind. @SMITEEUROPE @width=220 "We shall ruthlessly drive the heretic {%STRING0} from the New World in exchange for {%NUMBER0$} to cover our expenses." Pay {%NUMBER0$}. Never mind. @UNFORTUNATE @width=220 "Unfortunately, your treasury is insufficient to match your extravagant promises." @MERCENARY @width=220 The {%STRING0} declare war on the {%STRING1}. @SUCCESSION @width=220 War of the Spanish Succession ends in Europe! {%STRING0}, ravaged by war, agrees to cede %STRING1 to the {%STRING2}. Treaty of Utrecht specifies that all {%STRING3} possessions in the New World now fall under {%STRING2} rule. @REBELMAJORITY @width=220 Sons of Liberty membership in {%STRING0} is up to %NUMBER0%%, Your Excellency. A majority of the colonists there support the idea of independence from %STRING1! All colonists in %STRING0 gain +1 to their base production abilities. @REBELUNANIMOUS @width=220 Sons of Liberty membership in {%STRING0} is up to 100%%, Your Excellency. All of the colonists there support the idea of independence from %STRING1! All colonists in %STRING0 gain +2 to their base production abilities. Colonists can also be educated more quickly here. @TORYMINORITY @width=220 Sons of Liberty membership in {%STRING0} is down from 100%% to %NUMBER0%%, Your Excellency. Some of the colonists no longer support the idea of independence from %STRING1. %STRING0 colonists now gain only +1 to their base production abilities. @TORYMAJORITY @width=220 Sons of Liberty membership in {%STRING0} is down to %NUMBER0%%, Your Excellency. The majority of colonists there no longer support the idea of independence from %STRING1! %STRING0 colonists no longer gain production bonuses. @SONSUP @width=220 Sons of Liberty membership in {%STRING0} is up to %NUMBER0%%, Your Excellency. The more {Liberty Bells} our {Statesmen} generate, the faster membership will rise. @SONSDOWN @width=220 Sons of Liberty membership in {%STRING0} is down to %NUMBER0%%, Your Excellency. Perhaps we should generate more {Liberty Bells} there. We can generate Liberty Bells with {Statesmen}. {Printing Presses} and {Newspapers}, as well as improvements to our government buildings, can increase the rate at which we generate them. @REBELUP @width=190 {Rebel} sentiment is rising in the colonies, Your Excellency! {%NUMBER0%%} of the population supports the idea of independence from %STRING0. As our colonists begin to feel more self-sufficient, they also become more productive. Any colony with at least {50%%} Sons of Liberty membership receives a {+1} production bonus. @REBELUP50 @width=190 {Rebel} sentiment is rising in the colonies, Your Excellency! {%NUMBER0%%} of the population supports the idea of independence from %STRING0. Some of the Founding Fathers think we should request an audience with the King and declare our independence! @REBELDOWN @width=190 {Tory} sentiment is once again on the rise in the colonies, Your Excellency. Only {%NUMBER0%%} of the population now supports the notion of independence from %STRING0. @REFIT @width=190 {%STRING0} has completed its repairs in {%STRING1}. @WELLSEASONED @width=190 Our {Scouts} have improved to {Seasoned} status, Your Excellency. @KINGBUY @width=190 King increases military spending. {%STRING0} added to royal expeditionary force. Colonial leaders express alarm. @SEIZURE @width=190 {%STRING0} seized on the high seas by the Royal Navy! @SEIZURESEA @width=190 {%STRING0} captured at sea by the Royal Navy! @SEIZURELAND @width=190 {%STRING0} captured by the Royal Army! @INDEPENDENCE @width=220 Continental Congress signs {Declaration of Independence}! Abuses and usurpations cited! Ultimatum presented to King! Expeditionary force dispatched to suppress rebellion! General %STRING0 calls for volunteers for new Continental Army! @INVASION @width=190 Royal Expeditionary Force lands near {%STRING0}! @TOOTORY @width=190 Only {%NUMBER0%%} of the colonists support the independence movement, Your Excellency. We cannot start a rebellion against the King until the {majority} is behind us. @DECLARE @width=190 Shall we declare our independence from {%STRING0}, Your Excellency? This will end our turn and place us at war with our King! "Never! That would be treasonous! God save the King!" "Yes! Give me liberty or give me death!" @DEADCONVERTS @width=190 Indian {converts} lose faith and return to tribe. Converts who do not