Compute Page

The Compute page assists the computation of 3D information and checking computed results. It also helps to figure out the precise video synchronization parameters. This page is composed of three subpages which are described below.

Compute 3D

This subpage is forcomputing the x, y, z coordinates and the verifying computation results. This subpage contains the following elements:

Calibrate Fixed Camera

Calibrate Fixed Camera subpage is for computing the synchronization parameters and the camera parameters when only fixed cameras are used in a motion capture project. This subpage contains the following elements:

See Calibrating fixed Camera for more details.

Create Sync. Point

This subpage provides a generic video synchronization method for both dynamic and fixed camera. It may also be used as an alternative method for initial synchronization, especially for long videos, or when computing the synchronization parameters for dynamic (moving) cameras.

See Creating synchronization point for more details.