The EAX® ADVANCED HD™ Experience Thunder rolls overhead as your eyes scan the jungle canopy, rain hammers out of the night sky, obscuring your vision. With eyesight hampered, your remaining senses go into overdrive. You hear gunshots in the night but from where? You can’t see them...but they are noisy and the sounds of their movements echo and reverberate around the encampment you are infiltrating and give away the enemy’s position; they’re coming directly towards you along the dirt track you can just make out through the gloom. Like a startled gazelle you dart between the nearest trees and are instantly cloaked in shadow and safety. You hear a muffled cough and an echo across to your right: it could be your target. If you want to see the dawn, you’d better be careful. Cautiously you approach listening for any signs of danger around you... Gaming this immersive is available only with EAX ADVANCED HD technology on Sound Blaster® audio solutions. Providing the ultimate in sound positioning, realistic acoustics and exacting audio that today’s gamers demand, it’s the difference between playing a game and living it.