Tracking Feature Points in Videos

The Track page in the Main Window is used for marking subsequent frames based on points marked in an initial frame. Without this component users would have to mark feature points in every frame which would be time consuming and tedious.

When feature points stand out, Photo4D can automatically track them in videos. The following explains the basic steps for tracking marks:

  1. Mark feature points in a frame. Make sure to mark them accurately using the MagGlass since they will be used as reference to detect the feature points in other frames.

  2. Select the marks to be tracked, by either dragging the Shift-left mouse button over the marks or by using the menu command [Mark|Select all] to select all the marks in the image. All the selected points become highlighted in green.

  3. Set tracking mode and parameters:
  4. Start tracking: Using the control buttons, you can track the marks to the next or previous frame, or track continuously until the stop button is pressed.

Tracking feature points in videos is an iterative process. Users should work with one video at a time. Other Image windows and windows such as Camera Param window or Preview window, should be closed. This can significantly increase tracking speed since Photo4D does not need to spend time updating the other windows. It is best to start with just a few marks (between two and six) so that it is easier to monitor, detect and correct errors.

When subjects are well tagged and the feature points appear very distinctive in videos, Photo4D can track marks fairly well. Still manual editing is required to connect different sections of marks, or to merge marks in different videos.

When the feature points are not obvious in videos, tracking may not work in some frames at all. In this case, manual editing becomes the only choice.