join colonies within {eight turns} of their conversion are eliminated for loss of faith. @TOOMANYUNITS @width=190 A {unit} cannot be created because the maximum number of units for the game has been reached. Units must be eliminated before new units can be created. @TOOMANYCOLONIES @width=190 A {colony} cannot be created because the maximum number of colonies for the game has been reached. Colonies must be eliminated before new colonies can be created. @PICKMUSIC @smallfont @width=220 Select a piece of music: "Bird Song" "Smoky Tune" "Cornwall" "Shady Grove" "Fiddler's Dance" "Jine the Cavalry" "Joe Clark" "Little Fiddle" "Hornpipe" "Bonny Morn" "Hole In The Wall" "Nightingale" Independence Tunes Military Tunes Indian Tunes @PICKINDEPENDENCE @smallfont @width=220 Select an independence tune: "Love Forever" "York Fusiliers" "Washington Artillery March" "Road to Boston" "Independence Way" @PICKMILITARY @smallfont @width=220 Select a military tune: "The Reveille" "Successful Campaign" "Morelli's Lesson" "To Arms" @PICKINDIAN @smallfont @width=220 Select an Indian tune: "Indian Victory" "Natives" "Tenochtitlan" "Pizarro at Cuzco" @UPKEEP @width=190 Your Excellency, we cannot afford to pay the upkeep ({%NUMBER0$}) on all our buildings this turn. Until we pay the {upkeep}, colonists in the buildings will produce at {half efficiency}. @MOBILIZE @width=190 Continental Army mobilizes at {%STRING0}! Our Veteran %STRING1 have been promoted to {Continental Army} status. @MOBILIZE2 @width=190 Continental Army mobilizes at {%STRING0}! {%NUMBER0} Veteran units have been promoted to {Continental Army} status. @CANTMOBILIZE @width=190 Continental Army can mobilize in colonies which contain at least {%NUMBER0 muskets} only. None of our colonies have enough muskets available for mobilization! @KINGMOBILIZE @width=190 Parliament votes additional funds to suppress revolution in %STRING0. {%STRING1} mobilized in %STRING2. @EUROPENOTAVAIL @width=190 The European Status Screen is no longer available once the {War of Independence} has begun. Ships cannot sail to Europe for the duration of the war. Colonies which build {Custom House} improvements can trade with European smugglers, however. @FOREIGNNOTAVAIL @width=190 The Foreign Affairs Adviser's report is no longer available once the {War of Independence} has begun. @EUROPENOTLEAVE @width=190 Ships cannot sail to and from Europe for the duration of the {War of Independence}. Colonies which build {Custom House} improvements can trade with European smugglers, however. @NOWARSDURINGREV @width=190 Foreign colonies cannot be attacked during the {War of Independence}. @NOCOLONIESEITHER @width=190 New colonies cannot be founded during the {War of Independence}. @NOMAYORSDURINGREV @width=190 Scouts cannot meet with mayors during the {War of Independence}. @HOWMUCH1 @width=190 How much {%STRING0} should be loaded onto %STRING1 (0-%NUMBER0). Amount: @HOWMUCH2 @width=190 How much {%STRING0} should be unloaded from %STRING1 to %STRING2 (0-%NUMBER0). Amount: @HOWMUCH3 @width=190 How much {%STRING0} should be moved from %STRING1 to %STRING2 (0-%NUMBER0). Amount: @HOWMUCH4 @width=190 How much {%STRING0} (at {%NUMBER1$}) should be purchased and loaded onto %STRING1 (0-%NUMBER0). Amount: @HOWMUCH5 @width=190 How much {%STRING0} should be sold (at {%NUMBER1$}) to %STRING2 (0-%NUMBER0). Amount: @AMBUSHHINT @width=220 Your Excellency, the King's armies have little experience with the kind of tactics that are necessary when fighting in the New World. If our troops attack the King's troops while {neither} unit is in a colony square, we gain an {ambush bonus} equal to the terrain's normal defensive value! @CONSIDER @width=220 %STRING0 is considering intervention on our behalf against the King, Your Excellency! If we can generate %NUMBER0 liberty bells, they will join us. @INTERVENTION @width=220 {%STRING0} declares war on %STRING1 and joins the War of Independence on the Rebel side! %STRING2 dispatched to %STRING3 for strategic consultations. %STRING4 navy plans bombardment of Tory-held fortifications. @FRIEND British General Cornwallis French General Lafayette Spanish Generals Dutch Admiral de Ruyter @INTERVENE @width=190 %STRING1 Intervention Force arrives in {%STRING0}! Local Rebel Army commander regales %STRING1 admiral. @EXPLOITS COLONIZATION RATING: %NUMBER0%% In memory of