ALICE DEWEY (Producer) has been a key player on Disney's Feature Animation production team since 1990. Her other distinguished Disney animation credits include a role as associate producer of "The Lion King" (the Studio's most successful animated release of all-time) and as production manager on the 1992 comedy blockbuster, "Aladdin." She began her association with Disney as assistant production manager on the animated featurette, "The Prince and the Pauper," which teamed her with the Studio's legendary star, Mickey Mouse. In 1980, Dewey began a seven season association as stage manager with Dallas Summer Musicals, where she supervised dozens of classic musicals. Between 1981-90, she also served as stage manager for numerous productions at such prestigious New York venues as the Manhattan Theater Club, the Ensemble Studio Theater and the WPA. During that time, she also spent two seasons at the Hartford Stage Company, where she was involved in managing productions of "Hamlet," "Hedda Gabler" and "A Doll's House," among others. Starting in 1982, she began stage managing touring productions of several Broadway productions including "Amadeus," "42nd Street," "Big River" and "Les Miserable A native of Milwaukee, Dewey studied theater and education at the University of Wisconsin and went on to receive an MFA in theatrical directing at the University of Texas. Her teaching credentials include undergraduate courses in drama at both alma maters, a two-year term teaching junior high school English and theater and a term at the Milwaukee Repertory Theater.