INTERSTATE '76 TECHNICAL NOTES The following is last minute information that could not be included in the manual or technical help files. 1) If you are continually dropping out of multi-player games, try playing the game in Window mode. This will allow for error messages to appear, which may help you to determine the cause of a given problem. 2) On Matrox Millenium cards, you may experience the following problem when playing in the TRIP: In Full Screen mode in 320x240 or 480x360 mode with Salvage Management enabled, the screen may go to black after Mission 4 on the Salvage Management screen (which in this specific mission brings up a dialog box that informs you that no salvage is available because the mission is a dream.) Place the cursor over the spot where the OK button would normally appear on the dialog box and click your mouse. This will advance you to the next mission. 3) In multi-player missions, occasionally you will die and your car will blow up as normal, but the mission does not end and/or you do not respawn. In this situation, hit Ctrl+Alt+X to blow yourself up again. This will allow the game to move forward.