your deeds, the citizens of %STRING0 give your name to . . . @SCORE An Infectious Disease, %STRING0 Fever A Stinging Insect, %STRING0 Fly A Poisonous Plant, %STRING0 Ivy A Venomous Snake, %STRING0 Rattlesnake A Prison, %STRING0catraz A Fast Food Chain, %STRING0's Roast Beef A Street, %STRING0 Boulevard A Flower, %STRING0 Thistle A School, %STRING0 Jr. High An Apple, %STRING0 Delicious A Bridge, %STRING0 Mem. Bridge A Bird, %STRING0 Eagle A College, %STRING0 A & M A Mountain Lion, %STRING0 Cougar A Prestigious Award, %STRING0 Medal of Honor A River, The %STRING0 River A University, %STRING0 and Lee University A Mountain Range, %STRING0 Mountains An Inland Sea, %STRING0 Bay A Football Team, %STRING0 Conquistadores A State of the Union, %STRING0 State A Capital, %STRING0 D.C. A Nation, Republic of %STRING0 A CONTINENT!, %STRING0ica @LOSING1 @width=220 King's Forces control all ports in %STRING0! Continental Congress capitulates to King's terms! Continental Army demobilized; Royal Expeditionary force occupies colonies. %STRING1, stripped of titles, escapes to {exile} in %STRING2. @WARN1 @width=220 Your Excellency, the King's forces control all but %NUMBER0 of the ports in %STRING0! If we don't retain control of at least one port our commerce will be choked and we will have to surrender! @LOSING2 @width=220 King's Forces control all colonies in %STRING0! Continental Congress capitulates to King's terms! Continental Army demobilized; Royal Expeditionary force occupies colonies. %STRING1, stripped of titles, escapes to {exile} in %STRING2. @WARN2 @width=220 Your Excellency, the King's forces control all but %NUMBER1 of our colonies! We need to protect our remaining colonies, or we will lose the war! @LOSING3 @width=190 King's Forces control over 90%% of %STRING0 population! Continental Congress capitulates to King's terms! Continental Army demobilized; Royal Expeditionary force occupies colonies. %STRING1, stripped of titles, escapes to {exile} in %STRING2. @WARN3 @width=220 Your Excellency, the King's forces control %NUMBER2%% of the %STRING0 population. If he ever controls 90%%, the Continental Congress will be unable to continue the war and we will have to surrender! @WINNING @width=220 Royal Expeditionary Force annihilated! General %STRING0 accepts {surrender} of all Tory forces in brief ceremony. Parliament declares King unfit to rule and votes to accept independence of %STRING1. Continental Congress proclaims %STRING0 the first {President} of the new republic! @OTHERGRANTED @width=220 The King of {%STRING0} grants {independence} to %STRING1! %STRING2 elected first President of the new republic. %STRING3 makes peace with all european nations. @OTHERMIGHT @width=220 Your Excellency, the King of {%STRING0} is considering granting independence to his colonies. {%NUMBER0} (out of %NUMBER1) of the %STRING1 colonists currently support independence. Once {%NUMBER2} colonists support liberty, the %STRING1 colonies will be granted their freedom and become an independent nation. @OTHERLESS @width=220 Spies Report: Only {%NUMBER0} {%STRING1} now support independence from %STRING0. The King of {%STRING0} will not grant them their liberty unless {%NUMBER2} are in favor. @SCORED @width=220 Scoring for this game is now complete. That's all. Keep playing anyway. @TORYUPRISING @width=220 Tory uprising near %STRING0! Parliament arms Tory Militia! @CANNOTATTACK @width=190 That unit type cannot attack. @TRADEMERCANTILISM @width=190 "In the interests of {Mercantilism}, %STRING0 has ordered us not to trade with foreign merchants. We must therefore ask you to go away please." @TRADEATWAR @width=190 Ships and wagon trains cannot enter the colonies of foreign powers with whom you are at war or with whom you have not yet established contact. @TRADENOCARGO @width=190 "You have brought nothing with you to trade with us. Please come back when you have something useful to offer." @TRADENOWANT @width=190 "We are not interested in your {%NUMBER0 %STRING0}. Come back when you have something better to offer." @TRADEWITH @width=190 "We will give you {%NUMBER0 %STRING0} in exchange for your %NUMBER1 %STRING1. Or, if you like, we are willing to give you {%NUMBER2$}. Is this satisfactory?" "We'll take the {%NUMBER0 %STRING0}." "Just give us the {%NUMBER2$}." "Do you take us for fools?" @EXTINCT @width=190 The %STRING0 tribe has been wiped out. @MERCENARIES @width=190 The King of %STRING0 has offered to send us a force of trained {mercenaries} (%STRING1) in exchange for {%NUMBER0$}. No thank you. Pay {%NUMBER0$}. @MERCS @width=190 %STRING1 mercenaries arrive in %STRING0. @OVERBOARD @width=190 What cargo shall we throw overboard, Your Excellency? @ALREADYREVOLUTION @width=190 We are already fighting a War of Independence, Excellency. @SUREDISBAND @width=190 Really {disband} %STRING0? Yes No @NEWCOLONIST @width=190 Population increase in %STRING0. New colonist now available. @INEFFICIENT @width=220 {%STRING0} has an inefficient government, Your Excellency! Any colony which has {%NUMBER0} or more colonists who are not members of the Sons of Liberty is lagging behind in its governmental development. Colonists in such colonies receive a {-1} production penalty for every %NUMBER0 tories. We can increase Sons of Liberty membership by producing more {Liberty Bells} in this colony; conversely, we can avoid the production penalty by removing enough colonists to get the number of tories below %NUMBER0. @EFFICIENT @width=190 {%STRING0} has improved the efficiency of its government, Your Excellency. Production penalties no longer apply to %STRING0 colonists. @CLEARCUT @width=190 Pioneers clear forest near {%STRING0}. {%NUMBER0 lumber} added to stockpile. @REALLYBUY @width=190 Purchase %STRING0 for %NUMBER0$? Yes No @INDIANWARPATH @width=190 "The {%STRING0} tribe is ready to go on the warpath. Whom would you like us to attack?" @INDIANWARPATH2 @width=190 "We will gladly drive the {%STRING0} from our ancestral lands in exchange for {%NUMBER0$}." Pay {%NUMBER0$}. Never mind. @INDIANWARFARE @width=190 {%STRING0} nation holds War Council! {%STRING1} missionaries incite %STRING2 to warfare against the {%STRING3}! @LOSENOCOLONIES @width=190 "%STRING0 %STRING1. Our efforts in the New World have proven fruitless and we have decided to remove you as Viceroy. You may, as always, kiss our royal pinky ring." @SOONRETIRING0 @width=190 %STRING0 %STRING1 plans to retire in 1800! A rumor circulates that he would postpone his retirement were a War of Independence to begin. @SOONRETIRING1 @width=190 "General %STRING1, the people are weary of this long war. If we cannot force a conclusion by 1850, the Continental Congress will sue for peace and seek to swear renewed allegiance to the King." @RETIRING @width=220 %STRING0 %STRING1 steps down after over 300 years of loyal service to the Crown. King knights aging Viceroy, who retires to country estate near %STRING2. @RETIRING2 @width=220 War-weary Continental Congress sues for peace! King accepts surrender from %STRING0 %STRING1, who retires to country estate near %STRING2. @HOWTOWIN @width=220 We have just won a glorious victory on the road to freedom, Your Excellency. In order to defeat the King's forces and win our independence, we must recapture {all} of our colonies from the King, and we must destroy most of his ground forces in the New World. @ARTILLERY @width=190 %STRING0 %STRING1 {damaged}. Further damage will destroy it. @ARTILLERY2 @width=190 Damaged %STRING0 %STRING1 {destroyed}. @TIMECHANGE @width=190 ^^Colonization Help: Time Scale ^ In 1600, the {time scale} changes from one turn per year to {two turns per year}. Henceforth there will be a {Spring} and a {Fall} turn in each year. @TEACHCONVERT @width=190 Indian converts already know the Indian ways. @SOMEBOYCOTT @width=190 Some of the cargo could not be unloaded because of a parliamentary boycott. If you want to ask that the boycott be lifted, click on the cargo type in question. @KEEPSTOCKADE @width=220 We cannot voluntarily reduce below {three} the population of a colony that has a stockade, fort, or fortress. @MORETHANTHREE @width=220 We cannot put more than {three} colonists in any one building, Your Excellency. @LOOTWAGONS @width=220 %STRING0 loot wagon trains near %STRING3! @TUTORIAL1 @width=190 @x=10 @y=40 Our {%STRING0} carrying a pioneer and a soldier is on the high seas, Your Excellency. If we navigate to the west ({left arrow}), we'll probably find land. If we sail to the east ({right arrow}), we can return to port. @TUTORIAL2 @width=190 We've found uncharted land, Excellency. To put the colonists ashore, move the ship toward land and choose {Make Landfall} from the menu. @TUTORIAL3 @width=190 The abundance of {%STRING0} in this area makes this a good place to start our first colony. To begin a colony, Sire, press the '{B}' key. @TUTORIAL4 @width=190 @x=10 On the {Colony Screen}, you can decide what the colonists in this colony should be doing. Our colonist is currently producing {%STRING0}. He could, for instance, produce {%STRING1} instead. To change his job, select him to bring up the {Jobs Menu}, then choose what you want him to do. You can also drag him to a different square, or into one of the buildings in the colony. To take a colonist out of a colony, drag him to the fence (near the water on the colony picture). @TUTORIAL5 @width=220 Excellency, there are {%STRING1} ready to join our colony on the docks in {%STRING0} (Europe). If we send our ship there they will gladly set sail with us and become useful members of our community. @TUTORIAL6 @width=220 Sire, there are {%NUMBER0} {%STRING0} in {%STRING1}. If we move a ship into %STRING1, we can pick up this cargo and take it back to %STRING2 in Europe, where we can sell it for a profit. @TUTORIAL7 @width=220 %STRING0 is growing rapidly, Your Excellency, and we may want to consider building a {Stockade} to protect it from harm. To build something, we must first make one of our colonists a {Lumberjack} and have him chop {Lumber} in a forested square. Then, we make a colonist a {Carpenter}, who makes buildings out of the lumber. Finally, we tell the carpenter what to build. We do this by clicking on the blue 'Hammer' button at the lower right of the screen. This shows us what we are currently building, and allows us to change it if we want. @TUTORIAL8 @width=190 This %STRING0 has no specialty profession. If we move him into a friendly native village, the indians may be willing to teach him a new skill. @TUTORIAL9 @width=220 This looks like a good place for a {road}. Our {pioneers} will build roads in a square if you press the '{R}' key. If we build a road here, our fur, lumber, ore, and silver production in this square will be increased. Our units also move faster when they are moving along a road. @TUTORIAL10 @width=220 This looks like a good place to {plow} or {clear}. Our {pioneers} will plow the fields in a square if you press the '{P}' key. Plowing a square increases its food, tobacco, cotton, and sugar production by one. Plowing a {forest} square causes the forest to be {cleared}, making room for more agriculture. @TUTORIAL11 @width=220 Our ship, a {%STRING0}, is one of our most valuable units. We can use it to explore the uncharted vastness of the New World, to carry our cargo home to %STRING1 for sale, and to bring new immigrants from Europe. You can move the ship normally with the arrow keys. You can also send it to the port of your choice by pressing the '{G}' key. @TUTORIAL12 @width=220 @y=5 Our ship has arrived in %STRING0, Your Excellency, and is waiting for cargo! The blue boxes across the bottom of the screen list the cargo available in our warehouse. To load cargo onto the ship, use the mouse to drag it from the warehouse into one of the ship's cargo holds (the small boxes underneath the ship's picture). Once the ship is loaded, you can return to the main map (press '{ESC}'). Then, on the ship's next turn, you can send it to Europe by pressing '{G}'. @TUTORIAL13 @width=220 Our {pioneers} have arrived in the New World, Excellency! They are ready to look for a good place to build our first colony. Try to look for a spot where there will be plenty of food and other resources available. Also, our first colony should be built near the ocean so that our ships can reach it. Our pioneers are currently equipped with {100 Tools}, which they can use to clear forests, plow fields, and build roads. If we want to make more pioneer units later, we will need either to bring more Tools from Europe or to have our blacksmiths manufacture them. @TUTORIAL14 @width=220 Our {soldiers} have two uses. They can be used to attack our enemies, if we run across any. More importantly, they can be used to protect our own colonies from harm. Our soldiers are equipped with {50 Muskets}. If we want to make more soldier units later on, we will need either to bring more Muskets from Europe or to have our gunsmiths manufacture them. Our soldiers will also become more powerful if we equip them with {Horses}. @TUTORIAL15 @width=220 New colonists have arrived in {%STRING0}, Your Excellency! You can make them citizens of {%STRING0} by clicking on the colony, and then dragging the colonists from the "fence" to a field or building. @TUTORIAL16 @width=220 @y=10 @x=5 @smallfont It is important for every colony to grow enough {food} to feed its colonists. Each colonist eats {two} units of food per turn. Food is represented by the "corn" icon; if you are not growing enough food each turn to feed all of your colonists, some of the corn in the colonist window will be covered with red "X"'es. To grow more food, turn more of your colonists into {farmers} or {fishermen}. You can make individual farmers more productive by having your pioneers {clear} forests and {plow} fields. @TUTORIAL17 @width=300 @y=10 @smallfont The European Status Screen shows your home port in %STRING0, %STRING1. As new immigrants arrive, they will line up on the docks to await transport to the New World. You can recruit new immigrants by pressing the {Recruit} or {Train} buttons. When ships arrive in the harbor, their cargo can be sold by dragging it from the cargo holds to the blue warehouses at the bottom of the screen. Cargo can also be purchased by dragging it from the warehouse to a ship's holds. In the warehouse boxes, the first number indicates the {bidding} price which the port will pay for that type of cargo. The second indicates the {asking} price should you wish to buy that cargo. To send a ship back to the New World, click on it or drag it into the "Bound for %STRING2" box. @TUTORIAL18 @width=300 @y=10 @smallfont Cargo is normally purchased in units of 100; when you drag a cargo from the warehouse to your ship, you are assumed to be loading 100 units. Since {%STRING0} costs {%NUMBER0$} per unit and we only have {%NUMBER1$} gold, we cannot afford 100 units. If you want to load or unload less than 100 units of cargo onto a ship, simply hold down the {SHIFT} key while you drag the cargo with the mouse. You will then be prompted to enter the number of units you wish to buy. @TUTORIAL19 @width=190 {Converts} are natives who for one reason or another have decided to join you and live in your colonies. Unlike other types of colonist, converts cannot be educated in new skills. On the other hand, converts are better than ordinary colonists at farming, planting, fishing, and mining. @TUTNOLUMBER @width=220 None of the spaces surrounding this square are forested, Your Excellency. A colony built here will have a hard time getting enough lumber to supply its carpenters. Cancel action. Build colony anyway. @TUTNOSPACES @width=220 There are only a few productive squares adjacent to this square, Your Excellency. A colony built here may have a lower potential for growth than we hope. Perhaps we should move on to a larger area? Cancel action. Build colony anyway. @KINGLOSE @width=68 @x=232 @y=31 "In our wisdom, we have decided to let you go your own way. We have far more importatnt matters to deal with than you wretched colonists. Do not seek our aid in the future, for it will not be forthcoming." @KINGWIN @width=90 @x=202 @y=125 "As expected, your attempt to separate from mother %STRING0 has proven futile. Your Rag Tag armies are simply no match for our Royal forces." @DISBANDSHIP @width=190 We cannot disband a ship at sea while it is carrying units. @NOMOREWAREHOUSE @width=190 {%STRING0} is set to produce a {Warehouse Expansion}, Your Excellency, but only {one} expansion is allowed per colony. @NOMOREWAGONS @width=190 {%STRING0} is set to produce a {Wagon Train}, Your Excellency, but we are not allowed to have more wagon trains than we have colonies ({%NUMBER0}). @BUILD1 @width=310 @y=30 ^^In the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Four Hundred Ninety-Two, @BUILD2 @width=310 @y=30 ^^an Expedition led by the Great %STRING0, ^^%STRING1, @BUILD3 @width=310 @y=30 ^^left %STRING0 on a Voyage of Discovery. @BUILD4 @width=310 @y=30 ^^Commissioned and Blessed by the %STRING1 of %STRING0, @BUILD5 @width=310 @y=30 ^^to Explore the Ocean Sea, @BUILD6 @width=310 @y=30 ^^to find Uncharted Lands, @BUILD7 @width=310 @y=30 ^^and to Establish Colonies for the Greater Glory of %STRING0. @BUILD8 @width=310 @y=30 ^^A Ship loaded with Pioneers and Soldiers @BUILD9 @width=310 @y=30 ^^Set Sail to find a New Life, a New Beginning, . . . @BUILD10 @width=310 @y=30 ^^A New World! @END